Use him in the 8th like he did yesterday and KC is doing tonight with Davis. Also, Sipp is our second best reliever, he should pitch the 8th. Sipp came with bases loaded, allowed a hit, then a double play ball, and then a K. Sipp did his job, Harris did not. Gregerson did his job, Harris did not. Why allow Harris for so long? We don't have a good manager in Houston, we don't, he is very average.
Dude we clinched a winning October! Last 4 innings are irrelevant. Cangerjero was just looking at things glass half full.
Well, Mr. Bobrek knows teh Astros, but he does NOT know the Royals. The Royals DON'T LOSE when leading because they have best bullpen in baseball. Now, it was a good year and hopefully we can improve our bullpen for next year. So yes, Mr Bobrek, you will SEE the last 4 innings with Cueto dominating, and with first problem, you'll see guys thowing 97 with offspeed stuff dominating our hitters, and is not because our hitters are bad, is because they have a GREAT BULLPEN.
All I know with respect to watching and cheering for the teams I root for, is that I never consider a game over until the game is actually over. Shoot, with your attitude, why did you bother watching any of the games? Wasn't the series over before it even started?
Nahhhh, we had better starters, they had better relieves, EVERYONE KNEW THAT, right???? But, Royals leading after 7th, game over my friend, look at the numbers, they are awesome.
Well, Mr. Nick, have you seen our bullpen for the past 1 1/2 month? This is NOT the same bullpen we saw earlier in the year. KC's bullpen continues to be brilliant. I would NOT compare past stats when talking about both bullpens, one is great the other one for the past month and a half has been awful.