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Rockets among teams interested in Chris Kaman

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by nadman89, Jan 27, 2012.

  1. Pete the Cheat

    Jun 30, 2006
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    I have seen some references to a tweet, but nothing with a $ number against it.

    here's another site that shows the full value in 2015

    gotta love conflicting info on the net...
  2. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    I'd argue that Scola is as legitimate a post option as Al. Again, Al is shooting 47% from the field. Not horrible, but when you factor in that like all big men, he's getting his share of dunks, layups and putbacks, than how legitimate can his true post game be? This isn't an anomaly either. He consistently shoots under 50%. Luis is having a down year, but is still scoring more effectively than Al. Factor in that by the eye test, Luis probably gets fewer put back dunks, layups, etc., I'd argue that Luis' post-up game is probably way better than Al's. It certainly SEEMS like it is.

    What Al gets you is a better rebounder at the 4. He's not a good defender though. I admit to at one point not realizing this and wanting him, but his defense seems to have been universally panned. He gets block shots and steals by going for block shots and steals, at the expense of solid team defense.

    Bad Defense 1
    Bad Defense 2

    I just don't see him helping. His game strikes me as a better version of Dalembert, but mentally thinking he's a much better version of Dalembert. Meaning a Dalembert type game, but not being efficient offensively and gambling too much defensively while actually not being the best one on one defender. Which, ironically, makes him a worse version of Dalembert.

    EDIT: http://www.82games.com/1112/1112UTA.HTM Jazz are better when he's off the court.
    Same for 2010-2011: http://www.82games.com/1011/1011UTA.HTM

    Alternatively, the Rockets appear to be a better team when Scola is on the court. http://www.82games.com/1112/1112HOU.HTM

    If I'm trading for a Jazz frontcourt player, I'm really hoping its Millsap. Dude has been great this year. He's a much better player than Jefferson at half the cost.
    #282 JayZ750, Jan 30, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2012
  3. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    yeah, I don't know where this talk of Scola not being a good post presence came from. Scola has some of the best post moves I've ever seen. I do wish he would bang more inside and he does seem to be in love with his 13 footer, but offensively, you are not likely to find anyone near as skilled as Scola.

    If you want to bash Scola, bash him for his lackluster defense (although not for lack of trying) or his declining rebounding (for me, this is the big disappointment).

    Scola is a great player to have on a team with a dominant defensive 5. Deke in his prime next to Scola would have been a great combo. But even with a good defensive center like Dalembert, Scola's defensive liabilities are too big, and he's not giving us the rebounds he used to. Still, he's one of the best offensvie PF in the league and he has a lot of value on the right team. New Jersey (next to Lopez), the Bucks (next to Bogut), Suns (next to Gortat), Bulls (next to Noah), Denver (next to Nene), etc....
    #283 Aruba77, Jan 30, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2012
  4. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    1 person likes this.
  5. Pete the Cheat

    Jun 30, 2006
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    "Final year is fully guaranteed, but will become guaranteed if performance milestones are met."

    so, my next questions becomes...what are the performance milestones required to make the final year guaranteed?
  6. Pete the Cheat

    Jun 30, 2006
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  7. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    He will also be an expiring contract which raises his value around the league.

    If we were going to make a trade for Al it would most likely involve Martin and Dragic going to the Jazz and Scola and Harris going to a third team. The Kings could be a likely candidate. They don't have a true pg on that team (Evans is not a pg. He's a SG/SF) and their post players are very ineffective on offense. They need to start over badly.
  8. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    So, to be clear, for a player who is an inefficient scorer and an average defender at best, set to make $15 million next season, you suggest trading Scola, Martin and Dragic?

    IMO, a straight up trade of Scola for Jefferson makes our team worse. Scola is the better offensive player and is a great chemistry fit and locker room leader. He gets paid less. He has a longer contract, but can be amnestied if and when necessary.
    1 person likes this.
  9. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    His contract is expiring next season as well. And of course trading out those guys warrants more than just Al. We would need something in return from the third team in the trade for Scola.

    And for the record, I don't want Al. I was just posting that if we were going to trade for him, we would a need to do 3 team trade.
  10. cod

    cod Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    I wouldn't give up Hill. Offer the other 09 guys only. I have a feeling Bogut is going to shake loose. With Dalembert and Kaman the Rockets have the assets to take on his contact and Capt. Jack's.

    We saw the difference between a real defensive presence at C when Bogut played those minutes. He could be like Kmart concerning his injuries, ie just bad luck. Kmart hasn't been injury prone since he left the Kings.
  11. xtruroyaltyx

    xtruroyaltyx Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    I wouldn't trade Hill either. He has some skills. Inconsistent, yes, but he has good length, he's a good rebounder, can block shots and can finish around the rim.

    Plus it looks like McHale might actually be getting to him.
  12. Commodore

    Commodore Member

    Dec 15, 2007
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    average 10 minutes of beast mode per game
  13. thetatomatis

    thetatomatis Member

    May 25, 2010
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    I am not willing to sell low on Scola. This off year he is supposedly having? Comes with his lowest minutes due to the lockout shortened season and compressed schedule. On top of that he is averaging 15 points a game in 2 fewer minutes than he played last year.
  14. emjohn

    emjohn Member

    Jul 29, 2002
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    That's becoming quite a myth. Large expiring deals don't have a fraction of the appeal they did a few years ago.

    See Kaman, no one wanted him the last two years, no one wants him now.
  15. pbthunder

    pbthunder Member

    May 17, 2002
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    I wouldn't say that Scola has a bad contract, but they seem to want to clear cap space for FAs next season, and Scola doesn't seem to fit with the team, long-term. Sure, they could trade Scola for a pretty decent player, but that player probably isn't going to help them clear space next year.
  16. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    What desperate free agent would sign with NO though...
  17. thetatomatis

    thetatomatis Member

    May 25, 2010
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    Exactly. They have zero leverage. The guy is in full decline and they dont need the extra cash. There is no value. What could they get? Probably the lint out of Moreys pocket for Kaman. If anyone gets something for him it will be overdoing it unless that team needs a center. Which the Rockets also do not need.

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