I'm hungry as **** right now. Had a granola bar and Red Bull this morning. Then a PB&J sammich. And that's it. Not exactly the healthiest of foods but I needed the Red Bull (sugar free!) or I was going to pass out this morning. PB&J (on organic PB/preserves!) and sugar free (what?) whole wheat bread was all I had at the house too.
I have been on a protein diet last few days, have resisted donuts, bread, other high carb stuff brought to the office. Salads, Protein , some carbs with right mix, Chicken, Turkey, Avacados, low sugary fruit etc.
Here are some ideas Cut an avocado in half and put an egg on each side. Cook it 15-20 minutes in the oven and take it out depending on if you want the egg runny or not. Then add some salt, pepper, chives, etc. I add grilled onions, chives, and tomatoes put you can experiment. For snacking I would eat nuts. Almonds, Cashews, etc. Be careful with the portions tho since some nuts do have high calories. I would say a handful of nuts should be good. Can also try bake sweet potato chips. I haven't done this yet but I've read many recipes online. you can make a guacamole dip with it. Also lots of protein like Chicken(a Mediterranean place near me has killer rotisserie chicken), steak(there was a thread not too long ago), boiled crawfish, grilled salmon or other fish, theres a lot of proteins out there. Also lots of varieties of veggies. I like to make a sauce mix lemon, garlic, red chili paste, green onions, cilantro, and little bit of olive oil and drizzle them over the vegetables. I rarely eat salad, only as like a side dish in a a restaurant or something
Also I think a lot of people drink coffee as their first real liquid, but cold water first thing is great for the body. Metabolism gets started off the back.
I will let a girl lick the ketchup from there, I will lick it off her. I will only eat the pickle if it is there. You can have everything besides pickle & ketchup.
thats what bad carbs do. Bad carbs want more carbs. Snack on some oatmeal. That will kill that. The slow digesting catbs. Also green tea will do that. That caffeine will have you thinking about something else
im late on this thread but i have to add something, ive had some success doing this very recently.. cut out all breads, sugars, carbs in general (like less than 10g a day to ketosis).. im currently 60lbs removed from my heaviest weight. although ive been stalled at my current weight for a little over a month im certain i just need to adjust my macros and decrease my calorie intake to accommodate my deficit at the lower weight. trying to get about 25 more lbs out to reach a goal weight.. when cutting bread/carbs, especially going into ketosis youll lose about 8-10 lbs almost instantly, pretty much all water weight as you dont retain water in keto.. without the carbohydrates your body will look elsewhere for energy, thus it will burn your stored fat to compensate for the lack of carbs.. i work a very laboring job and find it tough at times, extremely sluggish having trouble doing my job effectively.. the thing i noticed most about cutting carbs is that as far as diets go, youre not sacrificing flavor, youll soon find that most carb heavy foods are only vehicles for flavor. youll discover some foods that you always thought were bad are perfectly fine on low carb diets.. once you stop craving carbs, the appetite starts to disappear, youll eventually find out how to eat when youre hungry and not out of boredom or appetite.. idk if im offbase on this thread or why youre trying this because i didnt read any post after i read the title but that is my experience with cutting out breads..
1 slice of your average sandwich bread/bun is generally around 15g of carbs.. when looking at most meals people eat daily, the carb intake is much larger than the recommended daily intake, likely in one sitting..
No, fat is good for you in moderation. It is added sugar in processed foods that mess you up. Think of sugar like an addicting drug. Once you cut sugars out, you will feel awful for a couple weeks. But feel amazing after that period.
Non processed carbs vs processed carbs. Potatoes are some of the most filling foods,assuming you don't fry them or add tons of unhealthy toppings
Complex carbohydrates will leave you feeling full longer because it takes longer to digest. Calorie-wise they are the same and if you have some godlike willpower then it won't really matter much for you either way. And generally processed foods tend to be empty calories, that might fill you up but don't provide the necessary vitamins and nutrients.
And why are you surprised? If you scarf down sugar, carbs, and caffeine in the morning, you're body is going to be demanding more of it long before lunch rolls around.