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ClutchFans Game Thread: Rockets @ Jazz 11/2/2013

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. roxxy

    roxxy Member

    Jul 4, 2012
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    I tend to agree with this for the most part. Lin isn't a perfect player and still has a lot of growth to achieve. Very few coaches are willing to tolerate mistakes like that unfortunately. And they would rather have the safer play of Bev than the more inconsistent play of Lin.

    That wasn't quite the one I was talking about. I have been trying to search for it in the previous threads but I have come up short. But anyway from that quote my point still stands that he isn't quite the good little monkey everybody likes to think he is.
  2. flamingdts

    flamingdts Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    So what issues would that cause? Dwight is upset that McHale acknowledged Asik?
  3. jayland

    jayland Member

    Jul 7, 2013
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    With the way Lin is turning the ball over he might as well just score the ball for the oppsing team. Please get well soon Bev.
  4. FacePalmMaster

    Nov 1, 2012
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    Nicely played....*wink wink*
  5. gravityonme

    gravityonme Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    There are a few posters who get kicks out of insinuating that Brooks and Beverley should take away all of Lin's minutes- I grant you that. Just as there are posters who dream up Mchale resentment conspiracy theories and completely ignore the skills that Beverley brings that fans value over Lin's skills.

    I greatly admire Lin's aggression, his ability to get to the hoop, his shot's improved... it's all brilliant. But when you have Harden who's going to have the ball- (Because he's our Max guy... he's going to run iso plays... the Rockets organization have invested in him as our star... NBA columnists across cyberspace have put him in the top 20 in the league... in many cases top 10.) and he has similar skills to Lin it makes the most sense to shore up on other skills. Like backcourt defense. Lin's not a bad defender but Bev's a terrific ball hawk. It makes more SENSE to have him play with the other four that begin the game. That's all it is. It's not a demotion.

    Lin's minutes are not dissimilar to Beverley's. They'll be close to 30 a game. Teams would kill to have such a solid three guard rotation. Yeah, in a lot of teams not starting would mean labelling you the inferior player- it isn't the case here. You have to take each situation and see it for what it is instead of taking labels like 'starter' and taking it as an absolute.

    Philly has starters. Phoenix has starters. Hell, LA has hall of famers. Who D'antoni benched for most of the second half of their opening win over the Clippers.

    Mchale was a bench player and so was Harden.

    Lin's been terrific so far. But the turnovers are still there. Very blatantly so and he needs to fix that. Lin against CP3 tom is not the matchup you'd prefer.

    D is really important to this team this year. That's why Mchale's so adamant on the twin tower thing. That's why Tjones got pulled after only 6 mins despite Casspi being injured. It's not like he enjoys stretch 4s jacking up 3s. There's a strategy involved. It remains to be seen how it works but he's the coach he's entitled to try it and he got great results last year.

    THAT is more important to rocket fans than Lin playing 5 fewer minutes and not showing up on an opening graphic.
  6. TJ VS TR

    TJ VS TR Member

    Apr 18, 2013
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    No, he definitely wouldn't want to come off the bench. He wouldn't be happy if the coach is talking like they are on the same level.
  7. gravityonme

    gravityonme Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Not true at all. Mchale loved Dragic and he was an attacking point guard. There were reports that he was upset when we lost him. It's just when you have Harden as your two guard then it makes more sense to have a PG with a different more complimentary skill set.

    Lin is more of the same in many ways. It may make sense to have both on the same time but it is a very very obvious choice to go with the skills Beverley brings.

    Again, Lin is going to play plenty with Harden. Plus Mchale also like using the extreme small ball with all 3 guards on the floor. Just not in the first and last quarters on the outset. But if Lin has a hot hand, no way Mchale plays Bev.
  8. ttdestroyer

    ttdestroyer Member

    Nov 23, 2012
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    Jlin had 3.

    Parsons had 4

    Harden had 5

    Why do people still talk about TO's and Lin?

    These verbal attacks and non-issues make no sense 2 years later.
  9. bws

    bws Member

    Jan 31, 2013
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    Then why were the Rockets interested in CP3? Do you think Harden would have the ball so much if CP3 were the PG? CP3 is as ball dominant a PG as there is in the league. Lin and Harden can and have played great together, the last game shows it perfectly with the balanced scoring and playmaking. Lin is in the 2nd unit to help them, he can play great in the starting unit as well.
  10. gravityonme

    gravityonme Member

    Oct 6, 2012
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    Well CP3 falls into the "He's a Top 10 player we'll get him and figure the rest out." But your guess is as good as mine (actually your guess might be better.) how that rotation would have worked.

    Again I don't argue that Lin is great with the starting unit and I love watching him on the floor. But if Mchale would prefer Beverley on in the opening and closing minutes for a better chance at a stop/ forced turnover... then it's a strategic move and a very valid one... not a conspiracy against Lin.

    That being said, we're gonna see some hot games from Lin and I wouldn't be surprised to see him finish a lot of games even with Bev healthy.
  11. Pumpedupkicks

    Pumpedupkicks Member

    Sep 28, 2013
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    Our lead is escaping us fast. Only up 7 now.

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