Dude, you asked advice, people gave it. Instead of being what is considered "socially acceptable", and just ignoring the advice (or smiling and nodded, this is what normal people do in real i.e. non online situations) that you didn't want or thought that applied to you, you made a point to call out anyone who posted almost anything that was against your values. We get it, anyone who drinks more than 2 beverages that contain alcohol will wake up next morning with a demon seed in her belly, even after years of marriage. Maybe you need to focus on yourself and your career, but then again you feel the void of not having someone to share you life with (hence the thread) so, never mind. Heads up.. Life gets harder outside of nineteen.. Especially if it is to find your "one true love" I bet half of the people that have posted have had their hearts broken when they were around your age. (And based on what you have said they have more experience with the fairer sex, no offense, just real talk) "It is better to have love and lost, then to have never have loved at all." But if you come into situations and have a preconceived notion about people, "par-tays", women, then you miss out on what life is all about... Living. Not all girls are whores and not all whores are girls.. When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed.
Yep. I'd rather get laid because someone was legitimately interested in me and not because I have money, which still doesn't guarantee success in getting them lined up.
True but girls have to give it up, which is why they are usually called whores while guys are the ones who have to convince them to do the deed. Yes, that truly explains the so-called hypocrisy.
Not sure, but sometimes how I tell is if the person's signature no longer shows up. However I've disabled signatures, so that's a moot point. Second is you can't rep the person because the green "feedback" button isn't there on his posts.
I'm only 28, but all I really have learned is that life is a living organism, your existence changes venues, interests, loves, jobs, maybe even sexualities or genders. There is a flow in your conscious mind that is ever evolving and craving new experiences. So don't make plans. Just live. "You" is open to interpretation.
Maybe that's not the reason, I've seen others post nastier things in the past. I did hit the report button on him yesterday asking if he is the same person as "Octavanius" who got kicked a while back. Maybe it is? Anyways, good riddance if he's gone for good.
LOL, You're still too young and immature Optimal6. There is no helping you at this point. 1. You are not going to find a girl that has never been with somebody else. If you do, eventually she will leave you. People need to experience multiple partners before they find Mr/Miss Right. 2. If grandma had balls she had grandpa. Too many hypotheticals. I understand the way you look at things, because when I was like 14 I thought the same way. If you're always afraid of somebody cheating on you, that gives them all the more reason to leave you. You need trust. 3. You create too many damn excuses. Get over it and do something. Stop making excuses for yourself and trying to distribute the blame elsewhere. Like I said from my first point, you need to check yourself first. You are NOT smarter than everyone else. Someone is ALWAYS better than you. Make yourself better. It never ends (that's the beauty of it) Closing thoughts: Your d!@k is never going to be their first. Sorry bro, but by the time you mature enough, most women your age will have been around the block and back again. #BeWell
In the thread about how one will spend New Year's Eve... Then he asks for advice. Then refuses to change anything about himself and talks s*** about other people. Here's to hoping this is just because he's young even for a 19 year old.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/aTzkp3k7F6c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Coming back late to this thread and I am disappointed the OP got kicked out. I am not mad at his posts back to me but am troubled by them. Those post pretty much explained why he is forever alone and they also showed someone who is troubled and does have some issues particularly regarding women. In case you are still here lurking Optimal after reading your rants I think you do need help and not from Clutchfans. I am not saying this to insult you but I think talking to a therapist at your school will do a lot of good for you. As I said before I am not trying to pick on you but when I was 19 I also had periods of feeling the same way you did and remember having rants about how all the women out there were sluts. Looking back though I see how immature and self-centered I was and how that attitude prevented me from having better relationships with women when I was young and maybe even colors things for me to this day. I am going to apologize if I sound patronizing but you can't expect everyone to just conform to you and if you don't want to be forever alone it is going to take work.
I second this notion, and again not as an insult. I haven't read every post in this thread, so OP not sure if you stated whether you are in college or not. If you are, you should check out your student counseling services on your school's website and set up an appointment. I saw a counselor a few times my freshman year and I've had friends who have as well. Sometimes it's nice to talk to a real person who just listens and can help you help yourself. Plus you're already paying for those services with your tuition! Use them! They don't charge you for it, and they don't tell your parents if either of those are a concern to you. & Just so we're clear, not all women are sluts and get trashed every night
I hope you're not volunteering to jump on that grenade!?!?:grin: pretty sure this dude was trolling. the vitriol in his responses to honest feedback seemed canned. strangely reminds me of the guy who scammed a bunch of money off of some charitable clutchfans and then Clutch shut him down and called him out for being sketch.
CBS just had a piece saying 14 million women between 18 and 35 are binge drinkers. I laughed and thought of this thread. Too funny.