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Mark Deeks: Houston trying to dump Jeremy Lin, prioritize salary over basketball assets

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Carl Herrera, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. Adam_Sweeney

    Adam_Sweeney Member

    Jul 21, 2009
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    Yep, that's what ESPN does. They pick and choose what is newsworthy, and often disregard other sources by spinning it as their own. Not saying Adande or Broussard fall into that category. As far as I've seen, both are legit.
  2. Sham

    Sham Member

    Apr 10, 2011
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    I don't recall saying anything akin to "basically untradable" and you'd really benefit from trying to cover yourself any further. You misundestood what I said, and that's fine.

    I said it was one factor. I didn't ever designate it the sole and indisputable basis.

    [quotr]Here's my point, he was wrong[/quote]

    This is a drawable conclusion, I suppose, if you assume the other guy is indisputably right :)

    I'd posit that it's entirely possible both are the truth. If you're calling around trying to move guy, you may have one strategy in mind, but you'd be a fool unto yourself if you weren't open to other possibilies. To use an absurd example: "hey Utah, I'm calling to ask if you'd take Jeremy Lin for Jeremy Evans.....BTW, while we're here, what would it take to get Trey Burke? We'll add Motiejunas!", etc. Maybe this is going on. Maybe Houston changed their priorities in the last three days. Both are eminetly plausible. So, I suppose, is my being completely wrong. But consider these possibilities before assigning such powerful labels as "right" and "wrong."
  3. Sham

    Sham Member

    Apr 10, 2011
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    I typoed all that terribly but you get the idea.
  4. hubeijames

    hubeijames Member

    Feb 6, 2013
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    When posters here were pressing you on it you stood your ground and insisted it was fact and not opinion or speculation.

    You never clarified if the "Bev > Lin" stuff was something your source heard from the Rockets, something your source speculated on, something you speculated on, etc. You wrote that tweet like you have a mind reading sensor in Morey's head and you know he thinks Beverly is better than Lin.
  5. Morlock O

    Morlock O Member

    Dec 6, 2012
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    Need to relax man lol! no need to defend yourself from them...

    nice to you have you here :D we need all the cap experts to explain stuffs to us laymans :D
  6. Sham

    Sham Member

    Apr 10, 2011
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    I don't know what I can say without repeating myself, sir. I personally find this whole fact v opinion thing to be a little bizarre, yet I believe I have offered sufficient clarity in this thread on pages 21 through 26 or whatever it is. The answers you seek lie in there. And you have further questions you need answering, phrase them as actual questions because I'm not sure what needs to be said now.
  7. Shroopy2

    Shroopy2 Member

    Feb 16, 2003
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    Hi, Sham

    I've read lots but not all this thread.

    One of your tweets said :
    It it obviously stated as A factor in moving Lin, and not THE factor.

    Its just its mentioned as an ABSOLUTE that Beverley IS BETTER than Lin. And the TEAM CLEARLY KNOWS THIS.

    That is actually a SOMEWHAT NEW bit of news. There hasnt been anything from the team that indicates they rank Beverely ahead of Lin. So its a BIG claim.

    Its not to say it isnt plausible. Just would like to know the source of this info. And it might have added skeptism over details on other tweets. (Though its not disputable that the team has tested Lin's availability)
  8. mikol13

    mikol13 Protector of the Realm
    Supporting Member

    May 31, 2009
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    Sham, just wanted to say, that the knowledge and info you bring on the daily, whether it be from your site, to Twitter or this site is greatly appreciated. Please don't let the people that attack or try to discredit you keep you from posting here. Keep posting any and all info you may have, please. Thank you.
  9. sammy

    sammy Member

    Jul 5, 2002
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    So this guy was right the whole time.
  10. Fair Dinkum

    Fair Dinkum Member

    Mar 19, 2013
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    I thought the CBS article by Ken Berger on the other thread said Rockets want a PG in return if they trade Lin which kind of contradicts that "the Rockets think Beverley is AWESOME" and" ABSOLUTELY better than Lin" in your tweets. How do you know the Houston front office think this way?
  11. rob1

    rob1 Member

    Nov 3, 2012
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    Hey sham, very nice work, you are legit and i am a follower now.
    People will be sensitive about anything involving lin and if i were you i would not bother to explain myself like you tried to do. Too much drama.
  12. Knickskiller

    Knickskiller Member

    Oct 24, 2012
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    Come mark deeks , i believed you, that was lin was getting shopped.

    But admit it , that beverly lin statment was your own personal garnishing. And we can all move on. People are not perfect we do make mistakes.
  13. Aleron

    Aleron Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    That Beverley is better than Lin for the starting role doesn't make sense, if you've ever heard Morey talk about Lowry, people would remember that he postulated whether Lowry's energy style could transfer to more than backup minutes.

    Whereas anyone that has ever watched Beverley would know his style can never transfer to starter minutes. The whole point of harassing people endlessly and so far up the court is to tire them out, but it tires the defender out just as fast. There's been a movement around the league for the most part to push this sort of backup pg, the Spurs do it, OKC do it, Miami does it, Indiana does it, etc. It's also spawned the importance of having shooting guards and small forwards who can take the ball handling duties (if anyone tries to full court pressure Parker he just gives the ball to someone else until they get into the offense, the Clippers on the other hand, it's been part of the Spurs bag of tricks that basically make it impossible for the Clippers to stand any chance against them)
    #773 Aleron, Jul 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2013
  14. xtruroyaltyx

    xtruroyaltyx Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    He did fine in a small sample size in the play offs. He didn't play with that same veracity for the entire game like he did off the bench, but he did it in spurts. He did it often enough to be effective as a starter albeit a limited sample size.

    No he likely won't play the exact same if he were to start, but that doesn't mean that he wouldn't be effective. You really never know until you get the opportunity. And so far Beverly has looked pretty good when he played big minutes as a starter.

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