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Do not create a leader if noone deserves that title on the team

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by bben212, Dec 14, 2002.

  1. bben212

    bben212 Member

    Aug 31, 2002
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    I know my calling out of Steve will annoy a lot of people. However, I am not questioning his not being a good player. What I am saying is that currently no one on the team deserves the title of "leader". Steve has been making mistakes in crunch time. I stop digging the issue of his lack of play making ability. No question, he or Yao should either be #1 option depending on the opposing team and who has hot hand. But you fans please stop labling him as leader, he will tend to go out of control by maintaining the "taking over" mentality and make some stupid mistakes, which costs the team considering his lack of smart plays currently. (that is humman problem)

    If the whole team 1)stick to coatch's play scheme especially in crunch time, 2) trust each other and play smart team ball, someone will finally step up and hit the winning shot as the result of team work.

    Steve could be the Leader eventually if he keeps learning hard. So as for Yao. But if as of now fans lable him as leader while he really has not have that capabililty, he will tend to overdo it and his ego tends to grow, which brings negative results to the whole team. In summary, creating a leader when on one really deserves that title is no good.

    Again, without a leader, a team still can play well if they stick to coatching and trust each other by playing team ball. That team may be not a great team for the time being. But given time, a true leader will eventually arrive on that team if the whole trend of team play continues and that team has candidates like steve and yao on rockets.


    Jul 6, 2002
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    To me a leader of the team does not always have to be a prolific scorers. A leader is the one that motivate the team and bring the team together even if he's the worst player on the team.

    But one thing is that whoever is hot should take the shot and by the coach playbook at crunch time and they should take teh heat is they screw up by not following the play.

    Steve did actually hit that last three to tie the game was a BIGGY! If he didn't, sure many would be blaming "Why is Steve taking the shot! and blahblahblah!"

    Steve did miss a lot of shots in OT and he did take a lot of shots. But if it was the team and coaching decision for him to do so then it was not his fault. But if he did decided to go on his own instinct then sure, he makes a mistakes but it cost them and the team a lost and also with it the blame.

    We can't not always hold Steve accountable for the lost because when games are in motion, you don't know what;s going to happen and the guy who's being playing badly could light up the game and vice versa.

    Lets just hope that players learn from their mistakes.
  3. goophers

    goophers Member

    Mar 7, 2000
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    Steve had a bad game last night (as I said in last nite's game thread). However, like it or not, he IS the leader of this team. We will only go as far he takes us, by scoring or by (hopefully) involving the entire team in the offense. He screwed up last night, but he has embraced Yao and been every bit the team's vocal, scoring, promotional, attitude, and heart leader. We would not be this exciting of a place if Steve wasn't the leader he is. He has lots to learn, but he will be AT A MINIMUM the co-leader of this team.
  4. bben212

    bben212 Member

    Aug 31, 2002
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    I am glad whoever steps out following the coach's decision and help the team win. Steve showed some potential to be the leader. But if he handals some fans' leader labling inapporitaly, his ego would grow and it could turn out to be a nagative thing for both the team and himself. If he just followed Rudy's decision and just did not finish as planed thanks to his lack of smart play, I support his keeping doing that because I know he know team comes first and he will learn through mistakes. The problem is,like you said, we do not know how many time he follows what coatching staff told him, how many time he just does that on his instinct thanks to the immuture "Leader Mentality" in his head. We just watch and see, truth will come soon.
  5. lancet

    lancet Contributing Member

    Dec 13, 2002
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    A leader makes everybody else on the team to play at a higher level. Example: Jason Kidd. NJ Nets went straight to conference title holders when they got Kidd.

    Two potential leaders on the Rockets are Ming and Steve. They also complement each other's game well. Ming can learn from Steve's aggressiveness. Steve can learn from Ming's high BB-IQ and more team-oriented play. If both of them are making the rest of the team perform at a higher level, that's the best for the rockets!
  6. Hmm

    Hmm Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Screw the one leader, I think it should be a one, two force in clutch. A Yao, Francis, one, two ala Stockton and Malone.

    No, focus on Yao, or focus on Francis. But on both, equally.
  7. Oski2005

    Oski2005 Member

    Nov 14, 2001
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    There's an old Chinese proverb that says, "Someone who hasn't been following the Rockets for the last 4 years needs to stop acting like he knows what hell he's talking about."

    You keep saying crap like Francis doesn't have the capability, that the fans labled him the leader, and that his ego is out of control. WTF are you talking about?

    The minute Francis arrived, they started calling him Franchise. Everytime he was asked about that, he said he didn't like to be called that because he wasn't the leader of the team yet. That was when Charles and Hakeem were still here. If he had an ego problem like you suggest with your amature psychoanalysis, he would have embraced that name and made sure everybody in the world knew it by being a ball hog and other things. Now, you keep saying that the fans labled him the leader, how in the world do we have to power to designate the leader of this team? The fans don't have that power. We didn't make Steve the leader, he became the leader on his own. The only person who can designate team leaders is Rudy T, and guess who he named his team's leader? Oh, I guess Rudy doesn't know what he'd doing. . . The people who really make a leader are the rest of the team. Francis can't be a leader if the rest of the team doesn't follow him. Well, the team does follow him, so that makes him a leader.

    What does this mean:
    Hmmm, so in your mind, Francis is the one the fans created and I guess the one that deserves it is Ming. That's what this is all about, admit it, you just want Francis to step aside and for Ming to be the "leader" and to avg. 30 pts a game. News flash, that's not gonna happen. If you payed attention to this "TEAM" at all, you would know that Francis is always helping Ming and is glad he is here because he knows they both need eachother. You want him to step aside while Francis wants to work with Ming. You know what, Ming wants the same thing as Francis, for the both of them to work together.
  8. Fegwu

    Fegwu Member

    Nov 20, 2002
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    My sentiments exactly!!!

    Lancet solid points too.

    What are you talking about? How long have you (yes you) been following the Rockets? Do you really understand the premise of this thread initiator's opinion?
  9. Shooter1583

    Shooter1583 Member

    Mar 19, 2002
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    With his clutch play this season and his willingness to share the ball with his teammates, Francis is definitely the leader. He has played great this season. I also consider Rice to be the other veteran influence on the team, but Francis is defintely the Rockets sole leader.
  10. ZRB

    ZRB Member

    Jul 31, 2000
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    Who is this "Noone" guy everyone keeps talking about? I'm sure he'd be a great leader.
  11. djkickass

    djkickass Member

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Playing PG and taking the leadership role aint that easy. I think he's better off to be SG. I just realize SF cant guard many other guards. Man, he's 6-3.
  12. gowithwind22

    gowithwind22 Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    yes, u take the words from y mouth. I worried about it all the time and post some message b4. I am afraid that all the new fans will mess things up. well, I also find out as a chinese fan. IT IS SAFETY FOR ME TO GIVE THE SUGGESTION FOR THE FANS LIKE ME, PLS DONT TRUST THE SILLY WHAT SINA.COM SAID. I would rather label ROX players as aggressive than selfishment.

    Man u really mess things up by make the atomsphere of the team worse. IF U GUY KEEP BLAME OTHER PLAYERS AND COACH LIKE WHAT I DID SO FAR, EVENTUALLY, U MAKE MING A POISON OF THE TEAM. personally, he is a high character,humble, team-orient, etc. But as fan, we have so much to learn too. why not read what the experienced fans ideas b4 u post these prejudice statement?

    if u guy keep post such crap here. I really want THE MASTER BANNING ALL THE IP CAME FROM CHINA WHICH INCLUDE MYSELF.

    wish the best for ROX and MING dynasty!
  13. liubaoxin

    liubaoxin Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Am I hearing some good barking "gowithwind...gowithwind...", your master, Mr. Clutch is here...
    As the true Rocket fans, We are now talking about problems how to play better during crunch time.
    Leash yourself only on talking about Rox BB !!! Keep your personal misery out of here!!!
  14. Roc Paint

    Roc Paint Member

    Aug 12, 2001
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    Your damn right I'am annoyed with your assessment of the Franchise.

    Go Steve!! :)

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