Who let horse face Green out of the stable again? Does any politician sans Trump get more attention than her?
She's getting way too much exposure. If more people ignored the b**** because she isn't doing her job as a legislator in the first place we would all be better off.
People used to say the same thing about donald trump. "if you just ignore him he will go away." Well, that didn't happen. mtg is front and center on virtually every republican press conference. She is closely connected with trump and with mccarthy. You can pretend her away all you want... but she is one of the faces of the republican party. As such, its more important that people hear her.
She doesn't weld the same power; it's not a fair comparison. The media needs to point out how she isn't doing her job and instead choosing to grandstand. The voters of GA need to do their duty and vote her out...then again they may elect someone worst.
MTG is more of a right wing celebrity than an actual politician…I could see her getting a reality show one day wouldn’t be surprised if she and Jamaal Bowman were on some (language in video NSFW) acting crazy gets u attention and works well in front of the cameras
He wasn't and still isn't ignored. Every little insanely stupid thing he says is reported on. Free media CONSTANTLY. Seriously? Not even remotely close to the same coverage.
Does Target only sell Bud Lite to people wearing pride t-shirts? South Dakota Governor warns of America's impending doom, blames Target Kristi Noem, South Dakota's very stable genius governor, told Fox News that America is doomed unless everyone stops shopping at Target: It's dangerous. And Steve, I'll tell you I'm like a lot of Americans. Love to shop at Target. I mean, we do, but we just can't anymore. And while the rest of the country is worried about, you know, having fun and going out and shopping and enjoying a store, that store is fundamentally tearing down this country, and we have to have real conversations about how serious we are about protecting our freedom.
I guess Noem wasn't among the Cons Target's PAC donates to. tsk tsk ill-liberal Cancel Driven Libs eating their own. Maybe retail corporations will get fed up with polarizing politics and start cleaning **** up on the lobbyist end. Being a friend for a day, and an enemy the next is generally bad for business.
Now that Mark Meadows has spilled his guts to Special Counsel Jack Smith to save his own ass, these folks should be looking at "vacationing" in traitor haven Brazil.