First off, we already have a NoFapping thread. Aside from that... Anyone want to give up a thing. No more arguing with LOFs for me!!! For 40 days! btw: Am I the only one who realized the Pope gave up being the Pope for Lent. Tomorrow's Ash Wednesday sermon might be the most interesting Ash Wednesday afternoon mass moment I've been to in my life.
Actually, that's a NYE resolution. These so-called Lenten penance claims are from Catholics who already reneged on their NYE resolution, so they are claiming it's a Lenten penance. What you are really trying to give up is being a sloth, one of the 7 deadly sins. Just say it. In terms you may better understand...a sloth is someone who doesn't exercise, drinks an Irish buttload of beer, and sits around in the same t-shirt for 3 days. hmmmm...maybe you are on to something.
Lent - its not just for Catholics. Many Christians of other denominations also practice Lent. For those of you who don't know the reasons behind Lent & Ash Wednesday, heres a quick explanation. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> By the way, crazily enough, Mardi Gras came out of being basically a celebration starting on the Epiphany and ending on Ash Wednesday - It is the last day of Eating Rich and fatty foods before you fast from them for Lent.
Im giving up meat......its been about 6 years since the last time i did it... Its gonna be soo hard though...considering that Rodeo is coming up...;(