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Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by DaryleWard, Jan 13, 2001.

  1. DaryleWard

    DaryleWard Member

    Sep 13, 2000
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    Hey I just got back from Compaq center and interviewing the guys. So here are some of your answers to your questions you had.

    To Shandon: Do you think you will stay with us after this season is over and wait for your bird rights for next year?

    Shandon: Right now I'm not really worried about the future I'm just focused on tonight and putting another W in the win column.

    To Stevie: If you were a tree what kind of tree would you be?

    Stevie: An oak tree because they stay around for such a long time and have a good life span.

    (Sidenote-- After the question he said that was a very odd question to ask.)

    To Tim Franks: What are the truths to any trade rumors between the Rockets and another team mainly the Vancouver Grizzilies?

    Tim: Oh no, there isn't nothing behind any of those rumors like the one about SAR mainly because Vancouver would also want to send Mr. Reeves and his albatross salary. With the team we have here we really can't fit any trades in for the main reasons of capspace.

    To Jim Boylen: Why doesn't our team go over picks instead of always going under them?

    Jim: Well before every game we decide wether or not we want to go over the top of screens on certain people and certain situations. It's a matter of the coaching choosing to do so or not.

    (Sidenote-- They came out in practice and the coaches told the guards and small forwards to make sure and go over the screens when Pedja has the ball.)

    To Rudy T: Who is the best finisher on the break?

    Rudy: There is no doubt in my mind that it is Cuttino Mobley.

    To Rudy T: Who is the best shooter in practice?

    Rudy: Walt Williams.

    (Sidenote--that is absolutely true; he was shooting lights out. Also, at the end of shoot-a-rounds Moochie was hitting those half court shots again.)

    To Rudy T: What do you think this team needs to improve apon?

    Rudy: Defense, defintely defense.

    To Rudy T: When will Langhi get some more playing time?

    Rudy: Oh I can tell you I love Dan more than anyone, but you have to understand I am loyal to my rotation and want to build continuatity within the team. But when his time comes he will be ready to shine.

    To Tim Boylen: Where you disappointed about not drafting Rashard Lewis?

    Boylen: Not so much because we figured that the worst case scenario that we would trade Lewis and more to get Scottie. Also, we wanted to help this team now; Lewis was a project being he was straight from HS. But definetly that Scottie trade was a real bad one. But we wanted him and it just didn't work out.

    Ask me any other questions and I can probably answer them from being there.

    --Cat has a new shoe coming out with Nike and I think there was an ad for them in the new ESPN the Magazine.

    DAMN LANKY is the best player to ever play the game. -Michael Jordan
  2. crash5179

    crash5179 Member

    Dec 9, 2000
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    Great info...so Steve is the only one that does not get a basketball question?

  3. CompaqC

    CompaqC Member

    Jun 29, 2000
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    Good post DW!

    No offence, but didn't you find any better question to ask Steve Francis?

    I also think you shouldv'e brought ClutchCity.net up. that wouldv'e been cool.

  4. Francis3

    Francis3 Member

    Mar 29, 1999
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    Anyone want me to ask questions? I will be heading out to the game, and I will try to talk to the players.

    Get your webber questions ready!

    Thanx for the news DW.

    President of the Moochie Norris fan club.
  5. DaryleWard

    DaryleWard Member

    Sep 13, 2000
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    There were more questions asked to Stevie.

    I asked him quite a few basketball questions. I just didn't want to go on a spew of the entire enormity of questios that were asked today. I was wondering if there was anything that anybody else wanted to know?

    But I'll give you some more info.

    Quietest player on the team: It is as close as the election was. Dan Langhi barely nipped out Kenny Thomas for that award they were both very quiet people.

    Funniest player: Tie between Stevie and Cuttino. They are both hilarious and you should have seen some of the antics he was doing during the interview.

    Example--After my friend got done asking him some questions when Francis was walking away and said "That was a corny interview man,I'm sorry that was pretty corny." it was hilarious like during there drills Cat would be stealing the ball during the middle of a play and running around.

    There is a ton of info I got from them and it was a great experience and can't wait to do it again.

    Waiting for some other questions...

    DAMN LANKY is the best player to ever play the game. -Michael Jordan
  6. Ace

    Ace Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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  7. DaryleWard

    DaryleWard Member

    Sep 13, 2000
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    Well about CC.net it sounded like they knew about it. I told Tim Franks I go on there and he said he happens to stray on there every now and then, as do some of the players; seeing that the players like to know what is going on with there fans.

    I also read in a different thread that Collier isn't full strength. That is crap; he is in great strength and looked great at practice. He was just nailing shots from all over the floor and looked very good. He was the second best shooter in practice besides Williams.

    Another funny thing that was going on was at the end Cato was just sitting on the end of the press seats where Rudy usually is during the games and he was jacking up shots from way over there and having pretty good success might I add. What was cool a bout Cato was he could even shoot treys pretty well. He was about 4-10 in one their drills.

    More questions...

    --Oh yeah Jeff asked what highschool I went to and my answer is I go to South Houston High School.

    DAMN LANKY is the best player to ever play the game. -Michael Jordan
  8. Old School

    Old School Member

    Nov 7, 1999
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    The last place Cato needs to be is out shooting "treys".

    Glad to hear you had a good time.

    Old School

    I voted YES!
  9. moestavern19

    moestavern19 Member

    Dec 8, 1999
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    weird question for Francis , how long did you stay up at night figuring that one out? jk [​IMG]

    "Its a good thing they don't make posters of European players"

    -Walt Williams after getting "posterized" by Zan Tabak .
  10. BobFinn*

    BobFinn* Member

    Feb 10, 2000
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    What kind of toothpaste does Francis use?

    When we tire of well-worn ways, we seek for new. This restless craving in the souls of men spurs them to climb, and to seek the mountain view.
    -- Ella Wheeler Wilcox
  11. DaryleWard

    DaryleWard Member

    Sep 13, 2000
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    Hey BobFinn* I knew you were Steve Francis because you are trying to test me by asking me a question that I didn't ask you. But seriously that question is worse than the one about the tree.

    It was a crazy day.

    Probably my favorite thing I did all day was play some B-ball on the court before they came out of their team meeting. It was pretty awesome and the three point line is really close and I was hiting them pretty good.

    And also during our interview with Air Bullard we asked him to show us how he does so good when he hits his threes. When he shot the ball it went right over the basket. "Airball." He then said you're going to edit that out aren't you.

    DAMN LANKY is the best player to ever play the game. -Michael Jordan
  12. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    alright, DaryleWard is my new hero.

    Best post of the year!! Awesome scoping on the Pedraj strategy. Well done!

    I can NOT believe you actually asked the Smeggy tree question!!
  13. FrancisFan

    FrancisFan Member

    Jul 22, 2000
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    I'm going to see the Rockets tomarrow. Should I ask Francis the tree question?

    Cuttino Mobley Online
  14. Francis3

    Francis3 Member

    Mar 29, 1999
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    Ill ask him tonight. Lets see what he says.

    President of the Moochie Norris fan club.
  15. Mr.Clutch

    Mr.Clutch Member

    Dec 24, 2000
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    Francis3 is the stupidest Rockets fan out there, other than Matress Mack!

    --President of the Matt Bullard and Dan Langhi Fan Club--
  16. DaryleWard

    DaryleWard Member

    Sep 13, 2000
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    Yeah that Pedja info was really neat to see. They also seem very interested in stoping Divac down. Since Vlade has been doing awesome lately they want him to covered up good. They were going over Sacramento's plays and how to play them.

    Also, on their plays they it seems they are going to use more motion type plays tonight than ISOs. But there will be a number of ISOs of course. They also want to make Webber go to his left because they said for some of the king plays it depends on Webber getting it to the right.

    I was pretty impressed with what I saw and they were all cool guys.

    You should have seen me with Moochie at the end of practice. I got a picture with him and his little boy who was all dressed up in tommy gear clothes. When I asked him to take a picture with him he was like "No man I don't take pictures anymore." it was so funny that Jim Boylen cracked up by what he said. Then after that he grabbed a ball and threw up a heave from about half court and yelled out "And Moochie throws it up at the last seconds where Les sits."

    Also Dan Langhi impressed me. He was the last one to kit the showers and stayed about 35 minutes after the shoot-a-round and worked on his game. I got a picture with him to.

    I was wearing a Lee jeans shirt with Buddy Lee on it. And when I was shaking hands with Franchise he yells over to Cuttino "Hey look it's Buddy Lee." and Cat yells out "BUDDY LEE!"

    It was great.

    DAMN LANKY is the best player to ever play the game. -Michael Jordan
  17. slcrocket

    slcrocket Member

    Apr 5, 2000
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    Dude, that is ****in awesome.

    Everybody should start asking Steve the tree question---what better way to see how global CC.net is becoming? [​IMG]

    I'm going to the game on Monday...I'll try to fit that question in, if I get the chance....

  18. Old School

    Old School Member

    Nov 7, 1999
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    I was the one that JOKINGLY asked Daryl to ask Francis the tree question. Ain't nothing wrong with being an oak tree I guess.

    Old School

    I voted YES!
  19. Rocket Fan

    Rocket Fan Member

    Mar 17, 1999
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    You should ask Calvin the tree question.. I'm sure he'd have a good answer lol

    "Save Our Rockets"
    "Life without basketball in Houston........without an arena that is what it will be"
  20. beauford

    beauford Member

    Nov 23, 2000
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    damm i love this site.


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