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Kareem Abdul-Jabbar blasts Dwight Howard

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Pokemon, Oct 3, 2013.

  1. MichaelG281713

    Feb 1, 2012
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    It's all sour grapes. 100%. You're a sad man, Kareem.
  2. MichaelG281713

    Feb 1, 2012
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    Anybody who's hating on somebody's else's grammar, that's a b**** move. My grammar is fine, but I'm not going to be a douche about it.

    You know what they meant.
  3. saleem

    saleem Member

    Jan 1, 2001
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    We don't have any scoring in the paint. We definitely need Dwight to score,otherwise Asik would have been enough.

    Howard doesn't have a go to move,he can't make free throws. Despite that he was able to score 17 points a game last year.

    I am optimistic,he will have a very good year with us.
  4. jedicro

    jedicro Member

    Apr 21, 2008
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    Whether or not what Kareem said was whining or not (I am of the opinion that it is) what he said is still wrong.

    His criticism was based on Dwight's subpar free throw shooting as well as his lack of polish on his offensive game. I don't dismiss those as not being holes in Dwight's game, they are, but they do not mean he has low bball IQ. Bill Russell shot horribly from the line and had less of an offensive game than Dwight, did he have low bball IQ?

    Also he kept throwing in, "and defense", as if to assert that Dwight's "lack" of bball IQ keeps him from being an elite defensive big man. That's not even really worth responding to because of how stupid it is.

    What that article by Henry Abbot posted earlier showed that despite Dwight's obvious flaws, he is still a dynamic player who can affect the game in ways that few can. When Yao was here I always said Yao was better. I based that mainly on the fact that Yao bested Dwight in one on one matchups. However even back then, when I was fully blinded by my homerism for Yao, I recognized that Dwight owned the rest of the league in ways that Yao never could.

    Kareem and the rest of the Lakers who are trying to convince themselves they didn't need Dwight will be seeing that soon enough.
  5. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    i liked it more when kareem didn't talk to anyone.
  6. Lucky Charm

    Lucky Charm Member

    Oct 28, 2012
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    Good, good. Let the jimmies rustle through you Kareem.

    I thought Dwight replied appropriately. :cool:
  7. JMAD21

    JMAD21 Member

    Jan 14, 2010
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    Just watched this for the 1st time. I guess this is the point where as a fan, things get personal. Im actually angry. Up till now it's been only excitement about the Rockets getting a great player. Once I watched this, excitement turned into passion. I literally got the urge to find Kareem, reach as high as I can to put my finger in his face and tell him to shut the f*** up about Dwight Howard!

    All credibility Kareem once had when it comes to evaluating other players is absolutely GONE as far as i'm concerned! How is someone with 3 DPOY awards "not dominant" and "inconsistent" on the defensive end? I'll give him that Dwight has been inconsistent at times on offense. But only at times, mainly when he was dealing with some sort of injury. Steven A nailed him on the FT situation, and he didn't even notice. How can poor FT shooting keep someone from being dominant when Shaq, the most dominant big man of all time (dominant doesn't mean greatest, we all know who the greatest is) was a historically bad FT shooter. What does this tell me? It tells me that not only is Kareem a poor judge of talent, but he is also a stupid person. I don't say this to name-call, I'm not calling him stupid the way I used to call my brother stupid when he would get on nerves. Im calling him stupid in it's most literal form!

    I say all this IF this is truly what he believes! However, I'm not convinced he really feels this way. I think Kareem, as well as all Lakers (legends, players, fans, execs) think they should get whatever they want. And like spoiled little children, when they don't get what they want, they lash out at others. They blame others for their own problems. They're that one 17 year old cheerleader thats in every teen movie, and like in the movies, they always end up getting what they deserve, or in this case, not getting what they don't deserve. Kareem didn't say all this because he genuinely thinks Dwight Howard isn't great. He said it because first, Dwight Howard said no to Kareem's help, and got help from the player with the best post moves in NBA history. Something that Kareem seems to be a little insecure about. Then after that, Dwight Howard again rejected him by turning his back on the almighty Lakers, and once again, in a way, chose Hakeem over Kareem. He chose the Rockets over the Lakers. Twice he gets turned down by Dwight, for the same person/city. So like the spoiled 17 year old cheerleader's that they are, the start lashing out.

    I'll bring up my brother again. Not to long ago he had this girlfriend. She was pretty hot! Had a nice face, and nice everything else if you know what I mean. They dated for about two years. She was head over heals for my brother. It was pretty nauseating at times how much she adored him. All along we all knew that she was a little bit crazy though. But hey, my brother was happy, so it wasn't a big deal. Well, the inevitable happened. The moment my brother realized she was all flash, no substance, the writing was on the wall. It was just a matter of time till he rejected her and moved on to greener pastures. She evidently did not agree with his decision. So what does she do? She calls him every name in the book, says she never even loved him, he was the worst boyfriend ever, blah blah blah! But it wasn't over there, I know I know, this is predictable. Whats she doing now? Oh you now, what most crazy girls do after a breakup. Calling him, texting him, apologizing, and begging him to take her back.

    I have a pretty strong feeling that Kareem, and all Laker zombies everywhere, will be begging for forgiveness on November 7th. When they, like most spoiled, crazy ex girlfriends, realize that they aren't gonna get their way this time. That they lost Dwight, and he's never coming back. If I was Dwight I'd change my phone number. And if I was Kareem... Well I would shut my effing mouth and stop embarrassing myself, and my former team.
    2 people like this.
  8. jtr

    jtr Member

    Dec 4, 2011
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    WTF OP??? Kareem is a gentleman and does not blast Howard. He offers his honest opinion as one of the best players ever to play the game. He is a voice of reason and is obviously very intelligent. Just GTFO and never come back.

    I have a very low tolerance for stupidity and misrepresentation. You crossed both of those lines.
    1 person likes this.
  9. andersongo

    andersongo Member

    Jan 21, 2013
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    But the thing is that the skyhook and all its other variations have in fact been developed to beat an opponent which has a size advantage as they provide good separation and a high release point. Kareem did not suddenly started developing his hook shot when he was a grown man with his 7'2 frame but in fact when he was a young boy outmached in size and strength by his peers and needed a shot that would not be easily blocked. A 6'9 Magic regularly destroyed opponents with his own variation of the shot; so much for the "I'm not a seven footer" excuse. Much like Hakeem's post moves, the art of the hook shot has got more to do with technique and proper reading of the game than sheer physicality.
  10. Kruze10

    Kruze10 Member

    Nov 17, 2010
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    Seriously, that's such a douche thing to do, judge someone by the way they speak.
  11. andersongo

    andersongo Member

    Jan 21, 2013
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    Careful. OP may or may not transition from Magikarp to Gyarados.
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  12. Spiegel

    Spiegel Member

    Feb 9, 2010
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    He struggles on both sides of the ball?. lool is that why he is regarded the best defensive player and rebounder in the league?
  13. wil55n

    wil55n Member

    Aug 6, 2012
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    jmad21 i wish i could rep you
  14. jedicro

    jedicro Member

    Apr 21, 2008
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    Just because he speaks in a dignified way does not make what he is saying gentlemanly. He accused Dwight of having low basketball IQ. That's pretty heavy criticism. The problem everyone has is that he, along with every other member of Laker Nation, were singing his praises 3 months ago. Now, he has low bball IQ and he's never gonna take a team to the next level.

    It was passive aggressive level 9.
  15. wil55n

    wil55n Member

    Aug 6, 2012
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    does ANYONE outside of Clutchfans think that we are contenders?

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/es0pFGYbPck" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  16. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Yes, caught that. That is Kareem being Kareem. He is one goofy dude. I totally understand why he doesn't have a coaching job. When you hear the two of them talk you would think Kareem was the one that smoked dope all the way through college, and Bill Walton was the one smart one that just played ball.
  17. Yellow

    Yellow Member

    Feb 18, 2010
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    Those lines cracked me up, nicely put together and I think he's right. Aside from the obvious PF inexperience that he did not mention, we need a guard / wing off the bench to be that sixth man. Hopefully McHale is not afraid to give Garcia and both AB & Beverley minutes - I think one of those 3 can provide that off the bench production. Who knows, it might be Brewer / Casspi / Reggie.
  18. Pokito1120

    Pokito1120 Member

    Jul 5, 2012
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    Houston is my hometown I love the Rockets but I do agree with Kareem. DH is a GREAT athlete but lacks skill. Dwight has no 1 on 1 post moves like Yao developed. We will definitely see this over time.
  19. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    Dwight has a basic post game. Solid jump hook with either hand, and the quickness to get himself to the basket. He has enough "moves" to require a double team against most opponents.
  20. the shark

    the shark Member

    Mar 16, 2010
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    Kareem Abdul JaBLUNT needs to shut his piehole and go fire one up

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