By finding the ones that haven't been "Islamasized." It's no secret that ones that the ones joining territorist organizations don't know a lot about Islam or its teachings. Bring in some poor guy that is a drug addict and tell them stupid ish and they're more likely to be radicalized.
It's more like give a bunch of poor, young, uneducated men with no futures a means to direct their anger and give themselves power over people.
No, Christianity reformed because they colonized the world and became so rich and successful people had the time to challenge the Church. The people trying to reform Pakistan are Muslims too. But people only want to focus on the "evil Muslims" and associate them with Islam. You never hear the actions or deeds of the Muslims we'd all like to succeed, instead they are buried because they run counter to the argument that Islam is a sick disease that must be wiped out - which is what folks like ATW and Honey Bear are really saying here. It's obvious. People need to start using their brain and seeing what is going on here on both sides - by the radicals and by the incredibly biased on the otherside. And I think it's best not to debate with ATW - he lies and twists and spins, and when you call him out he resorts to making deep personal attacks (ones he is guilty of actually) in an attempt to let out his anger. That man is mentally ill.
It's easier to make it into a simple issue than take the time to understand the full picture. Black and white generalizations/solutions don't work in the real world.
I honestly don't think this is very different from Christianity. I like to think that Christianity is about love & compassion, but it is very easy to twist it as you like & it is too often used in a similar fashion even today. I think a big difference is the fact we think about the West when we think of Christianity. Of course plenty of people in the US twist the religion for their own gain. The Southern Baptist Convention decided ~10yrs ago to put in their doctrine the importance of women staying subservient to the men around them. It's not violent, but the same idea, just w/ a Western twist (where people are more educated & culturally much more liberal than Christians in the East & elsewhere.) And Eastern Christianity is constantly influenced by Western Christianity to be more & more liberal. Whereas the Muslim world is a much more conservative & less educated area of the world to begin with, even where Islam doesn't have much history or influence. These are points against organized religion in general. It is too much of a conservative force, as it impedes progress the longer it is around, even if it once was radically liberal for its time. Also, it makes it so much easier for one to manipulate others to believe & do bad things. Of course, organized religion does a lot of good, but I have a hard time convincing myself that it makes up for the bad.
I suggest that they are already being influenced, despite the desperate efforts of people like you to demonize their religion. I did, several times, and it never made any sense at all. Perhaps, if your goal is to persuade, you should consider clarifying your remarks instead of disparaging others for not understanding such a, in your words... Yes, very. Perhaps you should clarify so that I understand it the way you seem to. No, they don't. That's why you continually cite that one poll when attempting to demonize 1.5 billion people. The data, along with supporting information, fully supports my position. You're the one making assumptions without proof. More assumptions. No data, no proof, just unfounded assertions. Again, cherry picking data points (the assumption I'm making here is that you actually have data which supports this claim) from a single country as evidence of a widespread trend. Yes, they are. No, you're not. Anecdotes and claimed close calls by friends don't prove your point. You're too emotional about this subject, your anti-Islam bias colors everything.
I'm a bit tired of talking to people as intellectually challenged as Andy. Such a weak post. Try harder next time, old man.
I only have one. Do you have more data than one Pew poll that doesn't even prove what you claim it proves? Actually, before even talking about that, we would need to discuss common ground on what "extremist" means. My claim is that the people who support extremism, which I define as suicide bombing and killing of civilians (other specifics could qualify, but such specifics would have to be "extreme," not a Pew poll where people who aren't used to free speech and a free press respond to an anonymous surveyor that they support Sharia Law in a place where not doing so could get you jailed or killed). Try again, rookie.
I will never stop making sense and using evidence to form and support my opinions. Nope, I will continue to speak the truth no matter how uncomfortable people may be with it. ATW isn't making comparative statements, he is disparaging Islam, the religion itself, based on the actions of nutjobs who claim Islam as their religion, even though the religion itself specifically prohibits adherents from doing things like killing the innocent, forcing people to convert, or torture people. I'm not doing this. I'm correctly claiming that Islamic extremists are a tiny number of people and that those people aren't any more Muslim than KKK members who claimed they were Christian. I'm not, I'm evaluating it fairly using the same criteria with which I evaluate all other religions. The fantasy world is all yours. You've chosen to believe liars, which is your choice, but it is a poor one.
Is disparaging others all you have? It isn't up to him to disprove the claims of others, it is up to the people making the claim to support it.
ROFL, more projection. If you'd like to prove me "intellectually challenged," feel free to challenge me to a battle of wits. I suspect you'll decline as you don't want to be shown for the fool you're already aware you are. Yes, this one was surprisingly weak. You just don't have anything else, it would seem. I don't have to try hard to show you up. Simple compared to my daily routine.
In a country where more than 80 percent of the population is Jewish, "Jewish cops arrest Jewish criminals" doesn't exactly resonate except within the blogosphere inhabited by mouth-breathing race-baiters.
Only when idiots disparage my intelligence. Stop tossing out insults and you won't have to run away with your tail between your legs.
Doesn't pakistan lead the world in "women in government"? I think they also had a female prime minister.