Via Greenwald: Hollywood producer and director Davis Guggeinheim just produced a 17-minute “documentary” hailing the greatness of Barack Obama and his many historic and profound accomplishments, and it will be released this week by the Obama campaign. Please just watch this two-minute interview of Guggenheim by CNN’s Piers Morgan in which Guggenheim explains that nothing critical can or should be said our President other than the fact that he is so Great that his Greatness cannot be sufficiently conveyed in a single film (via VastLeft); other than noting the obvious — how creepy his Leader worship is and how perfect of a guest-host he’d be for several MSNBC shows — all I can say is that this is the pure face of the Authoritarian Mind, but it is as common as it is repellent: <iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I think democrats can look more subjective at Obama then republicans ever did at bush. I truly stand by that.
No, it's Ron Paul who has no flaws, which is why the looniest Paulites go volcanic whenever he or his views are discussed in a negative way (rightfully or wrongly). It is truly a phenomenon that makes the the most starry-eyed Obama-lovers seem like grounded realists.
It a campaign ad, do people put negatives about your own guy in election campaign ads? So, the guy seems to like the President a lot.
its a campaign ad in an election year...whoop-de-doo! obama has like a billion to spend in this election cycle - why wouldnt they do things like this? i have no interest in wasting 17 minutes of my life watching the video, but i dont see the big deal here. i was watching the news this morning and heard romney going after obama on this and he just sounded desperate...and when his campaign does the exact same kind of "documentary" for him he is going to look like an even bigger tool than he already does.
I think you are saying Democrats can be more unbiased with their opinions about Obama, is that right? wouldn't that be objective? I used the phrase in a thread about the Clippers recently, did I do it wrong?
Here's the trailer; release 3-15-2012 Narrated by Tom Hanks <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>