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Can big 3 work with the current roster?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by psingh34, Nov 28, 2013.

  1. psingh34

    psingh34 Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    There has been a lot of talk about us potentially getting love of alderidge but I am wondering if having 3 stars will work with our roster. The first big 3 would technically be the spurs duncan, parker, manu. But with those stars duncan and parker kinda flip flopped when it came to being in their prime so it was not a problem determining who would be the go to number 1 option would be. In addition manu has been content with being the 3 come of the bench guy. All of that is encompassed by the fact that their coach is much better than ours.

    Celtics would be the second team and while garnet and pierce were similar in superstar status, ray allen was clearly a borderline all star at best and also someone who made a career out of not needing the ball in his hands. Garnet was also so hungry to get a ring that he was ready to make sacrifices.

    heat obv is the most recent big 3 and they did not start taking off until it was determined that lebron was the clear number 1 and bosh has always been the distant 3rd option.

    if we got love or aldridge we would have 3 stars who prob view themselves as being as good if not better than the other 2 stars. There is not one player head and shoulder above the others like lebron, they would also be in different stages of their career or have strong leadership/system like SA and they would not have a 3rd player willing to sacrifice their role big time in order make it work.

    all 3 players would want the ball and there are not enough possessions to go around especially with the rockets current line up.. there would also be a conflict as to how they would play. They would have to decide between being last years running up and down team vs high low post up team vs pick and roll team, in either case one of the stars would not be involved heavily in the game plan. PnR would prob work best with harden and howard as the main people with love/alridge being the other player on that side.


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