I really think it would help certain nuisance posters if they knew how many other posters had them on ignore. Seriously, I think these posters think that they are not that bad and therefore continue with their crap further degrading the quality of the forums that they spoil. Also, if the number of posters that have you on ignore were displayed under your moniker, I think it would have a scarlet letter like effect and help clean up the forums. Thoughts?
I think the more you're ignored, the less you should be able to see... especially if thread-starters have you on ignore, it would be implied that they really don't want you to be a part of the topic of conversation they are proposing.
This is a great idea as well. If putting posters on ignore actually made it to where you saw absolutely nothing from them, it would make it much easier to actually ignore them. But when you see both the traces of their ignored posts and quoted posts when others are replying them, it makes it damn near impossible to just idly stand by.
People will willfully chase things like this, and the coding time it takes to make Ignore more effective and tested, is probably not worth it. At one point, I suggested an "Ignore me" function where 2 people could stop ever seeing each others posts. However, the best course of action still requires personal accountability, no feature set is fool proof, it is better if everyone takes personal responsibility and just ignores whomever they clash with....for the good of the board. And yeah, I am not good at that. DD
you mean he coding time it takes vbulletin ?this message board is powered by vbulletin it even says that at bottom of the page here. we could check if version 3.8.6 has that THEN see if clutch is interested in turning off/on that feature set.
If VBulletin supports this feature, and IIRC this version is years old - it takes a time to get the features working, tested, in place, and all the data transfered over. VBulletin is ok, we chose Invision - also ok, but none of them are perfect, usually you have to rely on 3rd party widgets that add to the base, which can be shady and cause more problems than you are trying to solve. DD
You can't ban every bad poster, just like you can't exile every loud mouth on the street to Siberia no matter how much he annoys you. Showing number of ignores would be good though. It would be fun to see the numbers under posters who have posted in this thread, including myself. :grin: