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Miguel Cabrera Turns Down Playoff Bonus

Discussion in 'Other Sports' started by rocketsjudoka, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. rocketsjudoka

    rocketsjudoka Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    For now at least and the playoff bonus is tiny compared to his contract but still pretty interesting to hear a player turning down money.


    Miguel Cabrera turns down playoff bonus, just wants ring

    BALTIMORE -- You've heard it over and over, especially come playoff time: "It's not about the money."

    Detroit Tigers slugger and two-time MVP Miguel Cabrera might actually be backing up those words.

    Cabrera was sitting at his locker before the Tigers' workout Wednesday in Baltimore when Max Scherzer came by with a clipboard containing the sheets players must sign to receive their shares of the post-season playoff pool. That's money, real cash money.

    "I'm not signing anything," Cabrera told Scherzer. Teammate Victor Martinez, who had just signed, looked quizzically. Scherzer tried to explain.

    Cabrera was adamant with his refusal, at least for now. He could go back later and sign across the dotted line.

    OK, when you're Miguel Cabrera and you've already made more than $138 million playing baseball and have at least $262 million remaining on your contract, maybe this is small change.

    A full share for winning the World Series for Boston Red Sox players last year was worth $307,000.

    Martinez and Cabrera continued the discussion in Spanish, with Cabrera finally saying, "I just want the ring."

    Meanwhile, Scherzer shrugged and walked away.

    "OK, more for us," he said.

    And not just the players. The players on the 25-man roster for the season vote on how to divide playoff shares, and smaller portions are typically given to support staff such as clubhouse personnel, traveling secretaries and the like - employees who could certainly benefit from Cabrera's apparent generosity.
  2. Kam

    Kam Member

    Jan 16, 2002
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    Why not take it, and then split it
  3. jdh008

    jdh008 Member

    Oct 19, 2009
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    I guess maybe I'm overthinking it, but I'm not sure what this proves. How would him taking his playoff share mean that he wants a ring any less? And it's not like passing on his share is all that noble. Instead, it's just going to be split between everyone else that gets a share. If he really wanted to make a statement, he would have taken the money and the immediately donated it to a charity of choice.
  4. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Miguel Cabrera was joking about bonus

  5. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    If he turned down his portion, it would be split amongst the other players/staff.

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