Ask a muslim about it, and how does he respond? Well there was a BBC story about a rape in an Indian bus .. so it happens everywhere. It's fine. Except, Indian society acted upon it, persecuted the criminals, took to the streets in protest, and publicly condemned any acts of rape and aggression towards females. Muslim society - moderates and terrorists alike? Running out of others to blame.
Damn...I am indian and a Muslim. Guess I'll just beat up my woman and turn myself in right afterwards.
At the very least we can say you aren't beating and raping woman not because you are Muslim, but because you just have natural empathy which is great. I mean when the religion asks you to believe a man who held sex slaves to be one of the best examples of a moral human to follow as a leading example, it definitely is in spite of Islam that any Muslim doesn't treat women horribly.
I think all of us can only speak on a subject based on our past experiences. The Islam I grew up with did not condone any form of Sharia law. In fact, I didn't even know what Sharia law was till sometime in my late 20s. I know I grew up in a minority sect of Islam (Aga Khani / Ismaili), but our faith taught us to assimilate in the country we live and not hold on to archaic religious beliefs. That our duty belongs not only to our religion, but also the country that we live in. Education was strongly emphasized for both men and women. And maybe that is the problem with Islam in some countries? Maybe Mohammed had slaves, etc., but that was not taught in our Sunday school and I personally don't believe he did. Nor were we taught to follow strictly in his footsteps.
So, this clearly indicates that Islamic societies are evolving for the better. Thanks for inadvertently pointing that out.
Coming back to Pakistan. They have a decision to make. Whether they are going to be a secular state or a strict Islamic state. One can't be both. The government and the army have always had conflicting interests and it'll continue to be a **** hole of a country till they unilaterally decide which direction they want to go in.
this article is read worthy
Your conclusion is a total head scratcher. I assume we agree that "evolving for the better" means "not beating up your wife". One of Pakistan's provinces (the state) makes a step in the right direction (passing a law to protect women) - yes, that is "evolving for the better". But Islamic parties strongly protest against the law as "being un-Islamic". Your conclusion is "Islamic societies are evolving for the better", as if the "Islamic" part contributes to it getting better, when the opposite is true.
Exactly. The problem with Islam is that it is too open to interpretation (too many windows to "justify" horrific things) and the uneducated/poor (and increasingly even the more educated, it seems) can use those windows to twist its meaning.
You have to treat Muslims special or else you are an [inserst-a-prefix]phobe. Next time someone yaps about how Donald Trump this or Donald Trump that and how Europeans views America, I am going to refer them to this article below. Seems as though Europeans have no problem in treating women as second class citizens in order to not offend Muslims. [rQUOTEr] Swiss anger at Muslim handshake exemption in Therwil school A Swiss secondary school has caused uproar by allowing two Muslim boys not to shake hands with women teachers - a common greeting in Swiss schools. The boys had told the school in the small, northern town of Therwil it was against their faith to touch a woman outside their family. Justice Minister Simonetta Sommaruga said shaking hands was part of Swiss culture and daily life. A local teachers' union said the exemption discriminated against women. ...[/rQUOTEr]
Whether Islam inherently has something to do with what's going on in the world right now is almost irrelevant. It's not as if we can rid the world of Islam all of a sudden. So what is the solution. How do we stop Muslim men from being radicalized?
If they fail to assimilate into Swiss culture, maybe they should go back to the nice country they came from.
wow....a person who has no problem of mass killing thousands of Syrian's civilians , but shed tears over a handshake ..!