He was fine in the previous game. Hope this isn't one of those nagging back injury. Forgot about the angle
Excellent!! Lin has proved his doubters wrong again and again. He has improved every facet of his game to top level. His three point shooting and defense are great now. The only thing now is to lower the care TOs and that'll be it! I called it gerontocracy. Hostility from longer time posters to newer ones, like hazy in a way. This is the key: If they start together, of course, but they have to compete for the starting spot it'd be a different story. Nice post!! Our offense was good last season. This season I don't know if McHale wants to solely emphasize on D or he messed up by stirring the pot too much, just need to wait a little bit. We heard that Dwight doesn't like it. I guess they're giving him opportunities to show his posting up to be effective. We'll see on that. This guy is just unstoppable from downtown!!! Unless it's blocked, he doesn't seem bothered by the defender, zen master....... He needs to strike a balance between attacking, facilitating; staying with his man and helping. He's young and it will come with experience IMO. Yes, well, if he gets no respect from his own team, can't blame the refs for not respecting him. These two are not ready for the big stage yet. Working with McHale and Dream would help them in the long run. Yes, but he seems to be already fatigued and banged up. He puts his body on the line many times a game trying to draw fouls. He didn't get a minute of rest in the second half. Hope Bev coming back would help with this.
McHale/staff agreed Bev was the better fit then, but what about now! By the time Bev comes back, JLin and the rest of the starters will be in a groove as a team. So, what are you going to do now McHale!
Lin is staring now Enjoy it while it last When Bev is back, cross that bridge went we get there but not now
One thing I do know is that McHale and Lin have different views on what a PG should do. McHale wants a PG to make aggressive but "safe" plays. (This might be seen as an oxymoron to some). Beverly makes more "safe" plays that McHale likes, even though he usually doesn't score as much. Lin is a high risk high reward type of player. He has learned from his own BB experience that in games where he takes more risk his team was more likely to win. He is willing to risk a high TO game if it results in a win. They both have different ideas on what a PG should do.
To re-phase, McHale's perfect PG is one camp at the 3 points Lin. Lin attacks the rim, so he is not McHale's PG.
I think McHale doesn't like the careless turnovers, the driving in and jumping up and suddenly frantically trying to find a teammate in the air because the lane was cut off, driving into multiple defenders resulting in the ball taken away from him, the indecision at times, things like that. Lin is more flawed than what many are willing to admit, or many just cannot see. Talented for sure, but makes a few what I call boneheaded plays for sure.
I think the hard truth is: it actually is not a big difference who starts. We may discuss it to death here, but in the end both will play close to 30 minutes and both will do well. Beverly a little better defensively and taking care of the ball, Lin a lot better in setting the offense up and creating shots. I don`t think the outcome of a game changes much if Lin starts or if Beverly starts.
Yes, it's the turnovers and the clogged lane that the TT generate plus McHale favors defense. That's why he's starting Asik, it's why TJones and DMo don't get playing time. Casspi is no stopper but he plays team defense.
Sorry but that doesn't sound remotely like, "I wasn't treated like a starter." or "I was getting yanked around." In fact he actually shows an awareness for why he was sitting:
Even if they didn't start together, why would Dwight ever be upset if McHale said "I have 2 starting centers". Dwight knows he is a good player and an all-star, and he knows Asik is a terrific player. If anything, he would be happy that McHale is acknowledging Asik and not making Asik feel like a bench player if he does come off the bench. McHale did not do anything wrong when he praised his PGs. He simply acknowledged the fact that he has two PGs who are both worthy of starting, so starting one doesn't mean the other is a bench player, because both are good players. People are upset over nothing. I bet the next time McHale praises Beverley in any way, there will be another meltdown.
You could see him get scared/tense when he missed his first two 3pt attempts way too long. And then his will came back later when he got hot. He just needs to learn to channel that will all the time and not just when shots start falling.
Why would a 27 year old three time DPOY and seven time all-star have to compete for a starting spot with Omer Asik? That makes no sense whatsoever.
Amen! Man, how can we be unhappy about 3-0 start when the team is not evening playing well? Count our blessings compared to the Jazz or the Magic. We need more positive comments. Go Rockets go.
This is the plain and simple truth. If this reality were rightfully embraced it would render the whole Beverley vs Lin debate moot. Unfortunately, projected insecurities and personal agendas will not allow that to happen here.
What if I were to say that it's the other way around most of the time. People dog Lin unfairly -> people come to his defense (or defend Lin by comparing how different people's standards for him are) and gets lambasted as a LOF by a group of people only to have a counter group form. IF we acknowledge that the problem is from both sides, things may calm down a bit but it's like universally accepted around here that LOFs are crazy kids just blasting on everyone whenever Jeremy Lin makes a mistake or does good. Here's my advice, let them gloat for a day or two and ignore them while kindly admonishing them not to deride others WITHOUT disparaging Lin or LOFs. And LOFs, please please please do not criticise ANY ROCKET, notably Harden, Bev, Parsons, etc. as they are important and much loved Rocket's players and as dear to the Rockets fan base as Lin is to you. Marriage is tough for the same reasons, it seems, lol.