So I guess if we lost the coin flip with the spers then WE would have had the winning number come up!?
French dude who played for Tony Parker and Boris Diaw’s teams ends up on the Spurs. SHOCKER…real ****ing shocker.
I told folks we should have tanked for the 2nd worst record but nah bottom 3 shares the same odds. That could have been us with wemby right now.
Technically, picking 6th was the worst possible result for us. The worst possible result happened to the Pistons dropping from #1 to #5.
We tanked 3 years for a ceiling of 2nd round exit. smh Stone needs to trade up for Scoot at least. Portland and Hornets don't need another PG.
Don't forget Sengun was the MVP at a younger age of a much tougher league Wemby plays in now @AroundTheWorld
Why the Spurs? NBA rewarding Pop for his service. I blame owner for trying to buy Washington Commanders. I want to see lottery balls not hidden bs.
I knew it hope you didn't bother watching