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Road Runner help (Time Warner sucks)

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by JPM0016, May 29, 2005.

  1. JPM0016

    JPM0016 Member

    May 23, 2003
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    Last wednesday we switched from AOL DSL to Road Runner. AOL was no longer offering DSL in the area so we had to choose a new provider. For the same price we would get Roadrunner ($44.95 per month) and keep our AOL account active ($14.95 per month). I have two other family members with this same package and it seemed to work fine for them.

    Wednesday morning the technician set everything up but couldn't get my Internet Explorer to work. He walked out the door but told me his supervisor would come by and take a look at it. Five hours later and a supervisor short i called Time Warner and explained everything to them. I told them i was unable to access my Internet Explorer but could connect to the internet via AOL using the cable modem. They told me my service was under AOL not them, which was complete garbage. Considering this is my 3rd case with this type of plan i knew what we were due to receive.

    Here we are Sunday Night and i've gotten nowhere with them. I talked with a level 3 tech who told me that i can't get onto Internet Explorer because some type of firewall is blocking me. Well, i only have one firewall that i know of and that came with the Windows Service Pack 2 and its turned completely off (No exceptions). When i log onto AOL using this cable modem it is extremely slow. Sometimes the page will load up slowly, or not at all. It's been very frustrating and i'm on the verge of cancelling Road Runner and going with SBC DSL if i can't get this resolved. This whole ordeal has reminded me why we left Time Warner 6 years ago for satellite.

    Can anyone please help me. I currently have an HP Pavilion 7965. It's running Windows XP and has the 2nd service pack installed. I'm out of ideas, so i'm hoping one of you guys can help me out.
  2. aeroman10

    aeroman10 Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Open up Internet Explorer, go to Tools > Internet Options
    Click on the Connections Tab > LAN Settings > make sure that everything is unchecked there.
    Click on the Privacy tab > set it to medium
    Click on the Security tab > set it to medium
    Click on the Advanced tab > restore defaults
    Click on the General tab > Delete temporary internet files and cookies..

    Restart IE then try going to any website such yahoo.com
  3. JPM0016

    JPM0016 Member

    May 23, 2003
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    Did it and it didn't work. I had a level 1 tech tell me to do that yesterday. All the minor moves such as those listed above i've tried. I'm just stumped.
  4. Jeff

    Jeff Clutch Crew

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Man, I've had ZERO problems with Roadrunner and it is 3 times the speed my DSL was. That sucks you are having trouble.
  5. chow_yun_fat

    chow_yun_fat Member

    May 19, 2002
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    Did AOL require you to install any software to enable the cable modem service? I know that with RR, all you have to do is just plug in the cable modem, reboot and everything works fine.
  6. JPM0016

    JPM0016 Member

    May 23, 2003
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    My two relatives had no trouble with it either which makes it that much more frustrating. Since my modem technically works with AOL they won't send anyone out to my house to look at it. It still pisses me off that the technician just left it like he did.

    Do you have any ideas of what i might be able to try Jeff?
  7. aeroman10

    aeroman10 Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Is your computer obtaining a valid IP and DNS?
    Are you able to ping (or have you tried to)?
    Are you able to browse with alternate browsers such as Firefox?
    Try browsing by IP. In IE try to go to

    Try to reset TCP/IP. To do that go to Start > Run > cmd > type in the following command and hit enter --> netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt > type exit and hit enter > reboot the pc

    Try repairing IE by running sfc /scannow from the command prompt or the Run..window. You will need your OS cd.
  8. JPM0016

    JPM0016 Member

    May 23, 2003
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    No, they hooked up the cable modem, installed the toshiba usb software, rebooted the computer then tried to log onto Internet Explorer. It didn't work. I didn't install any AOL Software at all.
  9. JPM0016

    JPM0016 Member

    May 23, 2003
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    Tried all but the last option and they didn't work. I haven't been able to ping anything at all. Tried to reset the TCP/IP but it didn't change anything.

    I can't do the last option because HP didn't include an OS cd with my computer. They'd rather have me order one from them and at this point i don't have the time nor patience to do so.

    If i was to take it somewhere and have them do a full reformat/reinstall do you think that could possibly fix it?
  10. lost_elephant

    lost_elephant Member

    Mar 7, 2003
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  11. DanHiggsBeard

    DanHiggsBeard Member

    Jul 28, 2003
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  12. JPM0016

    JPM0016 Member

    May 23, 2003
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    Yep, still doesn't work
  13. Rockets2K

    Rockets2K Clutch Crew

    Mar 22, 2000
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    me too....Ive had it for over 2 years now...and I have had ZERO problems.

    The problem you are having is a mixture of AOL, IE and XP Sp2...

    it isnt TW's fault....now...is it their fault they cant figger out what your problem is?


    maybe they should hire me...I wouldnt have left without fixing it the first time...but thats just me...
  14. jcantu

    jcantu Member

    Jul 3, 2002
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    Do you live in an apartment or a house? I used to have all sorts of problems like this when I lived in an apt. (I switched to DSL), they always claimed the apt. would mess with the cable box.
  15. JPM0016

    JPM0016 Member

    May 23, 2003
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  16. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    First and foremost... if you can't ping your connection, your problem starts and ends right there.

    If you're still somehow able to connect thru AOL, try to find out what your TCP/IP settings are. You have to have something if you eventually do connect.

    Also, it sounds like the settings in AOL could be overriding something (although I've never heard of that happening before). If you have a spare AOL installation disc hanging around (if not, just check the nearest 20 mailboxes.. you should find one), try uninstalling it, reset all internet settings, unplug and reset the cable modem and computer, etc.

    Finally, it sounds like you're connecting your cable modem to your computer via USB cable. If you are, try connecting it straight up using your LAN card, and LAN cable. Sometimes, USB settings can conflict, and the best way to know your connection is working and active is the lights on your cable modem, and pinging your TCP/IP.
  17. Pole

    Pole Houston Rockets--Tilman Fertitta's latest mess.

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Nobody who has ever had an instance of AOL on their computer has the right to b**** about any other service or program.

    Roadrunner rocks.
  18. JPM0016

    JPM0016 Member

    May 23, 2003
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    How would i find out what my TCP/IP settings are?

    I disconnected the USB cable and am now running it through an Ethernet cable.

    I was thinking about unistalling AOL, just got to find a cd, not sure if i have one on hand.

    I've been wanting to reformat my computer for sometime; and am thinking about doing it sometime in the next week or so. If i were to do that, putting my computer back in its original form, do you think there is a better chance that the cable modem would work?
  19. JPM0016

    JPM0016 Member

    May 23, 2003
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    Never had one problem with AOL DSL. Had it for 2 or 3 years. As i stated earlier, it doesn't help that Time Warner walked straight out my front door with it not working in the first place.
  20. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    I wouldn't reformat anything just yet... this problem doesn't seem too major (but to answer your question, yes it probably would fix some problems).

    First, to check your network connections, go to control panel and double-click on "network connections". If your ethernet card is in working order, and your cable modem is plugged into it, you should see an icon that sais "Local Area Connection", and it should be enabled. Double click on that.

    A window should open up that has all your connection status (how long you've been connected, etc.)... click on the tab that says "support" and that should give you all your TCP/IP info.

    Write down your IP address, and then click on the start button, and then click on "run", and type "command". Anywhere in the following prompt, type "ping <your ip address in the exact form you saw it in... with the numbers separated by decimals>." For example, if my ip address was, i'd type "ping" (without quotation marks, of course)

    If you're successfuly connected, there should be no packets lost. If that works, and IE still isn't showing anything (make sure that nothing's checked in the LAN settings), then it could be a microsoft problem.

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