I was hoping the baby xenomorph would wave at David like Baby Groot. Anyways, I hope the 3rd prequel has more than just a couple of aliens. Aliens is arguably my favorite movie ever, and none of these other installments have come close to the awesomeness of that movie.
I saw it this morning. It was decent. I don't know exactly what I was hoping for but, for what it was trying to do, it did it well imo. There were some disappointments. I just found these people walking around a new planet without any protective full body gear from head to toe seems highly unrealistic given they don't know what is in the air other than it is breathable. All I can say is they sure like to take chances. The ending was totally obvious what would happen like I think has been said. I also had a hard time believing how split up they were at every turn. Whatever happened to sticking together especially when under alien threat? I don't think the next one they were setting up is going to be anything but decent either. The greatness of the series appears to be over. Check your expectations and you will be fine enjoying it for what it is. Spoiler I didn't quite get how David infected the guy with the acid burn on his face. I assume he did something to him while he was bandaging his face...like put some black goo on the patch he applied. But, how that turned into an alien exploding from his body when that seems to require a face hugger? I guess we explain that with David explaining there were multiple variations and this was just another one (infection -> result) we hadn't seen. It also seemed the infections worked very fast to achieve their end result...also probably explained by David experimenting and improving his work.
Yea it's kind of mind boggling how careless some of the stuff they did here along with Prometheus. It's like Ridley listens but doesn't care at the same time, very old school probably. The recipes need to be changed, but it's also hard to make a great story while also trying to get a thrill and horror out of a movie at the same time. In order for him to scare you and make you on the edge of your seat, he needs stupid characters to do stupid things for action unfortunately.
watched it the other day. More confused. what kind of animals did they have in the engineer planet? with so much technology they lived like commoners. Did they just forget about destroying earth since they were simultaneously living among us.
There is a lot of speculation that there are at least two different factions of the Engineers. One faction were commoners like you said who lived simple lives while farming, etc. . The other Engineers we got to know in Prometheus on the ship are the military faction that are the destroyers. There appeared to be physical, genetic differences between the two...which is again also speculation. Spoiler What animals were on the Engineer planet was unclear? But, some of that was represented in David's lab. We obviously saw an example insect as small as the size of a mosquito. We also appeared to see experiments run on Engineers. David had to have living samples to experiment on...so I don't think the main attack he conducted wiped everything out initially. And, he obviously did something to Shaw to where he used her to be like the mother of his experiments. I think he probably considers her the mother as he likely used her reproductive organs and eggs in the experiments to develop the alien eggs. There is also speculation that these factions of Engineers may have had a civil war of sorts. There's a lot left to be answered but it appears Ridley is going to be churning out more films to explain it all. Why did all the Engineer commoners gather in the circle when the ship appeared? It seemed like they were initially welcoming back their own from some mission or something. They didn't seem like they were expecting any trouble or they wouldn't have come out like that. So, that may trump the civil war theory. You have to give Ridley credit. There's a lot of old and new questions on how this eventually gets to the point of the original Alien film where there is an alien ship on a planet that is full of eggs with I believe it was a warning message transmitting to stay away (not an SOS). I'm left wondering if he is just making this all up as he goes along best he can or he actually has this thought out to the end. I suspect a little of both.
Rumor is 4 more movies are said to be in the works? I'm down, but please just start with a crew of 5 instead because we know the rest is getting killed
I still dont know it this was a prequel or a sequel. Makes more sense as a sequel. I need to watch prometheus again.
One part that I liked. It is like Diane Fossey looking at a Mountain Gorilla. Or Goodall at Chimps. The awe and fondness of the creature it was striking.
So many people have been slamming this movie because the basic premis of the move requires the people in it to be far stupider and ignorant than their backgrounds Scientist would are incredibly ignorant of simple basic scientific methods, observations or anything Rocket River
If they were wise, they would have never signed on the mission with Weyland Yutani, everything that is connected to the company. Folks like watching dumber ppl. That is a fact. Could reflect on their own poor choices.
I can't believe they did this again -- at least tease out there the crew have nano bots running through their bloodstream to provide protection... something... anything. One of the most wildly criticized scenes in Prometheus is when the idiot pops his helmet takes a deep breath and reports to everyone to follow his lead. I'm afraid to ask if there is a 'baby talk the aggressive snake creature' scene shoehorned in there for continuity.
I'm a fan and I felt so disappointed in watching this movie...I'm surprised I actually felt like I wasted my evening on going to watch this. I loved the originals and even loved Prometheus. This seemed like a cheap follow up that had no impact.I left Prometheus caring for whats next.. And felt nothing but empty gas fumes in this one. In Prometheus you had strong characters that you remembered in Fassebender, Noomi, Idris, Charlizeu, Logan etc. Covenant characters were pretty weak, forgettable. Fassbender is always above the rest trying to supporting the whole thing on his back. Initially landing on the planet and first alien interaction was cool, the rest was straight up boring, mostly dark caves that didn't require much work or imagination. What to speak of a whole Alien City, that even an apocalyptic look should have captivated. The CGI looks fake, taking a toll on feeling any reality for these creatures, just a cheaper version of a star wars alien now with a lot of gore thats supposed to scare you. They are selling this franchise out, not the right path, such a golden opportunity to build on impactful creative movie series is becoming a lost opportunity. I hope someone grabs hold of the reins
I loved Prometheus, despite it's flaws. I did not like Covenant; in fact I think I'm pretty annoyed by it. It hardly brought anything fresh to the franchise and recycled many elements from previous films. I did enjoy the Walter and David dynamic, and David is one of the better, if not the best, part of these prequels, but I question the need to make him the centerpiece in this universe. And it feels like the biggest flaws of Prometheus were amplified ten-fold here; a forgettable crew with hardly any backstory (and Covenant didn't have an Idris Elba, Charlize Theron, Noomi Rapace), stupid decision making (Prometheus had a couple of dumb moments but Covenant was littered with them), lazy plot devices. Most, if not all the character deaths annoyed me, and while gory, didn't seem to get the attention they deserved, as if the pacing was just too fast and abrupt in those moments. Plus they wasted a beautiful and epic-looking alien world in favor of close quarters and dark, muted tones (we've seen that before) I applaud that Prometheus, despite some hiccups, tried to ask some big questions, tried to show us a whole other universe connected to what we know of the Alien franchise. Covenant squashed all that I felt. And I wished they would have just included the prologues within the film. It would have served the story better. Just sucks that we wont' get Bloomkamp's Alien vision, because Covenant has made me weary of whatever Scott will do next, if anything.
This was great imo. Loved it! Some plot-holes but deff had a great time. 8.5/10. People need to stop clinging to the deep space slasher style and love it for what itis
I was pretty pissed about what they did to my girl Shaw....especially what David did to her body... But I think the movie held it's own. Ridley really needs to get his ass on the explaining wagon. I think people might be pissed because 5 yrs and they still don't know much.
http://movieweb.com/alien-awakening-covenant-sequel-engineers-return/ Engineers Will Return in Next Alien Movie If It Even Happens RYAN SCOTT 06.21.2017 Alien: Covenant came and went like a flash in the pan. Heading into 2017, it was one of the most buzzed about sequels being released, but that buzz fizzled pretty quickly and it didn't translate to box office success. That hasn't stopped Ridley Scott from having some very big plans for the Alien franchise, which includes at least one prequel to the original Alien that will take place after the events of Alien: Covenant. Now, thanks to a newly surfaced interview clip, some story details for Alien: Awakening, the proposed Alien: Covenant sequel, have surfaced.
Pfft 6/10 Ending was predictable. Half the movie felt like Prometheus all over again without anything to provoke a thought, and while I like astronauts without helmets visually, it's dumb as shiot technically. A thin vinear of realism. The motives of the android still don't make sense to me. The motives of mother make no sense to me. The motives of the pilot flawed. The planet doesn't show up, what. Enough with the androids and AI already, I don't think we care. We want to know who the engineers are. Even crudups character felt unrealistically flawed to me. So generally, the motives were all flawed human and ai. They all deserved to die. Needed more.
why are supposedly "advanced" aliens with advanced technologies always so moronically stupid in sci-fi movies.