The Correlation between Jeremy Lin and Hotties Sometimes when a player has bad or good games, a statistical correlation can be made to determine why that player played so poorly or played so well. Sometimes when a player does play poorly, it can be attributed to the minutes played, the number of games that week, the defensive schemes or defensive acumen of the opposing player, and whether the game is played at home or away. Likewise, when a player plays well there can be various reasons for a great game. Sometimes, however, certain variables are not accounted for when a player goes off. Now let's examine some very small, but shocking data. On December 9th, 2012 this picture went viral on CF: The very next game, Lin scores 38 pts/ 7 asts / 2blks / 2stls on the Spurs. Coincidence? Perhaps. Now let's move on to another example. On November 9th, 2013 this picture also caused a stir on CF: The very next game on November 11th against the Raptors, Lin scores 31 PTS and hits the bucket to put the game away. Once again, is this purely coincidence? The only difference here is that the next game against the Sixers Lin scores 34 PTS/ 12 ASTS. This could be attributed to the fact that this hottie was twice as hot as the first one. (More data will have to be collected to make this correlation.) Granted this is a small sample size, but we can't ignore this very strange phenomenon. Nevertheless, statistically speaking, one cannot deny the strong correlation that exists. If there is a correlation, then this means that any and all hot female Rocket fans need to take a picture with Lin and post it on Clutchfans. This is critical. The picture most be posted here, or at least on Twitter so it makes its way here. Please, I plead with you hotties to take one for the team so to speak and thank you in advance. I will continue to update this if it isn't locked by our hardworking mods or the master himself. (Please give me a few days if you do. Just trying to lighten the mood here lol)
That's a very interesting correlation you discovered. Please carry on OP, and bless us with more of your infinite wisdom!
Holy fcking shyt, so this is why Harden spent $20k on that chick from last year. Guess Lin is picking up another Harden trick.