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[@EvanSilva] - "Good team with arrow pointing down = #Texans

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by Rick Rambis, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Slaton had a solid year in 08, I'll give you that. And Tate has looked good at times. I don't discount some of the plug and play nature of the offense, ESPECIALLY if they can get their line back to what it was. Though I find that generally true with most teams. If you have a top line, all healthy, playing together, than plug in any decent running back and they'll have a more than decent year. But the point is that Arian is certainly a more special player than any RB they've ever had, and you can't just plug in any other player and get the same production.

    But in any case, as you note, it's about Schaub. I think the team could have the best defense and special teams in the leauge, and homefield throughout the playoffs, but I'd still be surprised (as opposed to expecting it to happen) if Schaub leads the team to the Superbowl. That's just my view of Schaub at the moment... I tried to give him benefit of the doubt historically, but can't for now.

    I'm all for a 2nd-4th round selection on a potentially highly undervalued QB...

    Once is enough. I don't think James Casey is out there saying he's one of the best. We're certainly not arguing his worth to the team.


    I'd have a little more faith if Schaub was 24, 25, 26... and I'm not saying he can't/won't lead the team to the promised land... just I'm not betting on him
  2. sugrlndkid

    sugrlndkid Member

    Apr 22, 2012
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    We shall know much more about Schaub and his window by midseason...really
  3. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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    Generally agree. Fairly similar to my outlook on the 49ers in the 2011 season and for much of 2012. Even at home and with a great defense, I didn't expect Alex Smith to take his team to the Super Bowl. (I also didn't expect Joe Flacco to, but that's a different story. ;)) But at the same time, I also felt like the 49ers were very close and had a good foundation in place, so that whether it was Kaepernick or another QB down the line... there was an opportunity to get that team to the next level with its present foundation.

    That's generally how I feel about the Texans. Maybe Schaub can surprise us, and I hope that happens. But if he's not the guy, I don't see the "arrow trending down" or an "overhaul" in the near future. If anything, I see a mostly flat line for 2-3 years, and another QB can take the wheel in 2014 or 2015 if need be. Silva's tone implies that the Texans are close to falling off the cliff, and that's just silly. Smith has done a pretty terrific job of building organizational depth at most key positions.
  4. ChievousFTFace

    Jan 25, 2010
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    I respond with a combined question and answer:

  5. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Yes, I think generally the organization is on a path for sustained good play... but that's a wait and see thing still, and will rely on continued good drafting and solid FA signings... which they've seemed to have done... hopefully it will continue.

    I'm just not sold on Schaub, and for all the Flacco comments, he's younger, he'd been to the playoffs regularly, and he's a dumb Denver Bronco play away from being a first round exit. He wasn't a first round exit, so its not super helpful to point to what-ifs. Could Schaub hit a hot streak at the right time... sure, that's what I'm holding out hope for.
  6. david_rocket

    david_rocket Member

    Sep 19, 2003
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    Exactly, if not for a kyle williams fumble, Alex Smith would have led the 49ers to a superbowl, even this year Alex Smith was doing a good job, and the 49ers could still go to the superbowl with Alex Smith as the QB.
  7. Raven

    Raven Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    The Texans could go 0-16 and Kubiak would still keep his job. Schaub could be the next Sanchez and still keep his job, and they both have fat contracts. That's what pisses me off about Uncle Bob, he doesn't hold anyone accountable, ever.
  8. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    it's all about matchups . look at flacco, he goes brain dead when he sees the texans pass rush. Henne on the other hand, picks our non existent pass rush apart like 1998 cunningham. Just avoid the pats and our chances are as good as any.
  9. solid

    solid Member

    Apr 10, 2001
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    I have concerns; mainly two: Kubiak and Schaub. As long as they are here, it is hard to have unbridled enthusiasm. Redoing the OL on the fly last year was the greatest idea, and it sounds much the same this year. The FA signing is looking more and more like a bust. When they were looking down a paved highway to the SB, they somehow inexplicably lost focus. I still can't fathom how they could stubble at such a critical time. The Vikings game was just pathetic. Got to win me back as a fan. I am somewhat pessimistic. Nine or ten wins sounds about right.
    1 person likes this.
  10. BMoney

    BMoney Member

    Feb 16, 2004
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    The Vikings were a playoff team with the best running back in the game playing against a D who were missing a lot of their linebacking core.
  11. whag00

    whag00 Member

    Jun 19, 2003
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    Thats what was so frustrating about seeing the Texans lose the last 2 games. Win one of those and they would have had home field, had a bye, played the ravens in the divisional round and the winner of pats/broncos in the conference championship. If the broncos take out the pats the texans are playing a team they beat on the road at home.
  12. ItsMyFault

    ItsMyFault Member

    Jan 28, 2009
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    Well he's definitely right about Schaub. I don't see him as a superbowl-caliber QB unless the defense absolutely dominates along with the run game flourishing. I'll hold on judging the run game one more season because last year may have just been a fluke with Fosters YPC. Kubes pretty much ran him to the ground with the excessive carries too. Hope the offense is nothing like it was last year or else we'll be the same team as last year... won't get past New England or Denver playing that style of offense.
  13. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    Silva hates Schaub and thinks Ed Reed is done. To be fair, there are a lot of questions the Texans have to answer this season. Calling Schaub just a game-manager is an exaggeration, but he does need to prove that he's the guy to lead the Texans to at least the AFC Championship game. While i think he's serviceable enough to do that, i don't think he's ever gonna be the kind of QB that can put a team on his back, and make special plays to win a big game. So there's a legit question at QB.

    As far as Reed, i will reserve judgement until i see him on the field in a Texans uniform. He may be old and declining, but i'm gonna give the benefit of the doubt to the greatest safety to ever play the game. Silva should too. The Sweringger pick is looking better and better though.

    I'd be lying if i said that i wasn't worried about our "window" closing, but i also think that we have a lot of young talent to reload with. We won't have to go through an official "rebuilding" phase like a lot of other teams do. We've managed to stay young and talented, even in the midst of relying on some aging vets. Watt, Cush, J-Jo are all young and special; and i really like Mercullis and a lot of our rookies. If we can keep the o-line in tip-top shape, and we can actually get some pressure on opposing QBs this year, we should be in position to challenge for an AFC championship this year.
  14. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    The niners had a Kaepernick, ready to step in. The seahawks had Wilson... my biggest concern isn't Schaub, but what do we do if/when Shaub isn't playing. I believe this is Schaub's last season on the contract, no?
  15. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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  16. Rick Rambis

    Rick Rambis Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Was just thinking earlier this week how this Texans team might have some similarities to the Steelers of the early 2000s. The team had a good running game and a good defense and a game manager at QB, Tommy Maddox. The team then invested a first round draft pick in Ben Roethlisberger and through some injuries, he was thrown into the starting lineup in his rookie season of 2004 and they went on to win the Super Bowl in 2005.

    As with the Steelers, the Texans have a solid running game and a good defense, and a game manager at QB. Put an elite or excellent QB under center for the Texans and I could easily see the Texans marching deep into the playoffs. I have no clue where the overhaul talk by Silva comes from. The team is a good mixture of older (Schaub, AJ, A Smith, E Reed) and young players (Watt, Cushing, K Jax, and some 2nd year players and Rooks that are promising). The is no need to have an overhaul at any position. Continue to build through the draft and this team is going to continue to compete for division titles.
  17. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    Winning 73% of the time - as the Texans have done the past two years with Kubiak and Schaub - doesn't fill you with any enthusiasm, huh? Wow. Just... wow.

    I've been saying it a lot this offseason, but I'm not sure I've ever encountered a larger collection of unearned entitlement among a fan base. They've been to the playoffs twice in 11 years and we're already ho-humming 10+ win seasons and multiple playoff appearances? How very sad for far too many of you.

    No kidding. Reed has been terrible - wait, what's that? The season hasn't started yet? Are you sure? It's three months away? Huh...

    Really? Because it's fairly obvious what happened - the QB imploded and injuries severely hampered the defense. Further, they don't look like a good match-up with the Patriots, who they unfortunately had to play twice down the stretch. It's actually not that hard to fathom.

    The Texans played playoff teams in six consecutive games – most teams don’t play that many in an entire season. When your QB isn’t right; when your most valuable defensive player is out and your third most valuable defensive player is nursing season-long injuries… you’re not going to beat good teams with much regularity. Again, doesn’t take too many lines to connect the dots here…

    Back? That would imply you were once a fan; you've never given any indication you're anything other than a Chicken Little fan who loves to have the sky fall on them. You can’t even enjoy the city’s best professional football season, wins-wise, since 1979.
  18. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    You can hate Matt Schaub all day, every day, and thrice on Sunday; you can jump up and down on his final six games last season and shout "ITOLDYASO!" as loud you want in regards to his capacity to win important playoff games; and you can certainly advocate actively seeking his heir apparent, if not outright replacement....................

    But aside from the entitlement issue, the other glaring offseason developement is this retroactive "Schaub sucks" movement. You're comparing him to Tommy Maddox? Really?...



    Matt Schaub is a very good QB. Again, he's given you a lot of fodder to question his credentials in terms of taking the next step... but there isn't a football person at any point in time who would need more than a nanosecond of time to choose Schaub over Maddox - and that would include Maddox himself, and every single memeber of his family.

    Come on; we can be so much better than this.......
  19. ima_drummer2k

    ima_drummer2k Member

    Oct 18, 2002
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    Besides these 2 teams last year, what other teams had (or currently have) a potential franchise QB in waiting on their roster?

    Most teams are pretty much screwed if their starting QB goes down.
  20. Rick Rambis

    Rick Rambis Member

    Jun 23, 2011
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    I wasnt trying to say that the two are comparble QBs talent-wise I am more so comparing teams as a whole: running game, defense, etc. I agree that Schaub is immensely better then Maddox I am just trying to illustrate how an excellent QB could push our team over the top considering the wealth of overall team talent.

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