Locker room bullying, drug overdose, sexual harassment, gender transformation, faith crisis, love triangle, wingspan envy, and worries for humanity in general... The possibilities are endless. We just don't know.
Playing for a coach that doesn't like or trust him, teammates who won't pass him the ball, an organization that is racist, misleading and actively does all it can to slow down his career and ascension to a top level PG. How could he not be unhappy? I kid. Very good 4th quarter tonight. It's great to have Lin back healthy.
Well, how could he be as euphoric as he was at the time of Linsanity? But I don't think he's unhappy now. He gets along really well with his teammates, and celebrates on the court/on the bench whenever a good play happens like DMos fastbreak dunk.
It's called being focused as a former non relavent athlete in a couple diffrent sports and slot if times when I played in college I didn't talk hardly or anything I just played. It's actually the brat performances you have when your focused and only thinking of the game and being serious n working hard
Exactly. Only an idiot could not tell the thread starter is just trying to stir up the pot. The dumb ass must now be eagerly hoping for comments by the LOFHs to bash the Lin fans for making this stupid "Lin Only Thread". Let's see how many simple-minded LOFHs will bite.
Great Post: Originally Posted by EnergyGuy View Post I swear there's a cheatsheet that gets passed between the Rockets-only-fans+Lin-hater niche regarding Lin and Beverley. And they just follow protocol. I can't do a gif and post it here, but I'll try to describe it. A graph with four quadrants. On the Y axis there is two conditions - Lin plays well vs Lin plays poorly. On the X axis the two conditions are - Beverley plays well and Beveley plays poorly. There's a footnote that says, "When Lin plays average, it is equal to Lin plays poorly". But "When Beverley plays average, it is equal to Beverley plays well". So here it goes: Quadrant 1 Beverley plays well and Lin Plays poorly - Trade Lin for a bag of peanuts, what a scrub, put him in DLeague, sit him on the bench where he belongs, LOL at LOFs thinking Lin was any good. Bev is badass, he's exactly what we need at PG. Quadrant 2 Beverley plays poorly and Lin plays poorly - Lin really sucks. Trade him for a bag of peanuts. What a scrub. At least Beverley brings defense (happens sometimes but just pretend it happens every game, if somebody points it out just point to that game against Lillard as proof), and doesn't turn it over (don't mention assists ok?). Beverley's here for defense, not offense, it doesn't matter if he shoots 2-9. Quadrant 3 Lin plays well and Beverley plays well - Lin had an ok game, but man what a great bargain in Beverley we got. Lin's contract is crippling us. **** that poison pill, what was Morey thinking? Lin is untradable. It's Le$ marketing dollars (but don't ever say Lin has any impact on the China market and Asian fans ok? Tinman doesn't approve). But let's trade him anyway while he has some value. Beverley is da man (Just don't mention Beverley only has two games this season with 10 or more points AND 4 or more assists, for a PG). Quadrant 4 Lin plays well and Beverley plays poorly (or not available) - {empty space for a while until ... } - Let's trade him for a player we obviously cannot get, afford, or isn't even a fit, or didn't even want to be on the Rockets like Bledsoe (wanting near max contract next year), Deron Williams, Rondo, Rubio, Dragic, Lowry, - Compare him against the top PGs in the NBA, and put him in a tier with a bunch of players who aren't better PGs and/or shooting worse than Lin did during his first season with the Rockets which were a big reason why we complained about him last season (but shhhhh ... you get it) - Compare Lin against players on rookie contracts and say Lin is expensive - Compare Lin against 7 year veterans (who took more than 3-4 years in the league to get to this level, but shhhhh ... ) and say Lin sucks - Wait for Lin-fans to say something along the lines of "that's what Lin can do if he ... eg starts or eg shares the ball with Harden" ... and quickly jump in with "McHale is racists to white DMo also, LOL LOL LOL" If all else fails, other arguments that can be thrown in include: - Lin is injury prone. Look he missed 2-3 games in the playoffs last season (don't mention he played all of the regular season and more games than Harden last season). Just don't mention Beverley in on track to around 21% of all the games he's eligible to pay since he entered the Rockets rotation for good while Lin has missed just 10%. And in this instance, we're able to use Lin's injury on the Knicks with Tinman's special approval, as it is negative on Lin. So ... December 26, 2013 Protocol says "Initiate Quadrant 4 responses".
I love how the people who create these terrible threads make their idiotic posts, and then slink away never to be seen again in that thread. It really makes you wonder what the hell the point of all of it was in the first place......
It's not uncommon for people suffer depression around Christmas time, so let's don't overreact. Jeremy could just be going through the peaks and valleys of a long season. #bewell