In every interview I've ever seen of this guy he has never missed a single opportunity to self-aggrandize or glorify himself. He is a narcissist to his core. I'm glad he was wrong.
Democrats ****ed up big time with the Hunter Biden censorship. They basically punted their future and got nothing done. 94% of streamers rejected Kamala Harris. I would assume that’s due to their belief in limiting free speech. Future of news and information will be heavily independent to conservative leaning. That’s ball game.
That's the ****ed up part about this country. A large portion of the country's voting population are more outraged about not being able to see Hunter's hog than a presidential candidate commiting blood libel of ethnic groups or claiming that migrant poison the blood of our country. Think about it man. You people are more pissed off about not being able to see Hunter's long John silver than a presidential candidate spitting hot Hitlerian bars.
The issue is that you don’t get it. There’s no point in speaking with you because you don’t research. Trump isn’t some racist dictator that you have been fed lies too. Censorship of free speech is much more dangerous than anything you could bring up. The media is toast because they are liars and are proven to be. I’m just laughing at the CNN’s and MSNBC crying about how half the country is racist or virtue signaling any chance they get with trans. It’s game over. Normal people took back their country. The loud woke left side is rotting.
I know. George Lincoln Rockwell was on this crusade to fight the evils of suppression of speech by the liberal establishment and academia in the 1950s and 60s. You'd like George Lincoln Rockwell. You should look him up.
This is true. For instance Trump supporters advocating to kick out students that made a chant they don't like is against free speech. Trump threatening to punish media and arrest opponents and use the military to go after citizens is a threat to free speech. Banning books even if you don't like the material they discuss is a threat to free speech. Trump, the GOP, and/or their supporters are in favor of all of those things.
I see that you are just a sheep of the media. Congrats for not having a thought of your own. Just lies.
when all of Obama's DACA "Dreamers" start voting is over for republicans. Mass deportations or uniparty.
Take that you lefty fascists. Don’t think that we the free people have forgotten what you did to us during Covid.
?? Not the media. Actual words from Trump. You can watch them yourself, unless YOU want to be the sheep.
Don’t forget the censorship during Covid. We will never forget how they fucccked our lives up and got away with it.