I can't really find much info or at least i'm not sure how to exactly ask my questions. Anyway. Want a kid. Know a friend in her mid 40's with no kids who is okay being the surrogate and says she will pay for his/her college if she gets to see them now and then(wont be much since she will be moving to Europe unless she meant via webcam.) She wants me to look all the info up i need to show i'm serious even though i know she knows it all since she went through the process with her ex husband. Has anyone here used an egg donor? Can anyone just walk in, do some tests and be okay to choose a frozen egg for a surrogate? Does your financial situation and credit score mean anything? Do they care if you are single? Do i even have to be part of the process? Can she just go in and do everything herself without me being involved in case credit and finances are important and they won't allow me to choose? How detailed is the selection of the donor? Eye color, hair color, skin tone, height, weight, bust, waist, hips, dress size, shoe size. Full dna info? I don't want to know if she's hispanic. I want to know exactly how much euro and native she has and whatever else she has. Lastly, how much is the full cost? If too pricey, and i know a girl who is willing to let me use her eggs for free, how much to freeze them at the bank for later use and will they charge me to use them if they are already given to me? Does that make sense? Girl gives me eggs for free, i get charged to freeze them and i get charged to put them into surrogate? So basically is it the same process without a donors fee?
This has got to be the point when you hit a library or the yellow pages for a family planning clinic.
she can't have her own kids so she says. Is she lying to me? Does that work? You can't get preggers but you can get someone elses eggs and carry?
My wife and I just paid about $25k for IVF plus about $5k for meds. Even if they "give" you the eggs for "free" you still have to get them and do something with them. Harvesting and retrieving eggs is expensive and a pain the ass. Prepping a woman for an embryo transfer is expensive and a pain in the ass. All of the meds for both women would be extraordinary. Embryo storage is around $500 a year. I don't even know why I am wasting the time to tell this since you are only trolling.
So you paid 30kish, to have a kid, who in turn is going to cost you more money? Thats love right there.
That doesn't include the $20k for a vasectomy reversal (plus actually going through the reversal) and about $5k in IUI's before doing IVF. Luckily our first IVF worked and we are due on December 19th. I would not relish the idea of going through IVF again. My wife was worth all of it. It is the only thing she has ever wanted and I am happy that it has worked out.
For the OP, if you are serious and not trolling, there are plenty of infertility sites and forums online which would be better resources for this than here.
Congrats to you guys as well! Sounds like third times the charm with Microsoft guys. I know a guy the used to be a TAM that is now a PFE or MCS (I think) named Russ that is pregnant with twin boys. It took three IVF tries for them as well. The are only about a month behind Annie and me. You guys get crazy awesome benefits for IVF.
Yeah we do. 15k lifetime for each of us. 2 cycles used that up and we had to pay some out of pocket, but it was a huge help. Our health insurance overall is ridiculous.