Clutch, you want to clean up the forum? I have a suggestion. Circumstances have made it easy to pick out the trolls. Go in the Jeremy Lin injury thread, the people hating on Jeremy, 99% are LOHs. Ban them. Go in the Westbrook injury thread, the people hating on Beverley, 99% are LOFs. Ban them. I loved your stickied thread calling out the haters. Now, it's time for action.
I agree, but... We act all the time. You've read the problem posts, but didn't report any of them. Help us out here.
For real, you guys have no idea how many posts dont get widely viewed because the mods have already removed them. There is just SO many of them. Use the report button guys! No such thing as a Lin Only Hater. (god do I hate the word "hater") If some folks would pay better attention they would see that the kind of people that are hypercritical of Lin are that way about all aspects of the team. Basically they dont ONLY hate Lin, which is what the term actually means.
Yup, the term is nonsensical. Nobody here on this site is just out there to hate Lin. I just saved myself a bunch of angry responses by tweaking it a bit.
Other than former Clutchfan GlenRice. Dude didn't just hate Jeremy Lin, he hated all Asians. Lol. Same for Sigmund.
So bigtexxx is a POH? poor only hater? But then again, who doesn't get annoyed by thems poor people. Eating their Ramen and errthang.
The term '____-only-hater' doesn't even make any kind of grammatical sense. '____-only-fan' is a stretch.
HAs or similar been registered & in use? THey would still likely want to be here, demanding the respect of more traditional team fans. Oh well. They're people too. Respect their fandom.
I think it's best to first define what exactly a LOF or a LOH is. A LOF, by definition, is a person who is only a fan of Jeremy Lin and cares little about the team. A LOF is basically a fan who signed up to clutchfans, but cares only about Jeremy Lin. A LOH on the other hand, could be a person who signed up to clutchfans just to hate on Jeremy Lin (in this case we are assuming the phrase LOH is implied to be the opposite of a LOF). However, the phrase LOH could also mean a Rocket fan who only hates Jeremy Lin. For me, a lot of the times when I think of LOH I think of a person who signed up on this board just to hate on Lin, as that would be the opposite of a fan who only signed up on this board just to cheer for Lin. For this definition of a LOH, they are nothing more than your regular troll, and their numbers are not significant. They are usually picked out by moderators relatively quickly. With the other definition of LOH however, I'm sure there are more of them. Although, I feel like this definition of LOH is more of LOFH. That is, they would sometimes be more critical of Lin not because they dislike Lin, but to disprove some of the ridiculous assertions thrown around with regards to Lin's potential. In the end, I feel like Jeremy Lin has one of the least amount of "haters" in general. Guys like Harden and Beverley have it way worse because LOFs view them as competition.
A LOH fan is someone who probably didn't really care for Lin and figured he sucked as our pg compared to Lowry or Dragic but then took it to another level after being annoyed by Lin's entourage and army of passionate fans.
I get it, there are LOFs, though I don't really notice them because I don't read the GARM carefully... but who are the LOHs?
^^This. Trolls who sign up to hate on Lin are few and not really a problem. Some posters "hate" Lin because they think Lin sucks and is overhyped. So whenever Lin fans try to prop up the guy, these posters come out to battle with them. There are extremely few outright racists who hate on Lin because he's Asian. GlenRice is the only one I can think of. But I am sure some other people have subconscious prejudice they would never admit to themselves.