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It’s Time To Arrest Ultra-Orthodox Jews Who Delay Flights Over Seating

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by AroundTheWorld, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Yet again, the takeoff of a flight from New York to Israel was delayed because haredi (ultra-Orthodox) male Jewish passengers refused to sit next to women because their faith forbids it. The Dec. 20 El Al flight’s takeoff was delayed for 30 minutes when haredi men balked at sitting between two women, and other passengers refused to accommodate them in protest until one passenger finally relented.
    In October, a Delta flight was delayed after haredim refused to sit with members of the opposite sex, resulting in the plane arriving an hour late. In September, a group of haredim turned another El Al flight into a nightmare when they stood in the aisles rather than sit next to members of the opposite sex:

    By any measure, the haredis’ behavior is an asinine display. That one would board a plane fully expecting the crew and passengers to accommodate their wish to not be seated next to a member of half the human race is entitlement in the extreme. And yet not only are these unruly passengers who are disturbing the peace not kicked off the plane and arrested, but they are accommodated because they say those three magic words that in one breath excuse a host of idiocy, ignorance, and irrationality: “It’s my faith.”
    This country has long debated the location of the boundary dividing the freedom to exercise religion and the freedom to be unmolested by religious interference. While this demarcation is not always clear and seems to shift from time to time depending on whims of the judiciary, the cases described above are so outrageously violative of this boundary, that it’s simply reckless to keep tolerating more instances of them.
    Since haredi men aren’t likely to stop being sexist troglodytes anytime soon, the best way to handle haredim who refuse to take their seats is to arrest them in accordance with federal law which states,

    Refusing to take one’s seat and delaying a flight is absolutely interfering with the ability of crewmembers to perform their duties, not to mention a safety issue, disturbing the peace, and perhaps even a false imprisonment of crew and passengers.
    Because this keeps happening, at least some haredis have obviously not seen fit to take the steps necessary beforehand to ensure they’ll be able to have the seating arrangement they want. Then again, in the personal responsibility department, many haredis are lacking. As a group, they disproportionately rely on welfare payments from the government so that they may spend their time doing the very practical business of studying the Torah all day. In this state of affairs, only 45% of haredi men in Israel are actually employed, compared to 61% of haredi women. This aversion to work has predictably put immense strain on the Israeli welfare system. And yet it is tolerated.
    “It’s my faith.”
    It may be their faith, but it’s also other people’s money and time. Like those who try to practice sharia in secular countries, these haredis need to be reminded that this is not their own personal theocracy where everyone else is expected to accommodate their strange, ignorant, and stupid — yes, I dare call them stupid — beliefs. And if they cannot or will not learn this, if they insist on delaying flights, or segregating city buses, or doing any number of things that are so grossly discriminatory, unruly, and a threat to public order and peace, then they should be arrested and charged just like any other unruly passenger would be.
    Not only will this allow other passengers to travel on time and in peace, but it will send the offenders to more accommodative confined spaces where they can spend a night or two with members of the same sex.



    My opinion: Whether Jewish, Muslim or whatever - whoever behaves like that should be thrown off the plane immediately (if on the ground, of course ;)).
  2. Dairy Ashford

    Dairy Ashford Member

    May 20, 2002
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    All the ad hominem crap about their employment numbers and work ethic is irrelevant.
  3. BetterThanI

    BetterThanI Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    I don't often agree with you, but you're absolutely correct. Those parts of the article took a very valid issue and turned it into a bit of a smear piece.

    Having said that, the central point of the article remains correct: they need to get over it or get off the plane. Having a faith is one thing. Expecting the entire world to conform to your wacky beliefs is something else entirely.
  4. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    . . the spice must flow

    No one gives a d*mn about faith etc .. . but when you interrupt commerce
    well .. .you come against they greatest religion of them all

    Not contributing to the GOD OF COMMERCE is one of the ultimate sins
    and therefore can be used against you in the court of PUBLIC OPINION

    Rocket River
  5. A_3PO

    A_3PO Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    These ultra-Orthodox gentlemen might feel more comfortable on Saudi Arabian Airlines, which was recently rumored to begin segregating passengers on their flights.
  6. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Are these the same group of people who cover themselves in life sized ziplock bags to preserve their religious freshness over the seas?
  7. Deji McGever

    Deji McGever יליד טקסני

    Oct 12, 1999
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    Ultra-Othodox in Israel hardly work at all.
  8. Mr. Brightside

    Mar 27, 2005
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    Haven't these people suffered enough over the past 1000 years? Now they are subjugated to being arrested while flying on planes for merely following the right path.
  9. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Maybe they should move to Kansas. I've heard that it's some sort of utopia!
  10. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    The movie The Pianist seems so ironic now.
  11. DaDakota

    DaDakota Rockets forever!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Take them the hell off the plane they can sit next to dudes in the terminal.

    1 person likes this.
  12. rockbox

    rockbox Around before clutchcity.com

    Jul 28, 2000
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  13. geeimsobored

    geeimsobored Member

    Aug 20, 2005
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    Maybe to you but there is very significant resentment in Israel over the status of the ultra-orthodox in Israel.

    Israel is facing a looming demographics crisis that is on par with Japan. Israel benefited from arguably the greatest wave of immigration the world has ever seen. A generation of relatively wealthy and most importantly extremely educated immigrants converged on Israel in the span of a few decades and created a developed economy in the shortest span ever seen.

    That is extremely impressive but that development path isn't sustainable and Israelis know it. The immigration pool has changed. Instead of getting wealthy American and Western European Jews, Israel now only gets poorer and less educated eastern European and Russian Jews. Many of those have little to contribute economically and end up in subsidized developments in settlement areas.

    Meanwhile the secular Jewish community that props up and maintains the Israeli economy is facing a rapidly declining birth rate. The only population growth today comes from the Orthodox community and the Arab community. Both populations don't have the type of education and skills required to maintain Israel's economy and standard of living. This has crisis written all over.

    The demographics don't add up in the long run. The Israelis can't borrow talent from abroad anymore. They have to train and educate their own and as long as the vast majority of children are either Orthodox or Arab, this simply won't happen. In particular, state subsidies to allow the Orthodox to basically never learn a trade skill will continue to hurt the country.

    So you can understand the vitriol at the Orthodox community. They are literally sucking the economy dry and over time, they'll ruin it. The subsidies have to end if Israel is to continue to prosper.

    But Israel's politics mirror our own. They just kick the can down the road when it comes to any long term decision making. The Knesset is permanently paralyzed as minority governments are a guarantee because the electorate is so fractured. And overtime, this will generate more and more resentment from the secular community who feel that they are being saddled with larger burdens as the Orthodox community grows in size. When I was in Israel, this type of anger was common. There's a huge disconnect between the secular and Orthodox community and it grows by the day.
    1 person likes this.
  14. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Very Interesting
    Thanks for Sharing . . . .

    Always good to see how the internal workings of foreign lands

    Rocket River

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