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Grantlands new article gave a B to Rockets on offseason report card

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Texanasiafan, Jul 18, 2014.

  1. Texanasiafan

    Texanasiafan Member

    Mar 13, 2013
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    To be fair, the writer mentioned basically he(she?) is a Rockets hater and bashed Morey before. But to some extend, the situation is becoming stupid now, the same as in CF.

    By the way, several other interesting grades :

    Mavs : C
    Cavs : A+, obviously.
    Pacers : D, obviously.
    Lakers : A+ (good read)



    One of the funny parts about spending way too much time on the Internet is that sometimes you initially agree with a criticism, but then everybody starts talking about it and tweeting about it, one-upping each other with hotter takes, and eventually the opinions get taken so far that you can’t help but double back and start defending what you were initially criticizing. That’s what happened with Daryl Morey this week.

    It went like this:

    • “Wow, the Rockets really looked like idiots in the end this summer.” (Yep.)
    • “Morey isn’t as invincible as everyone says he is.” (100 percent.)
    • “What happened this summer was a colossal mistake.” (Umm …)
    • “Morey’s just a product of incestuous media putting him on a pedestal. He’s never been that great” (OK.)
    • “Seven years in Houston, and Morey’s made the second round once. Why doesn’t anyone write an article about THAT?” [Backing away slowly]
    • “FINALLY, the myth of Morey is being exposed.” (Wait, what?)
    • “Will the Rockets even make the playoffs this year?” (WHAT?)

    Everybody needs to calm down. The Rockets will be OK. This summer was all about going for Chris Bosh and Carmelo Anthony to fill out a contender’s nucleus, then going over the cap to bring back Parsons as a fourth star. That plan may not have won a title, but it was worth the risk.

    Now Houston’s paying Trevor Ariza half of what Parsons is getting, and in return it will still have shooting to stretch the floor, plus much better defense. It’s not perfect, but come on. The only way this offseason is that bad is if you think Parsons is that good.

    You can debate what the Rockets should do from here, but “not pay Chandler Parsons $15 million a year” is hard to argue with. That decision would’ve happened next offseason regardless. Just because it came a year early doesn’t mean we have to suddenly have a collective reckoning over Morey’s supposed fraudulent career.

    Anyway, I’m sticking with the Chris Paul comparison from Monday. Morey’s easy to root against for all kinds of legitimate reasons, and he’s never been as infallible as the hype suggests, but the broader track record is tough to criticize. That part is not a myth. I hated watching the Rockets last year, but go back and look at the 2011 roster. Morey turned that team into James Harden and Dwight Howard and a five-year window in which a title is at least a realistic goal. If the big criticism is “TALK TO ME WHEN HE WINS SOMETHING,” well, that’s what people say about Paul. It doesn’t mean he’s not really good.

    In conclusion, I hated the Week of Morey Backlash for a lot of reasons, but especially because it made me defend the ******* Rockets.
    1 person likes this.
  2. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    Go **** yourself, Andrew Sharp.
  3. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    WTF?:confused: Are you a Mavs fan, or something?

    he's basically saying what a lot of sane people have been saying around here, which is: everybody calm down. the sky is not falling.

    And the following rings true as well...


    Everything Dallas did seems like it makes more sense on paper than it does in real life. Taking a chance on Tyson Chandler? Sure, seems smart enough. Re-signing Dirk Nowitzki for $8 million a year? Paying $15 million a season to Parsons, stealing a crucial piece from a conference rival? Great job.

    But I don’t know if it will actually work. Maybe Dallas goes from the eighth seed to the seventh seed? Chandler isn’t the same guy he was two years ago. Parsons will hurt the defense, and he probably isn’t good enough to make the offense that much better. They lost Vince Carter, Jose Calderon, DeJuan Blair, and probably Shawn Marion. All of those players were important last year, and flipping them for Parsons and Chandler and Raymond Felton doesn’t necessarily change things for the better. It’s hard to criticize what Dallas did given the options, but it’s also hard to get that excited about the Mavericks this year.

    The biggest disappointment of the Mavs summer: someone taking down the video of Parsons signing his contract in an Orlando club with Mark Cuban and house music in the background. At least until he goes on The Bachelor, this was the most Chandler Parsons incident in history, especially when he dramatically crushed the plastic cup he was drinking from. Juliet Litman watched it no less than 50 times the day it hit the Internet. Please, someone, put it back on YouTube. For everyone."
  4. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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    I don't like backhanded comments and this one took the cake: "In conclusion, I hated the Week of Morey Backlash for a lot of reasons, but especially because it made me defend the ******* Rockets."
    1 person likes this.
  5. Texanasiafan

    Texanasiafan Member

    Mar 13, 2013
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    That's a fair comment.

    As I mentioned before, there is some kind of evil aura on this Rockets team.

    Harden, Howard, Lin, Asik, Morey, and even Bevs - there will be lots of haters out there.

    You can not force people to like you or give you respect because your brand, you need to earn it always.
    1 person likes this.
  6. okierock

    okierock Member

    Oct 3, 2001
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    Nobody likes a bought team. No matter how you like to think of our team that is what we are perceived as from the outside.
  7. desi tmac91

    desi tmac91 Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    ...For defending our team and making sense?
  8. Pizza_Da_Hut

    Pizza_Da_Hut I put on pants for this?

    Jul 16, 2003
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    It's more because it's a backhanded compliment. It's like saying to a girl "you look sexy when you're stupid". Good luck with that one.
  9. WinkFan

    WinkFan Member

    Feb 12, 2002
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    Yeah, nothing wrong with hating for no real reason. Why should that bother Rockets fans?
  10. shastarocket

    shastarocket Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    This is very true.

    The sooner you guys realize the fact that we are no longer one of our likable squads of the past (Scola, Hayes, Landry, AB, Artest, etc.), the sooner we can all embrace the role of an NBA villain.
  11. Texanasiafan

    Texanasiafan Member

    Mar 13, 2013
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    We are looking for a championship, not a hug.

    When we will get the ring, you can start to give people your middle finger all you want, until then, why should you bother?
  12. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Not trying to pick on you, but why would someone say the Rockets are a "bought team," like they're very different from most of the rest of the teams in the league in that respect? I'm assuming you are talking about people thinking we're not developing our draft picks, etc., or developing them and then trading them away. The whole "asset" thing. Heck, everyone does it to one degree or another. We currently have several players we've drafted, or plucked from obscurity in Europe. Jones, Donuts, Daniels, Covington, Canaan, Capela, Beverley, Johnson - heck, we're developing guys like crazy. The only reason Parsons isn't here is because he signed an absurd contract. He signed it, not Daryl Morey. Parsons created his own fate. Jeremy had to be moved in order to have a chance to improve the team. Morey rolled snake eyes, but **** happens. Jeremy knew the odds were excellent that he'd be traded, and I seriously doubt that it was a big surprise. Lin went to one of the most famous teams in the league, in a huge media market, and has a chance to play for a new contract by showing what he can do. Heck, Jeremy ought to be delighted with how things turned out. He might have ended up in an NBA backwater town, but he didn't. We gave Asik a chance to show himself off as a starter, and that's what he's going to be this season for New Orleans. He'll also be playing for a new contract.

    I'm not happy that Morey missed on some stars I'd love to see in our uniforms, but he isn't done. He's never done. Meanwhile, we're the envy of a hell of a lot of teams. I just wish the freakin' season would start. I wouldn't mind some more talent, either.
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  13. lnchan

    lnchan Sugar Land Leonard
    Supporting Member

    Apr 14, 2010
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    Looking at that 2011-12 roster as suggested by Sharp, we would have the best backcourt in the league...
  14. anonmau5

    anonmau5 Member

    Sep 4, 2012
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    Laying down the hammer!
  15. shastarocket

    shastarocket Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    I laughed a little too hard at this bit regarding the Pacers

  16. MystikArkitect

    Jul 18, 2006
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    This also confused me. If anything the Rockets are the opposite of a "bought" team. What Morey did turning essentially nothing into Harden and Howard is pretty much unheard of. How many championship caliber teams can say they didn't acquire a centerpiece on a draft night? Spurs, Mavs, Clippers, Heat, Cavs, Thunder, Blazers and Bulls all DRAFTED high and got their stars.

    Morey wheeled and dealed Jeremy Lamb and a Toronto pick and netted us two superstars in the process.
  17. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    They didn't get Ariza for half of Parsons, they got Ariza for 8 times of what they could have had Parsons. That's an F move, especially from a flexibility standpoint.
  18. Zergling

    Zergling Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Yeah, for one year. Good luck keeping a pissed off Parsons after this year if we didn't decline the option.
  19. Texanasiafan

    Texanasiafan Member

    Mar 13, 2013
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    That's the price you go for the home run, you have to clear it to sign a big fish.

    and the writer did mentioned this :

    “Wow, the Rockets really looked like idiots in the end this summer.” (Yep.)

    But just think about it,

    IF Bosh will agree to sign with the Rockets and then when we match Parsons offers, all these people whose laughing hard will also immediately hand Morey the executive of the year and make Houston as the favor to win it all.

    Hindsight is 20 / 20.
  20. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    For 1 year? Then we would have no Ariza and no Parsons. Everyone here keeps acting like the world will end next year :rolleyes:

    As far as flexibility goes Ariza is more attractive because Parsons would be a UFA, there is no team who will give up assets for him since they can get him on the open market. OTH Ariza is a similar level player locked down to a discount, Hayward and Parsons makes the max Deng makes 12M and now Ariza is making 8M. We have the flexibility of keeping him on the team as an essential piece or trading him away for picks or other assets when we use up cap for 3rd star.

    I think B is a fair grade however looking back on it now I give the Rox a B+ or even an A for the great recovery of not matching Parsons, keeping Daniels and ending up with Ariza on a bargain and drafting that dude dunking all over everyone in SL. If I would compare it to Ball it was like the game is tied and the Rox went for a 3 and missed it. Everyone focuses on the missed shot but the truth is it was a great gamble with very little risk. We went for Dynasty and whiffed, but then we got Ariza, dumped Lin's idiot fans and got a potential lottery pick next year. And that 2nd rounder we ended up with seems like Parsons all over again.

    Lol lock it up lets get the season underway, DH isn't even worried why should I care.

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