Lin's play is perplexing. Yesterday, other than the turnovers I thought he had a great game, really ruuning the team. Today, he looks like this is 1st Nba game. Smh...
fans like fair weather and sunny skies...i think though that with certain games we expect to see the rockets out and running every game but when your home and sitting on the couch you forget even though they are athletes, get paid they are running up and down court and you get tired, especially in thin air altitude cities like denver and salt lake your lungs start burning..
I'll give Harden a pass after last nights performance but Lin and Dwight have been negatives on the floor.
Everyone is sucking tonight. Beverly and Casspi are so missed but Rox still should beat the Jazz even without those guys.
Professional basketball is an exhausting sport, add in time zone changes and crazy schedules and these things happen.
He made both 3s he attempted in game 1. Did you watch that one? He's improved, but he's still not consistent.
he needs to be DECISIVE. when he dribbles in, with his shakey as fk handles and has no idea what hes doing/leaves his feet he is borderline r****ded