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Francis Migranes: A Concern?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Jeff, Jan 13, 2002.

  1. Jeff

    Jeff Clutch Crew

    Feb 14, 1999
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    My sister-in-law gets migranes and I have a friend who gets them. I know how awful they can be and I also know that there is very little that can control them. Some medications (including anti-inflamatories) can even agrivate them and I have to believe Steve is getting all kinds of Cortizone with his sore feet.

    I don't like to worry about things like this, but this is the third game since his return that has been colored by migranes and dizziness. He has been fully checked out for any neurological problems and we know that isn't a problem. It is just a chronic migrane problem and there are very few fixes.

    I'm just wondering if anyone else is concerned about this being a long-term serious problem.
  2. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    I sure hope not Jeff.
  3. getsmartnow

    getsmartnow Member

    Feb 27, 2001
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    15mins before gametime:

    RduyT: What's the matter, Stevie?

    Francis: I have a headache.

    RudyT: It might be a tumor.

    Francis: It's not a tumor!

    Sorry, bad taste in joke there.

    Seriously, it is a concern though. My experience on migranes is limited, but can they be a 'phase thing', i.e. you have them within a space of a month or so, and then never have one again?
    Has he ever thought of natural therapies, I've heard that they can help get over migranes.
  4. RocketsPimp

    RocketsPimp Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    Another good topic Jeff. I was thinking the same thing when I read he had another migrane tonight. I wonder if Francis hits the town on the nights before he has these migranes and how much sleep he gets the day before these migranes. Just another thought.
  5. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    Kareem played 20yrs with migraines. Terrel Davis played his first superbowl with a migraine. They are said to be extremely painful with out much of a cure pther than braces. I think he'l just have to play with them when he can. Didn't Pippen get a migraine game 7 against Det in 89? :D
  6. finalsbound

    finalsbound Member

    Aug 31, 2000
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    When you have a migrane, it's good to be in a quiet, dark room with your eyes closed. An NBA game is the very opposite of that. Steve needs to take a very strong prescription. Excedrin won't do the trick.
  7. rockbox

    rockbox Around before clutchcity.com

    Jul 28, 2000
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    My wife used to get migraines all the time. I mean every other day. She would have to miss work at least once a week. It turned out (after about 2 years of misery), she was allergic to the hormones and antibiotics they feed chickens. We switched to free range chicken, and now she only gets them about once every two months or so (probably an another allergy we haven't pinpointed).

    The point is that migraines are usually caused by something. Unfortunately they don't have an allergy test for it, so you have to systematicly write down everything you eat and do and see if there is a pattern on when they occur. Doctors just suck when it comes to detecting allergies which makes the problem worse.
  8. Rocket Fan

    Rocket Fan Member

    Mar 17, 1999
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    jeff.. i've gotten migraines all my life and it's just something you have to live with it seems. i know more stuff is coming out now, but there isn't that many fixes and some of the fixes are supposed to have side effects etc.. (some of the new ones might now.. like i said i've just lived with them and not taken anything really) .. it always helps me like someone said to go in a dark quiet room. light can sometimes trigger them etc. i know if he gets a horrible one during a game he probably wont' be able to play much or perform well depending on how bad it is. i think we will just have to be understanding if he has one during a game and does not play well that night..

    one thing that i've seem to notice is i think they come in phases. i mean i can go almost a year without getting a really bad one and then get a bunc h of them in one month etc. hopefully francis is going through a bad time that he will come out of..

    as for staying out late and lack of sleep etc.. i really dont think that causes them.. at least in my case..

    but most importantly we have to be understanding.. i mean i know people who are like dont be a baby . its jst a headache..when it is far from just a headache.
  9. Franz Kafka

    Franz Kafka Member

    Aug 17, 2001
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    I don't want to start a new thread, so I'll just throw this OT Francis tidbit I spotted under Jeff's thread - saw this in a NY Daily News article:

    "Steve Francis plunks down $500 per hour to keep the Compaq Center open after hours so he can work on his game. Now that's real dedication."

    Link to article
  10. Rocket Freak

    Rocket Freak Member

    Oct 7, 1999
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    Headaches are nothing more than a sympton of a bigger problem.

    Our drug based health care system is concerned about eliminating the symptoms without addressing the underlying cause of the headache.

    Pain is a wonderful thing! Thank God for pain! It tells us that something is wrong with our body and needs to be addressed.

    Dealing with symptoms only (headache) never gets to the root of the problem. If it wasn't for pain, our hand would just sit on the burner until we smelled our flesh burning.

    Disconnecting the pain from the brain (pharmaceuticals) is like taking a fire alarm that has gone off and smashing it until it stops sounding. The noise is gone and you feel better but the fire rages on and on.

    I noticed the person above mentioned his wife's headaches being diet related. What we put in our mouths is the cause of almost all problems and diseases.

    I have been studying natural healing for six years now and I have some information that I wish someone could pass along to Steve and the Rockets.

    Steve mentions God a lot....let God's food heal you Steve.

    Call 1-800-437-2632 The American Botanical Pharmacy.

    I strongly urge anyone who is interested in learning what the "mystery" of health, sickness and disease is really all about to call and ask for a FREE catalog.

    These are organic, wild harvested American made herbs. They have products for all conditions.

    For migraines, the brain formula is recommended. This formula increases oxygen and blood flow to the brain. It is made with Gingko Biloba and Cayenne Pepper with a few other ingredients.

    I am sitting here reading testimonials people sent in about this product helping them with Alzheimer's and depression. Hopefully, it will work for Steve's migraines as well.

    Buy herbs from this company. I don't work for them, but it is the best place to find organic herbs. All herbs imported from outside the United States must be fumigated with a carcinogenic spray to sterilize them. We don't want to ingest this.

    Also, the brain contains very large amounts of Essential Fatty Acids. There is a good chance that Steve's diet is deficient in EFA's.


    Please pass this information along to whoever can get it to Steve (or anyone else who has maladies). The last thing we want is for him to suffer from this for a long time during his career. Pharmaceuticals are not the answer.

    #10 Rocket Freak, Jan 13, 2002
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2002
  11. Vengeance

    Vengeance Member

    Nov 29, 2000
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    I can't help but think of the Seinfeld where George goes to the healer after that post Rocket Freak :)
  12. Rocket Freak

    Rocket Freak Member

    Oct 7, 1999
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    I know it sounds funny because what we have been told.

    However, that doesn't mean it's not the truth. :)

    Steve has had headaches for a few years now and it's not getting any better.

    Habit insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

    What he's been doing isn't working.
  13. PhiSlammaJamma

    Aug 29, 1999
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    I know migraines just suck. My sister has them constantly. I'm just curious though, would meditation help? I've heard that some people who get really good at meditation can basically leave their body. I know that sounds silly. It does to me too, but the people that swear by it all say the same thing. It works. They say you are totally at peace. I wonder if it could work for migraines....
  14. Ubiquitin

    Ubiquitin Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 7, 2001
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    Coffe does the trick
  15. SmeggySmeg

    SmeggySmeg Member

    Feb 23, 1999
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    Back and Neck troubles were the causes of my migraines when i was younger and occasionally now, a series of visists to the Chiropractor fixed mine.
  16. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
    Supporting Member

    Mar 14, 1999
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    Stress and light cause mine, but I can deal with them.

    They come and go, maybe Francis is stressed out at trying to teach Cat how to pass.


  17. SmeggySmeg

    SmeggySmeg Member

    Feb 23, 1999
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    Hopefully light doesn't cause Steve's, could be a problem unless the NBA goes to outdoor ball or playing in the dark.
  18. Rocket Fan

    Rocket Fan Member

    Mar 17, 1999
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    they are something that a lot of work needs to be done on still.. i have had mine all my life.. and it's a matter of catching them early and getting in a dark space. if the headache begins and you just keep playing basketball or whatever it will get worse and you could have it for a few hours.. if you catch it early it seems to go away faster.. as least in my experiences..

    oh well when i get into the medical field i'll research.. hmm 4 years undergrad school starting next year. 4 years med school. .. hopefully francis is still playing then:)
  19. carlos

    carlos Member

    Mar 4, 1999
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    Can't beliee I am going to post this but.... quite often it is the woman's birth control (the pill) that causes the migraines.
  20. rockbox

    rockbox Around before clutchcity.com

    Jul 28, 2000
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    Asperin and caffeine are the best things for migraines if you catch it early, at least for my wife. The Asperin thins the blood and I think the caffeine restricts (not sure) the blood vessels in the brain. That why strong coffee often works.

    No better cure than prevention however. Stevie need to figure out what causing them and eliminate it.

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