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[DVDS]New format possibly ending next-gen war?

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by The_Yoyo, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. The_Yoyo

    The_Yoyo Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    just saw this on cnn.com

    interesting but would studios go for it?
  2. RC Cola

    RC Cola Member

    Jun 11, 2002
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    Interesting, although I'm not sure how easy it would be to implement. Unless I'm mistaken, the cost figures pointed out in the article appear to be for creating discs using regular DVD tech, so I wonder what the costs are for putting HD-DVD and Blu-ray layers on the same disc (compared to producing discs for each). Also, I wonder how the tech works with multiple layers. It seems like most, if not all, HD-DVD movies will require 2 layers (and possibly 3 in the future), and some Blu-ray movies may end moving to 2 layers total as well (meaning that 4-5 layers are needed per disc). Would that still be cheaper and easier to make than creating a 2-3 layer HD-DVD disc, and a 1-2 layer BR disc? Also, would the disc manufacturers be able to alter their plants cheaply and easily to allow for the mass-production of such discs?

    I guess we'll find out more as the technology matures.
  3. Rocket River

    Rocket River Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    I'm interested in an Application . . .without the Technology surrounding it.

    will the DVDs have to be reconfigured?

    Rocket RIver
  4. The_Yoyo

    The_Yoyo Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    if this new technology is the case i dont really know if it would be cost effective. would studios go for it? the only major studio producing both at the moment is warner bros i believe. i think universal would probably still continue with hd-dvd while sony,disney would go blu-ray.

    i was reading that LG was making a dvd player with both a blu-ray and hd-dvd roms on them but was shot down because of some legal issues. I would probably be more likely to buy a player like that because I somehow do not see the studios agreeing on combo hd-dvd/blu-ray disc since its basically admitting their both right and wrong.
  5. RC Cola

    RC Cola Member

    Jun 11, 2002
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    Yeah, I could see studios like Sony, Fox, Disney, Universal, etc. just sticking to one format, thinking it would be cheaper in the long run since that format might end up winning the war. As you said, I think only Warner and maybe Paramount would be interested in this tech, and even then, it might not be used by them maybe late 2007 (assuming all the kinks are worked out and it is a viable solution).

    Dual-format players seem to be the better option here, although you still will have some cost issues there as well as the legal issues as you mentioned.

    We'll probably just have to wait like they did in the old days and wait for a format winner. Hopefully that can be decided sometime next year.
  6. count_dough-ku

    May 19, 2002
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    I've got my money on HD-DVD(literally). If the recent sales figures on Amazon are any indication, software sales for HD-DVD are wiping the floor with Blu-rry right now. Batman Begins actually made it up to #26 on DVD sales at one point. That's plain sick for a format with a current estimated userbase of between only 30 and 40,000.
  7. The_Yoyo

    The_Yoyo Member

    Dec 25, 2001
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    Its a bit pre-mature right now Sony is banking huge on the ps3 to push blu-ray over the top and it may just do it. i know a lot of people holding out till ps3 because its a cheaper blu-ray player if anytihng. i am not a huge fan of the hd-dvd addon (or external) for the 360. i would snatch up a dual format player if it was possible
  8. count_dough-ku

    May 19, 2002
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    Blu-rry needs some major title announcements for the fall and winter though. Black Hawk Down and Kingdom of Heaven are nice(where would the format be without Ridley Scott?:)), but Sony, Fox, and Disney need to do a better job. Who the hell is gonna buy a PS3 or $1000 Blu-rry player just so they can watch Little Man in high def?!
  9. m_cable

    m_cable Member

    Dec 12, 2002
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    (Drools) Add Jackass I and II, and I'm down.
  10. Dr of Dunk

    Dr of Dunk Clutch Crew

    Aug 27, 1999
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    You've got it backwards. People will buy the PS3 because it's the latest gaming console. They will then have a blu-ray player. I don't know of too many people buying it to simply play blu-ray movies.

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