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The state of the republican party

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by NewRoxFan, Feb 21, 2021.

  1. leroy

    leroy Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Not unbelievable in the slightest. It's actually quite believable and expected.

    And then those that support the gop who still can't afford to send their kids to private schools or just don't live anywhere near one will b*tch and moan about the state of their local public schools.
  2. Xopher

    Xopher Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 1, 2017
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    The Democrats will let them. Why wouldn't they? Until they start being sane the left is willing to sit back and let the GOP implode.

    ROCKSS Member

    May 9, 1999
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    AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — A Republican-led investigation on Wednesday accused Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton of committing multiple crimes in office — including felonies — during an extraordinary public airing of scandal and alleged lawbreaking that plunged one of the GOP's conservative stars into new political and legal risk.


    A republican committee finds this out so you know its bad when they rat on their own.........and of course Paxson calls them names. Raise your hand if you think they will do a dam thing about it.
    mdrowe00 likes this.
  4. Rashmon

    Rashmon Member

    Jun 2, 2000
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    tick tock...

    AG Ken Paxton likely committed impeachable crimes, Texas House investigators say
    A Texas House committee on Wednesday heard explosive new testimony from lawyers investigating Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, including that he appeared to provide a friend with confidential FBI documents and committed other potentially impeachable crimes in an effort to help him retaliate against adversaries and federal officials.

    Many of the details have been outlined in a whistleblower suit that accuses Paxton of firing four top aides as retaliation after they reported the alleged misconduct to federal authorities.

    BACKGROUND: Donor in Ken Paxton bribery case loses appeal as he seeks to avoid jail time for contempt of court

    But Wednesday’s testimony painted the fullest picture yet of the ways in which Paxton allegedly leveraged the resources of his office to help the friend and campaign donor, Nate Paul. It also created a new and immediate threat for Paxton, who has denied all wrongdoing, since the House General Investigating Committee could recommend that the chamber censure him or begin impeachment proceedings.

    “Would it be fair to say the OAG’s office was effectively hijacked for an investigation by Nate Paul through the attorney general?” asked Houston state Rep. Ann Johnson, D-Houston.

    “That would be my opinion,” said investigator Erin Epley, a former Harris County prosecutor.

    The investigators listed a number of possible laws that Paxton may have violated, including abuse of official capacity and misuse of official information, both of which are felony offenses. The FBI is reportedly investigating the allegations, though no charges have been filed.

    The revelations come as tensions are boiling over between Paxton and House Republican leaders in the final days of the legislative session. On Tuesday, the attorney general called for House Speaker Dade Phelan to resign after claiming he presided over the House while drunk, alluding to a video that appeared to show him slurring his speech. He also slammed Phelan for not passing enough conservative priorities.

    A spokeswoman for Phelan said Tuesday that Paxton’s statement was “a last-ditch effort to save face” in anticipation of Wednesday’s hearing. Phelan has publicly opposed a request from Paxton that the Legislature use taxpayer dollars to settle the whistleblower suit.

    Paxton has survived repeated scandals, including a federal securities fraud case that has stalled for nearly eight years. On Wednesday, he accused Phelan, a fellow Republican, of trying to "disenfranchise Texas voters and sabotage my work."

    [more at the link in headline]
  5. leroy

    leroy Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    That's a quote when the ship is going down the captain is refusing to accept reality. They must really have something if a gop-led committee is releasing this info. He's panicking and blaming other for his misgivings. I really really hope this is as significant as it sounds and they can finally remove him from office...better yet...stick his a55 in prison.
    mdrowe00, Amiga, VooDooPope and 3 others like this.
  6. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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  7. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Will the NRA support a candidate that can’t legally buy a gun?
    mdrowe00, Amiga, VooDooPope and 4 others like this.
  8. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    ROCKSS Member

    May 9, 1999
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    To see a racist biggot like MTG holding the gavel sends chills down my spine, get her a$$ out of that seat..........what a joke, Mccarthy`s deal with the devil.

    What has MTG done while in congress

    In search of what else Greene does with her days in Congress, I searched through Congress.gov to find out how much – and what – legislation she has sponsored since coming to Congress in early 2021. The answer? Sixteen total bill and resolutions. Here they are:

    1. A bill to award Kyle Rittenhouse a Congressional Gold Medal

    2. A bill to eliminate the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives

    3. A bill to give Congressional Gold Medals to police officers who served during various Black Lives Matters marches around the country in 2020.

    4. The No Funding for Terrorists Act

    5. The We Will Not Comply Act (The bill would ban any discrimination based on whether or not you’ve received the Covid-19 vaccine.)

    6. The Fire Fauci Act

    7. The Protect America First Act

    8. The Gun Owner Privacy Act

    9. The Second Amendment Preservation Act

    10. A bill that would impeach President Joe Biden for his role in the pullout of American troops from Afghanistan

    11. A bill that would impeach Biden

    12. A(nother) bill that would impeach Biden

    13. A bill to remove California Rep. Maxine Waters from the Financial Services Committee

    14. A bill that would expel Waters from Congress

    15. A bill honoring Michael D’Angelo Garigan

    16. A(nother) bill that would impeach Biden

    And that’s it.

    mdrowe00, astros123 and Andre0087 like this.
  10. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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  11. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    That Ken Paxton committed felonies is troubling but it’s more troubling that even with all the evidence out there he’s still won re-election.

    As much as we talk about the state of the Republican Party there is also the how week the Democrats are in states like TX.
    ElPigto, mdrowe00, Rashmon and 4 others like this.
  12. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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  13. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Typical libtard. Keeping a child busy cleaning pig carcasses is much less traumatizing than ancillary same sex characters in a movie kissing in the background.

    read a book.
    mdrowe00, VooDooPope, ROCKSS and 2 others like this.
  14. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Kandiss Taylor, a recently elected Republican district chair in Georgia, told the Jesus, Guns, and Babies podcast that Earth is flat.

    Said Taylor: “All the globes, everywhere. I turn on the TV, there’s globes in the background… Everywhere there’s globes. You see them all the time, it’s constant. My children will be like ‘Mama, globe, globe, globe, globe’ — they’re everywhere.”

    She added: “That’s what they do, to brainwash. For me if it’s not a conspiracy. If it is real, why are you pushing so hard everywhere I go? Every store, you buy a globe, there’s globes everywhere. Every movie, every TV show, news media — why? More and more I’m like, it doesn’t make sense.”


    Here's an explanation of the reasoning behind her beliefs:

    mdrowe00, Amiga and ROCKSS like this.
  15. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    She's funny.
    mdrowe00, Amiga, ROCKSS and 1 other person like this.
  16. Andre0087

    Andre0087 Member

    Jan 16, 2012
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    The Republican Primary Consensus for Sending the Military Into Mexico
    Presidential contender Tim Scott, who announced recently, says he will use "the world's greatest military to fight these terrorists" south of the border. He's not alone.

    When Sen. Tim Scott (R–S.C.), a comparatively affable chap in the context of contemporary GOP politics, announced his 2024 presidential bid on Monday, the speech was predictably full of the upbeat, anecdotal, ain't-America-grand stuff that Scott, like generations of Republicans before him, has made central to his political career.

    Then things suddenly turned dark.

    "When I am president, the drug cartels using Chinese labs and Mexican factories to kill Americans will cease to exist," Scott vowed. "I will freeze their assets, I will build the wall, and I will allow the world's greatest military to fight these terrorists. Because that's exactly what they are."

    Scott's bellicosity was no mere bolt from the blue. As Reason has been documenting for six years now, Republicans, even while otherwise souring on U.S interventionism abroad, have increasingly concluded that the alarming spike in domestic fentanyl overdoses would best be treated by sending the military into Mexico.

    Donald Trump first floated the idea, while he was president, of designating drug cartels as terrorist organizations—thereby allowing for extraterritorial prosecutions, enhanced investigative powers, and increased penalties for domestic drug-related crimes—in March 2019, but held off after the government of Mexico repeatedly objected on grounds of sovereignty while making uncooperative noises about transnational migration policy.

    But the appetite for corralling cartels into the otherwise-unpopular war on terror was only beginning to rumble in the conservative belly. Trump himself in the summer of 2020 twice asked then–Defense Secretary Mark Esper whether "we could just shoot some Patriot missiles and take out the labs, quietly," according to Esper's 2022 memoir. Notable MAGA politicians Sen. J.D. Vance (R–Ohio) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R–Ga.) have both suggested violent interdiction south of the border, as have a bevy of more traditional hawks. There are a handful of escalatory bills bouncing around Congress.

    Open presidential primary contests, filled with hot air as they may be, are nonetheless useful X-rays of a political party's ideological heart. Trump's polling bounce in July 2015, after launching his campaign with a barrage of startling insults about Mexican immigrants, bent the entire competition—including politicians with long immigration-friendly track records—toward Constitution-bending restrictionism. Some proposals that sounded implausibly fringe back then—Trump's ban on Muslims of certain nationalities from entering the country, most notoriously—were translated in modified form into federal policy.

    So, listed in order of their RealClearPolitics polling average for the past month, here are the top six 2024 GOP presidential candidates talking in their own words about using the U.S. military in Mexico to fight fentanyl-dealing drug cartels. Below that are some Reason arguments against merging the war on terror with the war on drugs.

    1) Donald Trump (56.3 percent)

    "When I am president, it will be the policy of the United States to take down the cartels, just as we took down ISIS and the ISIS caliphate," the former president said in January. "[I will] order the Department of Defense to make appropriate use of special forces, cyber warfare, and other overt and covert actions to inflict maximum damage on cartel leadership, infrastructure and operations."

    2) Ron DeSantis (19.4 percent)

    "Would you build the wall and would you use the military to go after Mexican drug cartels?" Florida's governor was asked at a press conference this month, replying, "Yes, and yes." He elaborated:

    The border should be shut down. I mean, this is ridiculous what's going on. You shut it down. You do need to construct a wall. …

    We also have to come to terms with all the amount of fentanyl that's coming into our country because of this border. And who's doing it, it's these Mexican drug cartels. They need to be held accountable. We can't just let our people die. …

    That's a Day One issue. I mean, you've got to be really, really determined. You can't let it slide, you can't make excuses, you gotta go in and you gotta really go in with all guns blazing and using all the leverage that you have to be able to do it.

    3) Mike Pence (5.6 percent)

    "The cartels are in operational control of our borders," the former vice president said at a campaign stop in March. "National security begins with border security. We need leadership that will secure the southern border of the United States of America as a priority. … You do not buy into the open-borders crowd. Not only do you have this humanitarian crisis coming across, [there's] the impact on our economy, families, and communities, the flow of illegal drugs. … We have to have leadership willing to use American strength."

    4) Nikki Haley (4.3 percent)

    "When it comes to the cartels," the former South Carolina governor said in March, "you tell the Mexican president, 'Either you do it or we do it.' But we are not going to let all of this lawlessness continue to happen. And we can do that by putting Special Ops in there, by doing cyber, by really being strategic—just like we dealt with ISIS, you do the same thing with the cartels."

    5) Vivek Ramaswamy (3.6 percent)

    "If the U.S. military has one job, it is to protect U.S. soil here in the United States, including the southern border," Ramaswamy said in a March interview. "And treating the cartels like terrorists doesn't just mean freezing their assets, which is what some believe. I think it means justified military force to decimate the cartels, Osama bin Laden–style, Soleimani-style. This is doable. And this is something that I actually expect to do as the next president of the United States in the first six months. And I think it's important to do it in…one cycle of aggressive shock and awe. And that solves the fentanyl supply-side problem."

    6) Tim Scott (1.8 percent)

    Asked by NBC News to clarify his use-the-military comments in his announcement speech, Scott said:

    What we should do is whatever it takes to secure our southern border and stop the Mexican cartels from bringing fentanyl across the border …

    We have the ability and the power to use sanctions to freeze the assets of the Mexican cartels today. There are 500 people that are involved in the three major cartels, net worth around $20 billion for a couple of them. Can we use the resources that are available today to stop fentanyl from coming across our border? Absolutely … Should we have more of a military presence on…our southern border? Obviously we should. …

    Should we provide the resources necessary on our border to protect our citizens? Absolutely. Should we say exactly what we're gonna do? Of course not.

  17. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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  18. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Leftists need to read this. She stands for family values and was there to protect her family.

    Thank the Christian god she never showed her son Buzz Lightgear
  19. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    @rocketsjudoka remember when you see those, "Feinstein should retire articles" they're republican propoganda so they can stop biden from transforming the courts.

    Judical branch is where the real power is.
    #7819 astros123, May 25, 2023
    Last edited: May 25, 2023
    mdrowe00 and FranchiseBlade like this.
  20. ROCKSS

    ROCKSS Member

    May 9, 1999
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    Get this clown out of office, old white guys think like this, but we like to have our judges represent EVERYONE in our communities and if I were to take a quick test and run down to HEB I bet I would see an influx of all colors and nationalities.......and if I saw 79 people I would bet 5 of them would be old white guys, and yep 2 would be gay (listen to him speak and you`ll get that )
    astros123, mdrowe00 and Reeko like this.

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