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[@EvanSilva] - "Good team with arrow pointing down = #Texans

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by Rick Rambis, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    My experience with the anti-Schaub crowd is that they have this relentless need to dump on the guy regardless of circumstance. Even when most of us have long ago conceded that the end to the 2012 season was troubling and that we're genuinely concerned moving forward, you're still jumping up and down, screaming at people who don't exist.

    I just don’t think a player – any player – should be judged by six games at the expense of 74 others. Nor do I think it’s remarkably bright to allow six games to redefine a player. You can think the Texans need to upgrade Matt Schaub without retroactively painting him as “poor.” Keep in mind, since becoming a full-time starter, he hasn’t posted a sub-90 season since 2007. That might not be good enough for you – which is certainly viable – but it is not “poor.”
  2. Joshfast

    Joshfast "We're all gonna die" - Billy Sole
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2001
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    That is all actually.
    #102 Joshfast, Jun 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2013
  3. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    Flacco did this during his unprecedented and wholly unexpected playoff run; it is not something he does routinely. He is not an accurate QB. Why do you think they fired the offensive coordinator? Why were Raven fans booing him six weeks before the Super Bowl? I don’t know what’s more maddening: the (made-up word alert) retroactiving of Matt Schaub as a big bag of fail or Joe Flacco as the winningest winner of all winners.

    Also, QBs are not 1:1 comparable. They’re each unique; they each have their own skillset. Stop acting like there’s one way to play QB. So what if he can make that throw if it’s not a play the Texans utilize in their system?

    You’re doing it again – jumping up and down and screaming into a void, here literally making up an excuse no one is using so you can bleat on and on and on and on and on…. (and so on) about your unbridled dislike for Matt Schaub.

    Also, you obviously don’t fundamentally understand what an excuse is because no one is excusing Matt Schaub. No one. I implore you to find one post – anywhere on the internet – that excuses Matt Schaub’s performance down the stretch last season. He was terrible.

    But the list of QBs who struggled in their first taste of postseason experience is long and distinguished. And to suppose that Schaub, like many, many others before him, might learn and grow and get better from the experience is viable. He might not – but to declare he absolutely, positively won’t? But by all means, please keep screaming about how tiresome, stubborn and unreasonable the Schaub defenders are…

    Got it. So the guy who *actually*had no rebuttal has the high ground here, huh? Every QB in the NFL – and I gave examples – plays in a system. To insult Matt Schaub by declaring him a system QB defines you as someone who has, at best, only a rudimentary understanding of today’s NFL – and I’m very obviously stretching it. I would venture you know next to nothing.

    You know, maybe you should give posting a rest… you’re doing yourself no favors….

    I don’t know if I can wrap my head around whatever point you’re flailing to make here but... Let’s start here, I guess: do you think Wes Welker is just running whatever routes he wants, and Tom Brady elites him the football? No. They run a system, and guess what? If Wes Welker runs a 3-yard slant on a play that calls for a 7-yard slant (ie a component other than the QB isn’t perfect), it’s going to result in a negative play. I would think this is fundamentally obvious – but it’s apparently not. So to claim Schaub needs everyone to do their job… yeah, so do the 31 other NFL QBs.

    Secondly, if the PA, stretch, screen, etc., is working… it’s because Matt Schaub is running it to perfection. You don’t think it’s a tad disingenuous to give everyone *but* the QB credit for this?

    Lastly, hate Matt Schaub all you want but let’s please stick to reality. One of his most glaring failings down the stretch last year was that he turned into a dink and dunk QB. He has not routinely been one and we know this because he’s routinely been a league leader in YPA. This system is not built around dinks and dunks; again, we saw what happened to it last year when he wasn’t looking down field. It stalled.

    No you don’t.

    It always fascinates me how the team seemingly only plays 3 games in your world: Green Bay and New England twice. Yes, those of us who blindly followed Schaub did so because he ONLY beats the Jags and Titans. Not the Broncos. Or Ravens. Not because he won 15 of 16 starts. Nope. Just the Titans and Jags. Yep.

    Really? So what happened in 2011, when they had the best team in franchise history and then got to play without the weakest link?
  4. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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  5. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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  6. Ricksmith

    Ricksmith Member

    May 6, 2009
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    Let's bring Vonta back, just released from Baltimore.
  7. josephnicks

    josephnicks Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    who are you?? do you know me.. youre nobody to question my aligence to my football team..

    as far as the system crap, yes every qb in the league runs a system, so your interpretation is every qb is technically a system qb except "peepee." i get it guy, youre the smartest guy in the room, you want to use the phrase at its most literal meaning to debunk the theory.. when that phrase gets tossed around folks with common sense understand what it really means. since apparently you cant grasp what it means i will explain it to you.. if you remove matt schaub from gary kubiaks system, he will fail. in a traditional drop back offense, matt schaub will fail. all you have to do is watch football and you can understand that the texans offense isnt really similar to any others in the league. matt schaub found the perfect system to fit his poor skillset and he thrives in it. take schaub out of the friendliest qb system in football he does not have the skillset to do what guys like flacco can do..

    its why when defenses tighten up and take things away schaub blowsdick. then people continue to harp on our backup ILB situation and the late round right guard and tackle.. its the things that some qbs can do beyond the x's and o's that make their teams winners. our qb cannot do these things so we need the moon, stars, & planets to lineup and seas to part for schaub to be able to lead this bunch to the super bowl..

    ive drawn my line in the sand, there is nothing you can say that will convince me otherwise, schaub is foolsgold, your fantasy football god will continue to put up stellar numbers week 1-17, lets see what happens come playoff time. no numbers will help him win football games. you know the phrase everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth?? well, weve yet to see schaub punch back, i dont believe we will ever see it..
  8. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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    LOL. We've been a playoff team for two years, only one of them with Schaub. You act like this is a team that's been in the playoffs for 10 years and repeatedly failed.

    No one's asking for the moon, stars and planets to line up perfectly. We're asking for the right side of the offensive line to not be the second coming of the 2002 Texans, the linebackers to not be at the level of replacement players and WR2 to not be Kevin Walter. Schaub absolutely does have his limitations, but focusing on only one problem out of several is incredibly biased thinking.

    P.S. If it really were the most QB-friendly system in the league, I'll ask a third time: why did the offensive production drop so much when the baton was passed to Leinart and Yates in 2011?

    P.P.S. Speaking of getting punched in the mouth, remember this?

    <object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/jXvCKwHLIew?version=3&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/jXvCKwHLIew?version=3&amp;hl=en_US&amp;rel=0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>

    Schaub stood in, absorbed a crushing blow and delivered what should've been a touchdown, in stride to Andre Johnson on a deep route. He missed a whopping one play (mandated by the league), immediately returned to the game and led the Texans to a win over Peyton Manning's Broncos in Denver. I dunno, that seems like punching back to me...
  9. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    Oh, the infamous Denver game.... Sigh.
  10. Rick Rambis

    Rick Rambis Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Circling away from Schaub, Evan Silva will be on SportsRadio 610 tomorrow at 7:30 AM

    I am sure he will be giving the same take that he did via twitter but it will spark some chat on this poor excuse for a sports talk radio station.
  11. ryano2009

    ryano2009 Member

    Feb 19, 2009
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    Only way to prove them wrong, matt need to step up.
  12. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    If you're really a Texan fan... Who cares what Matt Schaub might do in another team's system? How is that relevant if he's running this system successfully? Seems like a silly, ultimately meaningless thing to focus on, as if your POV is ill-informed and shapeless and so you have to grasp at some made-up reason to continue your witch hunt. All QBs are in systems designed to take advantage of their strengths. Again, this is Football 101. You think you've stumbled upon something... but you really, truly haven't.

    Further, you unsurprisingly skirted the issue of the team's best season imploding when Schaub went down in 2011 - care to explain or is it easier to focus on gobblygook like whether or not Schaub would thrive under Mike McCarthy? Not only that, but in 2012, when he played poorly, the team also imploded. So how can a "poor" QB who's the team's "weakest link" seemingly have that much impact on its success?
    #112 Hey Now!, Jun 11, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2013
  13. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    we're in midseason form up in here. =)
  14. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Evan Silva on 610

    Why are you so down on the Texans?

    I'm not even particularly down on the Texans. I still think they'll be a 9, 10, maybe 11 win team this year. My concern is long term. They're on a downward trajectory. Matt Schaub showed signs of decline late last season, scared to pull the trigger, throwing short of the sticks on 3rd down, he's going to be 32 years old. He was the weak link of the Texans last season and I'm worried he is in a clear state of decline. Andre Johnson is entering his age 32 season. Over the past 3 years, Arian Foster's YPC has dipped on an annual basis and over that 3 year span, leads all NFL players in offensive touches. I wonder if he's headed for a state of decline as well. The arrow is pointing down on the Texans. I like that they'll have a great defense again, of course, but in order to capitalize on the window they had, they would have had to made the Super Bowl already. I think what the Texans obvious goal was to get to the Super Bowl. I think that window is closing.

    Rick Smith does a good job of keeping the roster fresh with talent with young talent. I think they draft well. I don't think they'll, under the guidance of Rick Smith, be a bad team. You see the Colts rising. You see the Texans getting older at these key positions. Arian Foster with all the wear on his tires at this point, I think they kinda missed their little window to get to the Super Bowl. It's gonna take them going out and getting a new QB before they get back to that position where they are competitive with the top five-six NFL teams.

    I know you aren't a fan of the Ed Reed signing, why?

    I think that was a moved pushed through by their owner. I don't think the Texans knew about his hip issue. If you look back at the track record of players the Ravens let go, they don't let good players go. Ed Reed is over the hill physically and in terms of on field play. Red flags are piling up. That was an owner driven move. He's not going to be of a whole lot of assistance to the Texans this season.

    Why do you like what the Colts have done so much?

    I think you make some good points. Walden is overpaid. Cherilus is a good player but overpaid. But in the end, they were able to upgrade their roster. They were a 11 win team last year that went out and tried to get better. Ryan Grigson identified weaknesses and went out and upgraded them. Their offensive line was an absolute joke last year, he went out and signed Cherilus, Donald Thomas and used the 83rd pick on Hugh Thornton. They're gonna have 3 new starters on the offensive line. While I think they did overpay for some, A) They had the money to spend 2) they had a huge weakness on the offensive line. Where the Texans are getting older at key positions, particularly offensively, the Colts are a young and upcoming team who are already good. Their arrow is pointing up and the Texans teetering or maybe starting to point down.
    2 people like this.
  15. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    I don't think anything he just said is unreasonable. I expect the Texans to win about 10 to 11 games too.

    I disagree with him on the Colts if he means they're going to improve this coming season..I think they took advantage of a last place schedule last season, and I don't see them repeating that this year.
  16. ubigred

    ubigred Member

    Nov 13, 2005
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    Colts 8-8

    Texans 10-6 Division Champs
  17. ima_drummer2k

    ima_drummer2k Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    I don't really care which way our arrow is pointing if we make it to the SB this year.

    That said, I'm starting to agree with what he's saying about Ed Reed. I know it's still early, but I'm starting to get a real 'Ahmad Green' feeling about this guy...
  18. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    The last place schedule thing is overblown. I think that only accounts for 2 games a year now.

    Last year they beat the Vikings, Packers, Browns, Titansx2, Dolphins, Jags, Bills, Lions, Chiefs and Texans.

    Looking at their schedule, I don't see how it's any harder than it was last year when they played the NFC North. This year they get the West, which is comparable (never thought I'd say that!) but instead of the AFC East they get the AFC West. (No Patriots)

    I think their schedule will look about the same this year in terms of strength when it is all said and done, maybe even a little easier.
  19. MadMax

    MadMax Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    You're right...I made an ASSumption that their schedule would be notably different from last season given their record. I was wrong. I should have looked at it more closely.
  20. Rick Rambis

    Rick Rambis Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    thanks for posting the interview highlights J.R.

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