Rockets just sluggish. Lots of bball to be played. Some ppl posting like this is their first bball game.
CF GARM: Always loves the new fresh face young backup PG to make good and recently has fallen hard for tall SFs that can shoot so that they can play the 4 position.
I never thought any team can dominate the Rockets' bigs. Man, Asik suck at offense and it's the same reason he's not rated in this league. The team is playing smart also. Howard what the hell...all the summer and he hadn't learn how play in the post?
Is this one of those games where rage quit happens, but you turn on the game during 3rd quarter and we're blowing them out?
Well this will be an L. Where were the Rockets champagning and campaigning late last night? They look exhausted.
Game is way too early. Still time to make things happen. Get the lead down and go into halftime and make adjustments.