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Jabari Smith Jr.

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by austinite, Apr 25, 2023.

  1. prodigy08

    prodigy08 Clutchfans Lurker

    Jun 3, 2006
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    I don't know what it is but I have seen enough to confirm that he is definitely not going to pan out for us. He just lacks the necessary mindset to actually get to the next level and it shows on his on-court play. It's bad enough that he can't shoot for someone touted to be a decent shooter but to also be a defensive liability is not encouraging. I was kinda hoping that he will at least bring some of that energy he showed flashes of in the early games. I also think that not having the right coach for him at this point in his career hurts his value overall.
  2. TDRox

    TDRox Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    Probably the worst finisher in the league. Whenever he shoots a 3, I know it won't go in... and it doesn't. Whenever he's wide open for a dunk or layup, I know it won't go in... and it doesn't...
    RudyTBag, PeterKingX and CantStopJG24 like this.
  3. VickMackey

    VickMackey Member

    Aug 2, 2021
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    Deshaun Watson too
  4. yixiixiy

    yixiixiy Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    No hop, no touch, no feel, no shots, no bag, no confidence. Only thing Jabari has is self awareness, too much of it.
  5. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Jabari is in a similar situation as Jalen last year. The 3rd season is supposed to be the breakout season. But he came out flat.

    Let's hope he has a month of March like Jalen's.
    PeterKingX likes this.
  6. PeterKingX

    PeterKingX Member

    Nov 7, 2007
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    Jabari possibly spends all time and efforts on his girl friend.

    He seems satisfied with being role players in his career.
    persian hoopa likes this.
  7. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    One of his worst games on both sides. Absolutely got cooked. He’s looking more and more like the weakest link in the starting lineup
    RudyTBag, persian hoopa and RocketOrg like this.
  8. yixiixiy

    yixiixiy Member

    Feb 17, 2010
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    Jabari’s cycle restarts today. It’s a local low point. A bit of self blame, a bit of spanking from the coach, he’ll be alright the next game. I’m quite sure of that.

    Thing is he’s gon be bad the game after and running around doing cardio again. The cycle inevitably will start all over again.
  9. CantStopJG24

    CantStopJG24 Member

    Oct 10, 2022
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    He has athleticism? He can barely jump. It's actually embarrassingly bad. I guess he moves well laterally but I wouldn't say he's athletic. He's almost 7 feet and probably averages 1 dunk every 4-5 games.
    daywalker02 likes this.
  10. ipaman

    ipaman Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Tanked and wasted a season for a mediocre role player.
  11. RocketOrg

    RocketOrg Member

    Nov 12, 2017
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    One glaring issue for Jabari is his lack of ball-handling skills. In comparison, Tari can dribble and has the ability to take it to the rack while using his strength to play through. He did that tonight a few time. On one play he drew and another where drive hard, then contorted his body in mid air for a layup. Very athletic.

    As for Jabari, he’s lacks the ball handling skills and strength to get to the rack. This makes him one-dimensional, and that’s where we see he’s useless if he can’t knock down the 3 ball.
  12. Arnel

    Arnel Member

    Sep 10, 2000
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    They need to have him involved in the offense and not stand behind the three point line. His midrange game is pretty awesome. Need to start going there when the team is getting cold. He’s a rhythm shooter. Can’t ignore him all the time and only give him the occasional open look. Run some plays for him when they have a smaller dude on him throw him the ball in the post and let him get his midrange shot. That looks better and more accurate than anyone else shooting midrange other than Reed.
    Roomba likes this.
  13. Hank McDowell

    Hank McDowell Member

    Jun 13, 2002
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    I'll admit I'm pretty frustrated with Jabari. He should be better than he is, and he's damn sure better than what he showed tonight. I keep expecting him to turn that corner, but it's just not happening yet. I still believe that he will.
    TAB likes this.
  14. Arnel

    Arnel Member

    Sep 10, 2000
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    You keep repeating that all night. “30% from three”. He shot 36.3% from three for the year last year. Were you also proud of him for that and kept on repeating it last year?

    if/when he goes back up to 36% on threes will he be ok in your book? Everyone stunk in up tonight. Make sure you share some of your ******** on the rest of the players also. Be an equal opportunity hater at least ;)

    they need to get him more involved in the offense and give him the midrange looks and not just expect him to sit behind the three line all game and suddenly make the few shots he gets at a super high percentage. He wasn’t that guy in college. He got plenty of looks, didn’t just sit behind the three point line all game. Took plenty of mid range shots and his arch is better on midrange.
  15. CantStopJG24

    CantStopJG24 Member

    Oct 10, 2022
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    What in the world makes you think that I would brag about someone shooting 36% from 3 or that I was happy about his play last year? Jabari has opportunities to go in the mid range. He's not confident enough his ability to dribble and pull up. He fails to post up smaller guards and fades away when he's 6-7 inches bigger than him. Tari somehow is able to get to his spots, mid range and 3s, why is that? Stop making excuses.
  16. Htown Stros

    Htown Stros Member

    Aug 29, 2015
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    He’s going to have to shoot a lot better than 36% to make up for his lack of other skills to ever come close to being worthy of the #3 pick.
    GotGame15 and CantStopJG24 like this.
  17. Arnel

    Arnel Member

    Sep 10, 2000
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    They’re clearly not running any plays for him at all. And you’re taking a super small sample size and kept repeating all damn night that he’s a 30% three point shooter when he took one shot. He shot all year at 36% so maybe you should shut the **** up about the constant focus on “30% three point shooter” when it’s most likely that he’ll go back to that 35-36% norm.

    I’m super high on Tari and hoping for Tari to be the next Kawhi. So you don’t have to sell me on Tari, I’m sold already. I just think you’ve focused primarily on ******** on Jabari tonight when the whole team sucked. Jabari can play with Tari. But we are clearly not using him correctly. He’s the second best midrange shooter and he’s 6’11”. Ime needs to run some plays for him there. I’d rather see that than Jalen or Sengun shooting their weak ass midrange game.
  18. Arnel

    Arnel Member

    Sep 10, 2000
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    And who was your pick at the time when the rockets were picking third and in the clock? Who would you have drafted. How bad did the rockets mess up?
  19. CantStopJG24

    CantStopJG24 Member

    Oct 10, 2022
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    Stop being so emotional. Who said I'm selling you on Tari. You're the one claiming Jabari is unable to get off because we don't run plays for him. I just told you that we don't run plays for Tari. I don't think we've ever ran a single play for Tari his entire tenure here. Yet Tari is able to be productive without set plays. Why is that? Once you're able to figure it out, come back to me. Also, you're bragging about Jabari who got drafted for being an "elite" shooter possibly going back to shooting 36% from 3 like it's some great feat. My god. You got it dude. I'll eat crow when Jabari goes back to shooting league average! What a stud.
  20. RudyTBag

    RudyTBag Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    Lol. We aren’t going to run plays for Jabari when we barely run plays for Alperen. He needs to move without the ball.
    Deadend and subtomic like this.

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