Our quaint medieval hamlet has turned into a gladiator school over the years. Civility has taken a backseat to rudeness, and confrontations are the norm. We have long been a reflection of society, and the routine insanity that is so prevalent out there has certainly taken root here...in spades. One could say it's a sign of the times...or, that we're also dealing with a rebuild. But, unfortunately there's more at play here. Numerous splintered factions with varying agendas make it almost impossible to navigate through the wasteland. More to the point though, for years now, there's been a group at the root of this chaos/negativity, which has been allowed to go unchecked...even encouraged...to the detriment of the board. We're reaping what's been sown, and it ain't cool. This place has always been one of my "homes" though thick and thin...for 27 yrs. Lately though, it's like fighting the power/city hall...Scary territory for a place that was once so innocent.
Losing does that to a fanbase that is used to a team that usually is at least relevant most of the time.
The key part is : "We have long been a reflection of society". The team is bad, the media is worse and the fanbase accordingly. No facts&figures, just cheap opinions and lazy comparisions. Tanking must be the most important reason. Sportsmanship gone as civility. We are all part of cheating organisation. What do you expect from a cheating org and what do you expect from its supporters? Bad club, rotten supporters.
this site is not ideal but its still one of the best on the interwebs...i wanna congratulate @Clutch on keeping it in great shape.... I may not agree with all his views on different topics and he may be ruling with iron fist but i still appreciate a lot hes founded this place and maintaining it for so long...he deserves A LOT OF CREDIT... HES A LEGEND
It has always had it's rough edges, but yeah, used to be more respectful - but sometimes that helps grow the fanbase. DD
Use the ignore feature and pick your conversations with posters that are more in the mold of what you're looking for when checking this board. And don't take it so seriously. A troll is only effective when you engage with them. Just like it takes at least two people to make a fight, it's also similarly true with trolls. If you don't respond or bother reading posts from people that still get baited by the same posters for years now that still haven't learned who is sincere and who isn't, you'll have a much better time navigating this forum. At some point you realize most people here are boomers with nothing better to do in the twilight of their years than swipe around on their smartphone and act like assholes for digital likes from other fellow boomers. And if that's the case are you really missing out by using the ignore feature on them?
Bring back the loaf of bread, used hair gel, and "in less than an hour im gonna have sex with an escort" days.
I think with the commercialization you could basically go tell the other guy you invested in here therefore you could pick what you wanna hear. The other is likely having none of that but it's the concept. It turned more consumer based and subscriber based experience for sure.
VERY WELL STATED! I have been a long time Rocket's fan and I have been seeing the same things. The board use to be a board of ROCKETS FANS but now so many have their on agendas and it's a detriment. I would love to see Clutch implement some restrictions!
When’s the last time we’ve gone through a full rebuild? This is all part of a team tearing it down and starting at the bottom. Not really sure what you expected from this