The article also mentioned that Mike Harris will be extended another 10 days while Justin may be cut.
come on man! dale davis isn't that far removed from the league. don't you remember the indiana pacers with dale davis and reggie miller?
yeah, dale davis isn't that old dude.... but i hope we don't sign him... I'd rather watch our young talent grow....
Article? Afaik, Dale Davis is OLD. He peaked when he was with the Pacers during their Finals appearance early in the turn of the century. Wonder what's wrong with Williams? We only saw him one game - and I thought he was worth giving another chance, potential-wise; so I'm guessing it's a personality issue. The guy looked PISSED everytime he was out there on court.
nice excuse. however, dale davis has been in the league forever. i guess considering the pacers were a good team back in the day you'd heard of him. yet everyone in the world has heard of his teammate rick smits. come on dude, wake up!
Justin Williams looked like crap that game he got pt. Not only is Dale Davis old, but I wonder about his shoulder. I remember him separating it over and over again the last few years of his career.
Looks like the Pistons passed him up.
You're such a ROF... in here we are all NBAOF I hope we don't sign him. Can't Morey find someone else for backup? DD seems like a desperation move if he signs.