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[Chron/Fox] University of Houston approves $160 million in stadium projects

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by DonnyMost, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Member
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    May 18, 2003
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    The University of Houston placed a hefty bet on its future in college athletics on Thursday, unveiling a $160 million plan to upgrade its football and basketball facilities.
    The athletic department made a presentation to the board of regents on Saturday and has the go-ahead to pursue a $120 million construction of a football facility to replace Robertson Stadium and a $40 million renovation of Hofheinz Pavilion.
    The football stadium, which would be built at the existing Robertson site, would seat 40,000 and be expandable to 50,000-plus. The basketball facility project would include the addition of practice facilities for the men’s and women’s teas and would have a seating capacity of 8,593.
    “Clearly, it’s a vision,” UH athletic director Mack Rhoades said. “But were committed to making it happen.”
    The vision is the result of a nearly four-month feasibility study conducted by architectural powerhouse AECOM. The study, which is not entirely complete, is approximately 500 pages and cost nearly $250,000. UH is making the commitment in light of radical re-alignment that has changed the face of the Big 12, Pac 10 and Big Ten Conferences.
    “The projects are critical, period, whether we’re talking about conference re-alignment or not,” Rhoades said. “We’ve really been focused on making ourselves better, making us a program that can compete on a national level. All of our sports programs. That’s where we’re headed. We’re a member of Conference USA right now. We’re honored to be in Conference USA. But we’re also always going to look to better ourselves. We truly believe you don’t wait for opportunity; you make opportunity.”
    A completion date of the projects, which also have the blessing of UH chancellor and president Renu Khator, is uncertain. Rhoades said the school would spend the next 12 months raising the money to finance the construction. Multiple people familiar with the project said UH has had preliminary discussions with the Texans and using Reliant Stadium as a temporary home for the football team if necessary. UH football coach Kevin Sumlin said that once he became privy to where the planning is headed, “It’s been kind of hard keeping my mouth shut.
    “It’s about a vision from the top,” Sumlin said. “What you see here is Dr. Khator and Mack Rhoades putting our university and our athletic department in the best possible position they can. Whatever happens, whatever comes out of this, what it shows is our administration, our president, all have a vision for where we want to be and have a commitment to athletics. Whatever happens, they’re going to put us in the best position to be successful, and that’s all you can ask.”
    The projected cost of a renovation of Robertson Stadium is $107 million, which prompted UH to opt for new construction. The cost of a new arena would have run $70 million.
    A major component of the funding would be naming rights. The school projects a possible $30 million in name rights for the football stadium, with another possible $55 million coming from ancillary naming rights. The school’s projections call for another possible $15 million in naming rights for the basketball arena and another $15 million in ancillary naming rights.
    “It’s a commitment to the coaches,” said former UH quarterback Ken Bailey, the chairman of the stadium fund-raising committee. “It’s a commitment to the student athletes who come to the University of Houston. It’s a commitment to our alumni. And it’s a commitment to anybody else out there in the world that the University of Houston is going to regain its glory days. We are going to get there, regardless of what the re-alignment does. We’re going to be playing at a major level and be successful at whatever we do.”




    HOUSTON - The University of Houston unveiled an ambitious and aggressive plan Thursday to give Cougars athletics state-of-the-art facilities for football and basketball.

    School officials are looking at a $160 million package that includes a new football stadium on campus and a major renovation of Hofheinz Pavilion.

    With UH's on-going feasibility study on the school's athletics facilities nearing completion, athletics director Mack Rhoades told FOX 26 Sports the study shows the school would spend $120 million on the new football stadium that would replace Robertson stadium.

    Rhoades said the study earmarks $40 million to re-do Hofheinz Pavilion.

    The feasibility study is already nearly 500 pages long at a cost of $250,000.

    It is an investment UH officials believe is a drop in the bucket when you consider the future of Cougars athletics is on the line and what it will mean in the ever-changing landscape of college sports.

    "We're making a commitment to upgrading our facilities and that's first and foremost," Rhoades said. "We think the right answer is a brand new stadium here on campus, really primarily focused on the existing site, 40,000 seats initially, phase-one. Phase-two expansion to 50,000-plus, total project cost of $120 million.

    "Because of Hofheinz generous space within, the architects really recommend rather than brand new, that we renovate that facility. That's a $40 million total project cost, but it also includes a practice facility for men's and women's basketball, also would include volleyball in terms of office suites for all three of those sports programs, sports performance, sports medicine and those are things that we are lacking at this point in time."

    The new football stadium will include amenities like luxury suites (22), loge box seats (200), and club seats (650).

    The stadium complex will have state-of-the-art locker room facilities, hall of fame, academic headquarters, and offer a majestic view of downtown Houston.

    As part of UH's extensive due diligence, school officials looked at two other sites for the football stadium.

    The additional on-campus option would be on the intramural area near Interstate 45. However, because of an existing building that would have to be moved, the cost of the project would jump by more than $46 million.

    UH officials also looked at building their football stadium at MacGregor Park, but the cost of the project would increase by $51 million.

    The feasibility study also includes discussion of renovating Robertson Stadium, but at a savings of only $13 million

    While none of the options have been eliminated, the on-campus project for a new football stadium is the school's focus.

    A renovated Hofheinz Pavilion would seat 8,593, an increase of about 500 seats, with no suites.

    It would also include premium seating that would involve floor seats (250) and loge box seats (100).

    The goal for this portion of the overall project is to greatly improve the fans' experience.

    Right now everything Rhoades and his staff are considering are concepts, with nothing etched in stone, as they wait for the final paperwork on the feasibility study.

    However, with the pot of gold at the end of rainbow expected to cost $160 million, UH has already embarked on a 12-month plan or raise the necessary funds.

    A key component of the school's fund-raising will center around naming rights for the new football stadium and the renovated Hofheinz Pavilion.

    The feasibility study indicates the naming rights for the stadium would be worth $30 million, and if the entire naming rights inventory connected to the stadium gain sponsors, the total value would be $85 million.

    Naming rights for Hofheinz Pavilion are valued at $15 million with the total value, if all of the inventory at the renovated facility is sponsored, being projected at $30 million.

    "It's a vision, but we are committed to making it happen," said Rhoades. "We have not approached final design.

    "We really are going to take the next 12 months to do everything we can to raise the appropriate money and we are excited about it. We are going to make it happen and make that commitment to the next level."

    Upgrading UH's sports facilities will help lay the foundation for the University of Houston athletics department to move into the next era of college athletics.

    "The projects are critical, period whether we are talking about conference realignment or not," Rhoades said. 'We've really been focused on making ourselves better; making ourselves a program that can compete at a national level, all of our sports programs."

    With conferences all over the country apparently on the verge of massive realignment, Rhoades said he and his staff will have taken the necessary steps to make sure UH has a seat at the table.

    "We want the best chair possible," said Rhoades. "So I think this is certainly critical in terms of positioning ourselves, no matter what happens here in the next couple days, in the next three weeks, the next six months. Every day is different and again we are proud to be members of Conference USA."
  2. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    I didn't read the whole article but I'm assuming UH watched Field of Dreams over and over again?
  3. Rocketman95

    Rocketman95 Hangout Boy

    Feb 15, 1999
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    outstanding news! and good to see you donny.
  4. JusBleezy

    JusBleezy Member

    Jul 14, 2004
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    Very interesting. As a current UH student, it sounds interesting. Fleshing out the financial side of the plan is the key and what I'm ultimately most interested in. Great timing and ideas though. Coogs!
  5. shastarocket

    shastarocket Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Sweet, now the PAC 16 can't deny us! ;)
  6. Miguel

    Miguel Member

    Feb 9, 2003
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    As a former (and future) Coog, this seems like too little too late. They dragged their feet getting to the decision, now that everything is flying all over the place, they're trying to get in on the action. I'm glad for the new stadium, but it shouldn't take Conference Musical Chairs for the decision to be made
  7. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    Wasn't this report commissioned a while ago?
  8. Dubious

    Dubious Member

    Jun 18, 2001
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    Where is the money coming from?
  9. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    They should build more on campus housing to cut down on the commuter school legend
  10. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    I said, where's the money.
  11. Miguel

    Miguel Member

    Feb 9, 2003
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    I don't think the announcement would have come this quickly. Timing is just weird I guess.

    If it helps get us into a big conf though, I'm all for it. I'm all for it anyway, but they've dragged their feet in renovating/building a new stadium for years now.
  12. DonnyMost

    DonnyMost Member
    Supporting Member

    May 18, 2003
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    10,000 beds on campus by 2012.
  13. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    I could be wrong but I thought I heard this morning that it was supposed to be released today anyway.
  14. Joshfast

    Joshfast "We're all gonna die" - Billy Sole
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2001
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    You mean like the new Cougar Village for freshman opening this fall or the brand new Calhoun Lofts for grad and professional students?

  15. oldgunrules

    oldgunrules Member

    Jul 1, 2002
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    Good question. Can't possibly be coming from the Tuition Hike , can it? :rolleyes:
  16. moestavern19

    moestavern19 Member

    Dec 8, 1999
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    You're welcome.
  17. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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  18. Malcolm

    Malcolm Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    They have the money already trust me on that and if not the Alumni can definitely afford the pay the difference. As for the tuition raising at the school every school does that.
  19. Malcolm

    Malcolm Member

    Oct 17, 2008
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    The real reason they're doing this is because they think the Big 12 might try to survive by adding teams.
    2 people like this.
  20. shastarocket

    shastarocket Member

    Jul 18, 2006
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    Is it inconceivable that since Colorado and Nebraska will/already have left that the Big 12 just may stay intact and try to add TCU and UH?

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