I think the problem is neither of them are good enough to keep based on how good they are now. If both of them see no improvement from where they are today, then you don't want either of them on your team. So it's not about keeping the better player, it's about keeping the player that has a higher chance of becoming worth keeping. Right now I think Jalen has a higher chance of making that leap than KPJ does.
Clutchfans is the only place on earth anyone thinks it's not a joke to debate whether to keep KPJ or Jalen Green. Don't indulge it. That racist DD dude would rather say everyone is wrong than to say he was wrong about KPJ. The discussion is a distraction from the fact that KPJ is barely a starting NBA player and Jalen Green is a high potential prospect.
LOL - racist dude......I mean - that is funny and all - how is the UAE these days? Still supporting Russia? What a joke you are - if you are a Rocket's fan you look at everything possible until we get a star, Green isn't one, KPJ isn't one, Jabari isn't one....we don't have one - so until you do....you churn. At least that is what one Houston Rocket fan thinks. DD PS. I am right on KPJ he is playing great - I like Green too - but I would trade either for LaMelo.
Except, nobody is actually debating on keeping KPJ or Jalen Green. Why you got to keep making up stuff? Everybody was once a high potential prospect what's your point?