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How do people here think Harden > KD in any universe?

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by LosPollosHermanos, Jun 19, 2021.

  1. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
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    Dec 22, 2005
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    It's not a minimal difference on defense. I'm sorry but it's not.

    And again, I'm not just basing it off this series. That said... KD scored at least 28 points in every game, and shot 50% from the field and 35% from 3 against the Bucks. He managed PJ just fine.
    roslolian and LosPollosHermanos like this.
  2. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
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    Aug 25, 2009
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    My respect for him really grew by the fear of playing against him when he had the ball. Be Pj (who is a great defender in his own right) dude was just shooting over chairs. That level of power…unstoppable when on
  3. RudyTBag

    RudyTBag Member
    Supporting Member

    Jan 6, 2006
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    Healthy Harden is significantly better.

    Hurt Harden is significantly worse.
    HP3 likes this.
  4. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    Yea it is, when Harden is locked in, it really is. KD has never been an all nba defender. The defensive gap is not greater than the offensive gap. Before Harden got hurt, he was leading the Nets in all categories advanced stat wise.

    Then what are you basing it of off. No he didnt, he shot below 50 Ts% like 3 times with PJ being the main defender. He didnt manage PJ just fine. Tucker gave him the most problems.
    hakeem94 likes this.
  5. DCkid

    DCkid Member

    Oct 15, 2001
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    . So you do or don’t think a team would ever run isolation plays for Harden down the stretch if both players were on the same team? :)
  6. hakeem94

    hakeem94 Member

    Sep 23, 2016
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    unstoppable when surrounded with steph klay dray igoudala scott foster and tony brothers

    when on any nba player is unstoppable... just look at terrance mann who is still playing and durant the unstoppable really went fishing lololol
    HP3 likes this.
  7. DCkid

    DCkid Member

    Oct 15, 2001
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    I don’t get this at all. Durant just needs someone to hand him the ball and get out of the way so he can simply shoot over them. Or maybe occasionally backing them in a little closer to the basket before (you guessed it) shooting over them. Seems like if there is any player in the league who doesn’t need the ball in the “right place” to score, it’s Durant.
    roslolian likes this.
  8. rocketseagles07

    Jul 3, 2012
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    I don’t have a narrative about harden. Did you miss where I said he’s my favorite player in the league?

    I’m not using the Milwaukee series as an example that’s completely unfair to Harden.
  9. HP3

    HP3 Member

    Apr 22, 2018
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    Than you have no reason to say anything as he was performing like the best player on the Nets just last series. And btw his last three post seasons have been very good.
  10. Badrose

    Badrose Member

    Jun 20, 2007
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    Harden has better hair. And beard (which is horrible)
  11. smp

    smp Member

    Jan 8, 2008
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    Time will tell who is remembered as the best players and who is forgotten. My bet is that KD will be remembered for decades and Harden will be forgotten within 15 years from retirement.

    Except for Houston and the Nets (if they win a ring). We will be the only fans who even think about him at all by then.

    Harden and Westbrook are viewed closer together than Harden and KD. Like it or not.
  12. c1utchfan925

    c1utchfan925 Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Nonono, to all the people that are HOPING Harden makes a case for a better offensive contribution...

    That's true in the REGULAR SEASON but when the playoffs hit the refs stop calling the trick fouls Harden typically baits them with, he gets frustrated and the shots he takes to initiate the fouls start to count against his % and everyone starts to suddenly notice his dip in efficiency.

    If we're just comparing Harden VS Durant, Durant is better because he consistently contributes defensively on 1v1 and help defense. If Harden passes the ball with more than 3 seconds left then sure you can make the case he's a better play maker, but come on he literally used to hog the ball the majority of the time and at times it was extremely difficult to watch.

    Saying Durant is not important enough to win a champion without his GSW (Curry/Thompson/Green) is a terrible comparison, we're comparing Harden vs KD not KD&Co (I was a diehard KD fan until he copped out and went to the GSW).
    roslolian, cheke64 and BallSoHarden like this.
  13. HardenVolumeOne

    May 3, 2020
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    nah too many kids emulate hardens game, he'll be remmebered for a while. hell our current best player on the rockets idolizes harden
    HP3 likes this.
  14. SuperMarioBro

    SuperMarioBro Member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    I hate Durant's b!tch@ss behavior of the last few seasons, but he blew me away these playoffs and earned back a bit of my respect (though I never doubted his ability to perform). Probably the greatest return from injury of all time.

    ... But we didn't get a fair look at Harden... He came into the playoffs rusty from a hammy injury, and re-injured the same hamstring right as he seemed to be getting back into a rhythm. Yeah, yeah, I know it was just the regular season, but he was fairly obviously the Nets' best player before the hamstring. And historically, given what each player has accomplished and who they accomplished it with, there is an argument for Harden as well. Not an airtight one, but a decent one. There is more to playoff performance than field goal percentages.

    Still, it's hard to imagine anyone playing as well as Durant played in the last few games of this series. I'm not sure I've ever even seen LeBron or Jordan have a much better stretch, all things considered.
    HP3 likes this.
  15. Reeko

    Reeko Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    KD is taller and a better shooter…he can shoot over any defender, and he’s 1 of the best shooters in the league…a deadly combo

    KD also has way more variety to his offensive game

    Harden is a good shooter who relies on heavily contested threes that are all unassisted, and layups…with his bum hamstring, he could not get into the paint…he did not attempt a single layup since his return, and rarely drove inside the 3 point line

    Harden used to have a post game, midrange game, and have about 50% of his threes assisted shooting 40% on spot up threes…now if the heavily contested stepback three is off, he will for sure not have a good night offensively, but might still put a bunch of points on the board via layups/floaters and free throws…with the hamstring issue, he got the occasional floater, and no layups…he only got to the free throw line via getting fouled on 3 point attempts or via high BBIQ baiting a foul on some of his slow-mo drives the few times he did manage to get inside the 3 point line

    I can not recall a time where Harden started off the game missing from 3, and later turned it around and got hot…he’s not streaky, he’s either way off, or he’s on…if Harden is missing early, u can pretty much always pencil in a 2-12 night from deep…we’ve seen the 1-17’s, the 3-13’s, etc…he hardly ever gets his jumper going if he’s missing early

    my favorite Harden is still the one we saw in the 2015 WCF…games 1 and 2 against GS were simply phenomenal

    with all that said, let’s not act like he wasn’t severely hampered in this series

    Harden in his last 4 playoff series

    35, 7, and 6 on 44/35/82 shooting splits against GS

    30, 6, and 8 on 47/31/85 shooting splits against OKC

    29, 5, and 7 on 50/38/84 shooting splits against the Lakers

    28, 7, and 11 on 56/48/91 shooting splits against Boston

    he has been trending up in the postseason for awhile now…that’s 4 straight series putting up phenomenal numbers, and these weren’t against a bunch of 8th seed teams or squads that couldn’t play any defense

    I think he would’ve had an excellent series against Milwaukee if he had not been injured…he was in a groove before the hamstring

    Nets would’ve beaten Milwaukee in 5 with just 2 of the Big 3 healthy
    #75 Reeko, Jun 21, 2021
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2021
  16. DavidJuan

    DavidJuan Member

    Apr 14, 2021
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    Well, he obviously can play hero ball and he can score in isolation settings like almost no other in the history of the game - it worked for him in game 5 and came within half an inch of working in game 7. But he's not going to win a title that way.

    The Nets were winning when KD had James (and to some extent when he had Kyrie) because James and Kyrie went out of their way to adjust their game to his. It was the same story in Golden State, where Curry and Green adjusted their game to his, and that's how they won. KD will have his great games, he might even earn the MVP, but he's not going to do it without another superstar who is an alpha. He is perhaps the greatest betha to ever play the game, but he is still a betha.

    It makes me laugh when people say that Harden's teammates were just standing around because he didn't get them involved. Well, with KD it's real, went he gets in hero ball mode he forgets that he has teammates, he wants to do everything himself. And he is good enough that he puts monster numbers and sometimes gets the win playing that way. But he has to realize that he cannot win a title like that. You shun your teammates, and then when you need them, they are so used to doing nothing that they can't respond anymore.
    HP3 and hakeem94 like this.
  17. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    KD is better than Harden. He has more accomplishments and is seen as the best player everytime they played together. In OKC when people asked who is their best player, answer is Durant. Now in Brooklyn when people ask who is their best player, the answer is still Durant. KD is the better shooter, And is really the one taking the final shot in their team.

    Physical wise you can see why Durant is better, dude's 6'10 with long ass arms while Harden is 6'5. His height allows KD to shoot much better than Harden and make plays without relying on refs unlike Harden. On defense KD can guard the Lebrons and other big men while Harden can't, he can hold his man in the post but only there, for example in a H2H matchup KD can guard Harden in the perimeter but Harden cant guard KD.

    The only ones who think Harden is better than KD are just the Harden fanbois. Anybody impartial to the whole thing knows KD is better.
    LosPollosHermanos and JumpMan like this.
  18. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    KD got 2 titles playing like that smh what do you mean KD cant win that way? Lol. Harden deferred to KD when he fought with Cp3 for possessions before, he knows KD is better than him.
  19. blahblehblah

    blahblehblah Member

    Mar 29, 2006
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    Aside from the harden fans here, you won't find many who think Harden is better than or equal to KD or Curry.

    But like religion, people can believe what they want.
    roslolian likes this.
  20. SamFisher

    SamFisher Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    KD put up a 0-0-0 in 2020 so it's actually not that crazy to have held this opinion.
    hakeem94 likes this.

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