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Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by basso, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. basso

    basso Member
    Supporting Member

    May 20, 2002
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    several prominent media outlets that endorsed Obama in 2008 have this year plumped for Romney. these are either libertarian (New York Observer), or outright liberal (Nashville Tennessean.) some out takes below, but worth clicking through to read the whole thing(s). will update as more appear.

    first, the Orlando Sentinel:

    Economic growth, three years into the recovery, is anemic. Family incomes are down, poverty is up. Obama's Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, highlighted these and other hard truths in this week's second debate.

    Even the September jobless numbers deserve an asterisk, because more than 4 million Americans have given up looking for work since January 2009.

    And while the nation's economy is still sputtering nearly four years after Obama took office, the federal government is more than $5 trillion deeper in debt. It just racked up its fourth straight 13-figure shortfall.

    We have little confidence that Obama would be more successful managing the economy and the budget in the next four years. For that reason, though we endorsed him in 2008, we are recommending Romney in this race.

    Obama's defenders would argue that he inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression, and would have made more progress if not for obstruction from Republicans in Congress. But Democrats held strong majorities in the House and Senate during his first two years.

    Other presidents have succeeded even with the other party controlling Capitol Hill. Democrat Bill Clinton presided over an economic boom and balanced the budget working with Republicans. Leaders find a way.

    With Obama in charge, the federal government came perilously close to a default last year. Now it's lurching toward another crisis with the impending arrival of massive tax hikes and spending cuts on Jan. 1.

    The next president is likely to be dealing with a Congress where at least one, if not both, chambers are controlled by Republicans. It verges on magical thinking to expect Obama to get different results in the next four years.

    and the Tennessean, which has not endorsed a republican since 1972:

    The economy
    The term “elephant in the room” could have been coined for this moment. Because as important as foreign policy, social issues, immigration and the environment continue to be, this election hinges on Americans’ fear of a European-style economic collapse. No other issue will matter more, and to more voters, on Election Day.

    The next president must be the one with the best chance to get the crushing, $16 trillion national debt under control, coupled with the more immediate need of enabling a vibrant job market.

    It is because the economy is paramount that The Tennessean endorses Gov. Mitt Romney for president.

    President Obama and Gov. Romney have different jobs plans. Yet, neither can actually create jobs, despite what they say in speeches and debates. Mr. Romney has the business experience that gives him better understanding of the needs of real job creators.

    President Obama’s steps to get spending under control and reduce the debt are too tentative, and again hark back to his inability to possess the leadership to break the partisan gridlock in Congress.

    That said, there is real fear that a Romney administration, including his more conservative running mate, Paul Ryan, would go too far with austerity measures that could rip the social safety net. For that reason, the hope is that Romney, as president, would be a moderate influence, bringing both parties together on a debt-reduction plan that is firm but fair.

    President Obama’s election and his presidency have been historic. He is a black man who was elected by a solid majority to lead a nation with a history of racism. He ended a war begun on false pretenses that took thousands of American lives. He made it possible for gays to serve openly and honorably in the military. He eliminated the man responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Americans on Sept. 11, 2001.

    However, for all his efforts, ranging from the stimulus package to green-energy development, to bring us out of recession, he has never found the key. He has generally made poor choices of the people needed to get the job done, such as Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. And the number of jobs created during his term simply has not kept up with demand.

    Should President Obama, as some suggested, have devoted his early political capital to jobs and debt reduction and pursuing Wall Street criminals, instead of health reform? Time will tell. But it’s clear whatever shaky bridges were burned in the push for health reform only emboldened Republicans to oppose his subsequent economic proposals. That has rendered much of his presidency ineffective.

    Barack Obama was elected in 2008 with a call for hope and change. Perhaps the change he spoke of could only come with the help of Mitt Romney.

    Gov. Romney: This endorsement was not an easy decision. You owe the American people more details about how you will keep taxes low, preserve social programs and build up the military, all while reducing the debt. You must be your own man, and not kowtow to special interests whose millions helped propel you to the Republican nomination.

    Be the man who governed Massachusetts, and you’ll reunite America.​

    more in the following post...
  2. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    This will matter to the handful of people who still read newspapers.
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  3. basso

    basso Member
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    May 20, 2002
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    NY Observer:

    The crisis of leadership in American government is easily explained: thanks to a flawed presidential primary system that rewards strident rhetoric and hyper-partisanship, candidates tailor their messages to fringe elements in small, unrepresentative states. The result? A nasty, shallow and expensive process that rewards sound bites rather than solutions and gamesmanship instead of ideas. This year, however, we have witnessed a rare phenomenon in American politics. A candidate has emerged from the rough and tumble of the primaries with his dignity intact. The system has produced not a demagogue but a manager, a candidate whose experience is rooted in the pragmatism of the business world rather than the ideology of partisan politics.

    That candidate is Mitt Romney.

    Gov. Romney won the Republican Party’s nomination precisely because he is not an ideologue—and that is no small achievement. He persuaded enough Republican primary voters that the time has come to put aside dogma and inflexibility in favor of real-world solutions to the array of problems America faces at home and abroad.

    Over the last few weeks, Mr. Romney has shown that he is a moderate to his core—he is a manager, and a listener, who believes he can restore the balance between the private and public sectors that has been a hallmark of the American economy.

    The Observer endorses Mr. Romney’s candidacy and urges readers to support him.

    While we admire Mr. Obama, we believe he squandered an opportunity to bring positive change to Washington—and what change he did bring will burden future generations. We continue to rack up debt, buy services we cannot afford and allow unfunded liabilities to continue to grow. This has to end.

    Rather than reimagining government’s role in society and the economy by embracing the courageous alternatives proposed by the Simpson-Bowles commission two years ago, Mr. Obama turned to neo-New Deal policies. Rather than building creative partnerships with the private sector, the president chose to demonize the successful. Rather than strengthen the nation’s relationship with Israel as the Arab world imploded, Mr. Obama treated Jerusalem as less a friend than a burden.

    Mr. Romney, on the other hand, promises to bring a new and refreshing attitude to Washington, one that speaks to his experience as both a successful business leader and the governor of a state not known for its affection for Republicans.

    The United States simply cannot afford another four years of weak leadership. The genius of American capitalism and the moral authority of American foreign policy must be restored.

    Mitt Romney has a plan to do both. He has the credentials to restore the economy and to defend American values in a hostile world. He has the skills to help create jobs and a brighter future for our country.

    This election is a true turning point for the next generation. Mitt Romney is the change the nation needs. And he is the change New York needs.
  4. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    'nuff said

    The Orlando paper got it right.
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  5. Baqui99

    Baqui99 Member

    Jul 11, 2000
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    Who cares? Newspaper endorsements are about as relevant as celebrity endorsements
  6. Northside Storm

    Dec 24, 2007
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    yay, switcher thread
  7. Rocketball

    Rocketball Member
    Supporting Member

    Apr 21, 1999
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    What's a newspaper?????? Time to Google it..........
  8. Codman

    Codman Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    Bass and Texxx....voting day is coming. Prepare to lose--again.
  9. Rocketball

    Rocketball Member
    Supporting Member

    Apr 21, 1999
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    Not true.........once Justin Bieber backs a candidate, that's when I'll decide who to vote for........
  10. Rocketball

    Rocketball Member
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    Apr 21, 1999
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    I wonder how crow tastes..............Codman, let me know on November 7th....
  11. basso

    basso Member
    Supporting Member

    May 20, 2002
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  12. bigtexxx

    bigtexxx Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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  13. Northside Storm

    Dec 24, 2007
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  14. Northside Storm

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Basso, your job is hella easy. copy&pasting is a breeze.
  15. basso

    basso Member
    Supporting Member

    May 20, 2002
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  16. Johndoe804

    Johndoe804 Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Doesn't matter who wins. We're all going to lose. You're just one of the suckers whose been brainwashed into thinking that getting a Democrat in office is a win.
  17. tallanvor

    tallanvor Member

    Oct 9, 2007
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    They won last time. Oh wait I forgot you Democrats pushed 2010 out of your brain.
  18. Kam

    Kam Member

    Jan 16, 2002
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  19. basso

    basso Member
    Supporting Member

    May 20, 2002
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  20. thadeus

    thadeus Member

    Sep 14, 2003
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