Yes, of course. The passing of one law is a clear sign of the beginnings of a societal evolution. We could encourage such an evolution, but unfortunately too many among us just want to demonize the religion instead of helping backwards societies progress into the modern era. This one didn't make any sense, try again. I would suggest that if we had Pew polls over time as opposed to the snapshot you keep crowing about, we would likely see that such evolution is indeed occurring. I'm not the one imagining Islamic terrorists around every corner, those guys are in your head.
Was talking to bigpuffery, but if you'd like to include yourself, go ahead. Negative, Ghost Rider, the pattern is full. The ones with their heads up their asses here are the ones demonizing a billion and a half people when only a minuscule number of those people hold extremist beliefs. In doing so, you push moderates away from the evolution they so desperately want and need because you're attacking the religion rather than the extremists. I'm sorry your feces smells so appealing to you, I guess your head has been up there so long it just seems normal.
What do you suggest that "we" do to "encourage such an evolution", and how do you suggest people in Pakistan get influenced by your noble encouragement? Try reading it again. As I said, reading comprehension is evidently not your strong suit. Maybe get some even stronger glasses. Admittedly it is a convoluted sentence, but it is correct . These do partly already exist over time, and the data does not support your assumption. On the contrary, it supports the already evident fact that Islamic extremism is on the rise. Support for suicide bombings fluctuates, but goes up from 2013 to 2014 in countries such as Turkey. Oh, they are only in my head? Interesting. Tell that to my friends who were narrowly missed by the suicide bombers just very recently in Brussels.
Let's go there then. Some simple yes or no questions. Do you consider - wanting to kill someone for leaving a religion an extremist belief? Yes or No - wanting to kill someone for being gay an extremist belief? Yes or No - demanding stoning as the proper punishment for adultery an extremist belief? Yes or No Then, please define what you consider a "minuscule number". Thanks in advance.
Just stop it. Stop it. Stating that one system of ideas is worse than another is not 'demonizing a billion and a half people'. Stop trying to shove the paradigm to a position where criticism of Islam itself equates bigotry and nothing short of licking the balls of Islam as this infallible religion is the only way to not be a bigot. Stop placing Islam on a pedestal. If you honestly believe that a small minuscule amount of Muslims believe that death for apostates is fine then you are living in your own fantasy world.
I'm glad you are seeing it is a religious issue as religions have consequences like what we are seeing. Context is everything and radical Islam is the boogeyman currently.
1) Perhaps that is because you are barely literate, judging from your posts. 2) Why don't you prove the opposite?
The result? It's still going on. The actions of the communities depends on the country, as the US and developed Europe has taken a stronger stand on it. Seems to me the difference is economic. I know plenty of educated Muslims in SW Houston that don't bear any resemblance to radical Muslims. The Ottoman Empire was the last major Islamic and they don't bear much resemblance to ISIS. Something about dividing up the Middle East after WW1 and WW2 along geographic lines and propping up/disposing of dictators for their natural resources seem to have created the modern environment for radical Islam. You know what the theme of the dark ages was? Lack of education and economic growth.
I have read that before, not exactly a great piece showing how literacy or illiteracy is affecting radicalism. As your article points, radicals differentiate themselves from other radicals. Islam and even radical Islam isn't monolithic.
Deplorable, but its funny how there was an article all over the internet about old british men going back to the traits of their ancestors and buying young boys/girls from India/Nepal---which nobody seems to remember. I wouldn't normally post this, but its ironic that a group of people, so well known for their pedophilia, rape, pillaging of other countries are the ones blaming another society. Absolutely disgusting. The age old problem of violating women/children from other cultures and oppressing them is strong within their descendants. I think one of the posters just the other day was advocating colonialism and the barbaric inhumane practices that come along with it, just the other day. Child survivors of Nepal earthquake ‘being sold’ in the UK Theresa May urges police investigation after the Sun reports that Nepalese and Indian children are being sold to British families as domestic slaves Why do you support vile crap like this Honey Bear?
Not just the catholics, it is common place for european **** holes to invade an indeginous population and rape the little boys/girls and women there---after enslaving them. Its not even a trait specific to one country, you can find them all engaging in these practices throughout history. The difference is, now they just buy them instead.
Donald Drumpf supporter acting like he gives a crap about women. Shame on you for being a ****ty person Honey Bear. Shame on you.
You're posting about black market gangs - I'm posting about mainstream Islamic communities and society given rights by the Western governments they flock to. Not surprising the illegals on the board can't tell the difference, Vamanos, Los Pollos!
What about the candidate that has to think about how "human" women are and references them to dogs, pigs and various other demeaning things? That mainstream enough? I mean its only a matter of running for the POTUS Glad you support those viewpoints.
Well the fact that it is perfectly legal for a 50 year old man to marry and **** a 11 year old as long as she bleeds in Saudi is something I would call 'mainstream'. State sanctioned or state approved would be 'mainstream'.