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Hocine Drouiche, vice president of French Imams, steps down, says Islam and Islamism almost indistin

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by AroundTheWorld, Jul 17, 2016.

  1. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    These bits are google-translated, as this has not been picked up by English-speaking mainstream media, for whatever reason.


    Vice President of the Imams of France resigns: "It is now difficult to distinguish Islam from Islamism"


    The vice president of the imams of the Conference of France resigned to denounce the silence of Muslim institutions
    16/07/2016 Pierre Pistoletti
    Nice following the massacre, the vice president of the Conference of Imams of France, Hocine Drouiche, submitted his resignation to denounce the Muslim institutions in France, "incompetent", he said.

    "I will declare my resignation," he wrote on his Facebook page to protest against these institutions "do nothing to ensure social peace and keep repeating that extremism does not exist".

    The Franco-Algerian imam rails against the silence of its counterparts and Muslim preachers at what he sees as a "terrorist attack".

    Islam today dehumanized

    In July last year, already, in a speech during an interfaith meeting in Brussels on the persecution of Christians, he denounced "the fact that no imam had come to pray before the drafting of Charlie Hebdo or before the kosher supermarket. " For him, "Islam is now dehumanized."

    "The absence of major concepts of ancient Islamic civilizations night Muslims today, supported Hocine Drouiche. Values ​​such as dialogue, tolerance, reason and welcoming others have not stood the test of an Islamic literalism that separates friends from enemies of God, believers from unbelievers, Muslims infidels. In such an environment, the emergence of fanaticism was inevitable. "

    "Get out of your subject!"

    For the imam, "the latest bombings in the West and in the Muslim world show how religious reform has become necessary for the continued existence of Islam and Muslims. Such events have shown the importance of this reform for world peace. "

    Yesterday on Facebook, Hocine Drouiche reiterated its call to the French imams to "get out of their reserves," recalling that if "Islam is innocent, it takes brave men to prove it." A daunting task as, according to him, "it is now very difficult to differentiate Islam religious ideological Islam." (Cath.ch-apic / pp)
  2. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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    Here is one article in English:


    The Vice-President of all Imams in France resigned. His last words are a big warning for the world

    Hocine Drouiche, imam of Nimes, right after the attack in Nice released this terrible warning to the world.

    “I resigne cause World leaders are doing nothing to bring peace and they continue to say that there is not a radical Islam.”

    Before resigning Hocine was elected to become Imam of the great mosque in Paris.

    “I hope they imams in France this Friday will speak against hate and will talk about what happened in Nice.”

    He continue saying:

    “We will never move forward if we don’t understand that the extremism lives inside our mosques. We as Muslims have not engaged ourselves in finding a solution against hate in our midst. I hope that Muslims will wake up in Europe.”

    These words are powerful. They confirm what we think, there is no moderate Islam. They all have been infiltrated by hate and violence.
  3. AroundTheWorld

    Feb 3, 2000
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  4. Exiled

    Exiled Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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