..nice work. Although I am getting a little tired og that overused commercial and song, I liked your rendition better than the ones I see on tv.
I've been trying to keep an even keel during this streak, but watching that video makes it very hard. Very nice work. 5 stars. BTW, I LOVE those commercials. Even the ones that don't have Rockets in them.
Even that one exclusively featuring Dirk? I hate that one! They need one exclusively of Yao if they're going to that with Dirk.
Awesome video, great pictures...is there a link to the post where no. 1 - 20 of these pictures are? Thanks!
That video was fantastic. The Rockets need to sign this guy to a contract with their promo team. I personally like the campaign they are running, especially as they change it up constantly. I think if it was the same tired commercials repeatedly it would get old, but whenever I hear that music, I pay attention to the TV during the commericals to see what they are showing.
great video. i think they need to make a special new intro for the rockets at home games because of this streak i was thinking of having a song made in the theme of the mortal kombat song of old yelling houston rockets instead! would be nice with that and naming all our roster via nicknames in the song for the team lineup go rockets!
great video- my wife loves the music for this series- i assume it's an original comp- anyone know where it can be got? anyone see the version shown during the game, with T-mac skying against a black background to "where filling the void" happens?