I hear this game is pretty scary. About to try it out. Has anyone played this? Thoughts on the game? I'm not much of a PC gamer, but this one is free to download. Check it out http://slendergame.com/legend.php
Haha wow just looked up some videos on it, seems like a game that would be pretty scary to play alone. Might check it out with a friend or 5. Scary movies I can handle pretty easily, but games where you actually have control and get consumed into scare the crap outta me.
lol, my nephews showed me this. I played it in front of them. I don't think I was playing it right because I wasn't scared. They were all jumping around the place when I ran into that thing.
It's really not that scary. The idea is that this Slender guy, or whatever his name is, is behind you the whole time. You have to go around collecting certain messages posted throughout the map, and the more you collect, the closer he gets. You cannot turn around, your flashlight has a limited battery, and you cannot run forever. When he does pop-up, it's not too bad.
Its the atmosphere. If you play this at night, alone, sound turned up, and with the lights out you will most likely be frightened.