Many different stories out there. Impossible to know what the truth is. The accepted story in NY seems to be that it was Lin who went back to the Rockets, but still expected the Knicks to match after their bold statements about matching anything.
It does seem to be the case, but for the Knicks sake, I hope its not true. They are a mismanaged franchise, and have been for along time, but surely they have at least one Cap/CBA expert.
That's a convenient story for the Knicks to spin so they can shift the blame to Lin or the Rockets thus saving their face for the fans.
I agree on both accounts. Seems to me Lin gave simple and at least seemingly honest answers. He could have shied away from the issues or gone completely PC. Certainly looks like NY could have kept him if they would have simply made him an offer up front. Simply feeling wanted can change a lot of things for some people. Oh, and Sigmund gets the esteemed position as the only person so far to earn a spot on my ignore list. What a waste of space.
I think this pretty much sums it up... Lin is smart enough to know that the contract offer he agreed to with Houston would make it very difficult for NY to match - if he really wanted NY he wouldn't have agreed to Houston's offer.
but in Houston he's just another asset to get a superstar The next big crop of superstar free agents is 2015. The reason for the 3yr contracts, ie "cap flexibilty" Morey talked about.
I have a pretty strong belief that the Knicks are just poorly run in the front office. The workings of the CBA seem to have been above their head. The media obviously didn't understand the CBA (still doesn't) and see nothing here but the Knicks deciding it was all about money.
Well IMHO there's a difference between just going after the money and using the money to decide you want to be there. Money can't buy you happiness if a guy doesn't want to be there then he's not gonna put up amazing effort even if he's making scads of money (ie Rashard Lewis, Boozer the Loozer). OTH, guys like KG, TD or C-Webb probably didn't want to go to small market cities like Sac or Minny in the beginning, because those teams were willing to pay them the most money they chose to play there. That's why I'm dubious of trading for DH and trying to make him a slave to his own greed. If he really doesn't want to be here then he could spend all of his time moping around and bringing the team down, even if we end up locking him up.
New York is the Mecca of basketball. Fans there get on their knees multiple times each day and pray for a championship.
His agent knew this would be the type of money someone would pay and the Rockets without a starting PG and on the cusp of possibly getting Howard didn't shy away from offering him a back ladden contract. Knicks should have tried to lock him up earlier, instead gambled and in this case loss, although some might not see it as such given Lin's turn over problems. Time will tell who dodged a bullet and who took one to the chest.
Felt the same way until I read the article in its entirety. My first reaction was wow, you just don't say that even if that's how you really feel because that is no way to endear yourself to your newest fanbase. After reading the article, I understood. Welcome back to Houston.
Obviously you have never lived in New York then. Its night and day as far as quality of life goes. Im not here to argue about the whole ... oh... "woah is Houston... nobody wants to live here...." nonsense. I get sick of that crap. JUST STOP. Im convinced that the people on this board that keep on blowing comments like this out of proportion have never lived anywhere else in the US, or in the world for that matter. Ive had to live in NYC for a few months 2 years ago for my job, and I will tell you this much... Houston is a great counterpart to NYC. Its everything NYC is not, but Houston has much of great elements that NYC has, and continues to grow in culture, and lifestyle especially in the downtown areas. NYC is a scene. Its a way of life, and I will tell you this much, if you lived in Houston and spent time in NYC, it wouldn't be long before you missed the hell out of Houston. I love NYC, but to live a normal, healthy human life for many years... give me Houston. You know why Jeremy Lin just said this... Because its the truth, but for different reasons than you think, or choose to believe. You always want to stay with your current NBA team. Its a family, and you are part of something. Very few normal players want to keep flip flopping teams throughout their career. Just because Lin preferred NYK first and foremost means nothing about the city of Houston. Lets all move on please.
congrats to Sigmund on being the first person on my block list ever, in 10+ years as a registered user. I had to go search for it to see where I could add him
and great job by Jeremy handling the media immediately and succinctly. God if Lebron could handle things the way Jeremy just did, he'd be in a much better place with the fans (not to say they're remotely on the same level...but the amount of media coverage and hype is pretty similar at the moment)
Didn't Lin start playing only because Baron Davis (?) got injured? Yeah, they gave him a roster spot.... which we wish we had done!
Congrats- I've been on this site since the early 2000s, and I've never once put anyone on Ignore because I feel it's truly unnecessary. Congrats for being the first- and BTW, when you root for a team, you root for the entire team or else you're not REALLY a fan of the team. You're the worst kind of fan and this board's IQ lessens every time you post.