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Cole Hamels Blocks Trade to Astros?

Discussion in 'Houston Astros' started by jtotheb, Jun 22, 2015.

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  1. Major

    Major Member

    Jun 28, 1999
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    I've never understood this line of logic. It's like saying the Rockets' and 76ers' seasons were the same because neither won an NBA titles. But the point of sports is entertainment, and I'd venture to guess Rockets fans had a hell of a lot more fun this season than 76ers fans. Having a better record is better. Advancing further in the playoffs is better. Winning more games in any given round is better.

    Astros seem to have a brighter future in the near term than the Rangers, but why do people need to pretend the Rangers didn't have a great last 5 or 6 years or that they did better at their peak than the 2004-2005 Astros? There's nothing wrong with admitting that being 1 out away from winning a WS is better than getting swept, or that making 2 WS is more impressive than 1.
  2. treyk3

    treyk3 Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Mozgov on Hamels blocking trade to Houston: "If he dies, he dies."

    Honestly, I would have loved him to join the club but the team is such a pleasant surprise, I don't mind keeping the farm in tact and trading for a lesser pitcher.
  3. juicystream

    juicystream Member

    Apr 17, 2001
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    I don't feel it is better. Getting farther matters, but losing it is still losing it. Basketball is a terrible analogy. Getting to game 7 in the NBA Finals gives me hope for the next year. Getting to game 7 of the WS doesn't really give me any more hope than having made it.

    Once several seasons pass, and we basically have an entirely new team, losing in 3-7 games doesn't really feel any different.
  4. crose

    crose Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 16, 2005
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    I will never understand how any fan can co-mingle sport's allegiances. It is especially confusing how someone can do this with two cities that are blatant rivals of one another.

    How can you be a Houston Rockets fan and an Arlington Rangers fan? Nothing screams bandwagon more than that. Like you got a job right out of college leasing BMWs in Dallas, left Houston, and then decided, "Hey, the Rangers are in the World Series! Hell yeah, I'm a fan! Always have been!"

    You may think that the Rangers organization is first class, but attempting to point that out in an Astros forum with a Rockets moniker is so dirt poor.
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  5. donkeypunch

    donkeypunch Member

    Dec 8, 2013
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    Nobody is pretending that the rangers didnt have a good 5 year run, or at least, Im not. It stems from an in-state rivalry and the comparison of the two teams. Ever since the rangers got decent enough to watch, along came the hoard of fans that talk smack that never even knew what a baseball was. As to the WS, like I said, as a rangers fan, why would you even bring that up as a comparison? Subjectively, a fan can break anything down as a positive, but objectively, you cant deny a loss is a loss. A heartbreaking loss at that.

    Which is more sufferable; being executed via guillotine or being hung? Id prefer the quick guillotine method but thats just me being subjective and thinking that it would be the better choice. Objectively, an execution is an execution.
  6. Airdough

    Airdough Member

    Jul 14, 2014
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    What I don't understand is that if this is about money in the 2019 club option, why just not accelerate that money sooner. From what I understand of the CBA in baseball, restructuring of contracts is allowed as long as you aren't reducing total dollars. If you want a Hamels type player, why not just give him all the money in shorter years allowing him to hit free agency sooner?
  7. cardpire

    cardpire Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    I simply don't agree with that. Had we gone on to lose the Cards series post-pujols/lidge blast, after being 1 strike away from our 1st WS in franchise history, I'd still be miserable about it to this day. I would have much rather get swept in hindsight, had that happened.

    Was the entertainment you received watching all those 1st half TD's vs the Bills worth the resulting infinite years of nausea we are enduring from choking away that game? I'd rather have been blown out from kickoff.

    Heck, even Lebron James just said in his presser that when he loses in the finals, he questions whether it would have been better to have just missed the playoffs altogether.
  8. msn

    msn Member

    Dec 31, 2002
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    So, to summarize:
    • Hamels snubbed Houston, allegedly
    • **** Hamels
    • Rangers once had a good run, but Dallas still sucks
    • **** Dallas

  9. rocketballin

    rocketballin Member

    Apr 7, 2003
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    Easy I'm from Brownsville TX. I've been a Rangers Rockets and Cowboys fan for 22 years now. I'm just a big a fan of everyone of those teams as anyone. I invest my time, emotions, and money on everyone of those teams. You're probably born and raised in Houston so I understand how something like this wouldn't make sense to you. But believe it or not there are Rockets fans outside the city of Houston
  10. rocketballin

    rocketballin Member

    Apr 7, 2003
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    I've been going Rangers games since I was 6 years old (I'm 31 now). So no I'm a real fan that has stuck with my team through thick and thin wether it's the Rockets, Rangers, or Cowboys. Difference between me and you is that I didn't have to love the Rockets like you. You love them because they represent you and the city you live in. I chose to love them because I loved them because of Clutch City. I didn't have my parents or friends influence when they became my team. If that was the case I'd be a Spurs fan because hey they're always good and well everyone in the RGV loves them. Despite the Vipers playing here the RGV will always be Spurs country. Despite all that I love my Rockets and always will.
  11. kaleidosky

    kaleidosky Your Tweety Bird dance just cost us a run

    Mar 20, 2002
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    that's cool and all, but don't say this

    "If that was the case I'd be a Spurs fan because hey they're always good"

    If you're a Rockets fan because of Clutch City, that was well before the Spurs were "always good".
  12. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    Rangers fan...check

    Cowboys fan: of course, check

    From Dallas? Nope
  13. ROCKETS1972

    ROCKETS1972 Member

    May 26, 2001
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    i can understand it most of mlb still think the astros are either a subpar team that is playing over its head and will fall back to earth in august and september or we are the same team we were a few seasons ago also many agents bleave that crain will not spend money when push comes to shove. if the astros win the division this year and show well in the first round and pays somone like springer 10-15 million a season then free agents will want to come to houston
  14. rocketballin

    rocketballin Member

    Apr 7, 2003
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    I was 9. That year I really started getting into the NBA and the Rockets were my team. I rooted for them throughout the entire season and playoffs. I still remember vividly the excitement of the "next game" in the playoffs.
  15. BigBird

    BigBird Member

    Jun 26, 2012
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    when I think about the Rangers fan base I think of this:

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">This is the statue of the Rangers fan who fell to his death at the ballpark in '11. Look what people did to it today. <a href="http://t.co/zaZgRnMl7W">pic.twitter.com/zaZgRnMl7W</a></p>&mdash; Kami Mattioli (@kmattio) <a href="https://twitter.com/kmattio/status/450792305554124800">April 1, 2014</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
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  16. Buck Turgidson

    Feb 14, 2002
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    At least 1 guy had the common sense to drink a Shiner Bock.
  17. Fyreball

    Fyreball Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    You are a Rockets Fan because they were "good". In fact, the Astros have been "good" for much longer, and have much more history than the Rangers. Root for whoever you want, but your logic makes no sense.
  18. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Cole Hamels 'open-minded' to all potential trade destinations

  19. Houstunna

    Houstunna Mr Graphix
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    LeBron must've been emotional, in the moment. He cares about his legacy.

    OF COURSE he'd rather lose the Finals than miss the playoffs altogether.

    As for the Astros, I'd rather lose like the Rangers did than get swept. The Astros saved a little face by the games being close, but damn. One of the most depressing things about that series was the Astros fan who moved out the way to allow Uribe to catch a ball IN THE STANDS!! That would never happen @CHI.... or most other ballparks for that matter.

    Yeah, I figured he left Houston off because of potential suckage. Now that we're ballin, I thought he'd be down.
  20. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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