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Alperen Sengun is the Rockets' REAL franchise player - all other threads are copycats

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by AroundTheWorld, Jan 17, 2023.

  1. AroundTheWorld

    AroundTheWorld Insufferable 98er
    Supporting Member

    Feb 3, 2000
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  2. Kevooooo

    Kevooooo Member

    Jul 18, 2014
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    When did the nuggets commit to running through Jokic?
  3. harold bingo

    harold bingo Udoka Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    May 16, 2017
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    I think you're focused too much on the "not starting" part. It's more about the ways in which he was diminished, the role he was asked to play, the things he was not "allowed" to do, the way he was treated. This isn't about two games where Bruno started over him, it's about two full years. And lastly, Alp is a good solider, what do you expect him to say when asked about that? Say that his coach is wrong and he deserves to be starting and have more minutes?
    slothy420, BamBam, joshuaao and 7 others like this.
  4. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    First of all Alpi was just a rookie right and Silas had him for only the first 2 yrs. What things was Alpi not allowed to do? After CWood got traded as you said Bruno got injured and Alpi played the most minutes of anyone who isn't named Jalen Green. He already played a lot of mins as a rookie at 20 mins a game and his second year he was already playing 30 mins a game. You act like Silas was treating as a victory cigar when he was the starting center apart from the first game?


    This year Sengun is clearly the focal point and he is getting 13 attempts. Last year when you claim he was getting maltreated by Silas he got 10 attempts. And his rookie year he got 7. So 7, 10, 13 fga and 20, 28, 30 mpg...where exactly is he getting diminished? Seems like the logical progression from 18 yr old rookie to 21 yr old player to me. He got 28 mins last and 30 mins this year so 2 mins means he should cry and blame his coach? That's just ridiculous.

    Finally so you know Sengun is a good soldier and that is how good soldiers are supposed to act. So don't be a cancer and be a good soldier, it's that simple. Whats the point of getting mad on Sengun's behalf? You think he will be happy randos are getting mad at something he doesn't care about? Would he even appreciate? Or would he be annoyed you are creating more drama when he doesn't give a rats ass about it? Oh wow Bruno started one game and he got played 2 minutes less last year. Gimme a break dude.
  5. AlperenSengun

    AlperenSengun Member

    Oct 12, 2021
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    And have you seen how Jabari played through his first 40 games? Did you hear negative comments about him? Was he replaced by Tari at any point? Trying to rationalize Silas’s actions based on general principles doesn’t make sense, it is 100 times worse when you compare how he treated others vs Sengun.
    cmoak1982 likes this.
  6. Sengun

    Sengun Member

    Jul 30, 2021
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    You are aware of everything what @harold bingo wants to say, but you pretend not to understand.

    Even when Sengun drafted, he was the most ready rookie on the team, yet he was not played enough and was immediately taken out of the game when he made a mistake. On the other hand, Green remained on the court no matter what, which was the way it should be because the Rockets were tanking and you do that by playing your young players, not by playing Wood, Fernando, Theis and Eric Gordon.

    The same thing continued in the second year, and this time Jabari continued to stay on the court no matter what, while Sengun again played in limited minutes and was the first person to be bench off when he made a mistake. Although he is much better than Jabari. I can't forget one time when Jabari yelled at him for a positioning mistake and Silas immediately took him to the bench.

    Silas is a terrible coach, a terrible person, a terrible character. The fact that he's now the lead assistant in Detroit and Detroit's situation sums it all up. Another his assistant is busy embarrassing Utah, and you can look at Utah on the standing table, too.
    AlperenSengun likes this.
  7. Sengun

    Sengun Member

    Jul 30, 2021
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    I noticed this during the game last night, but I wasn't available to post. It's nice to see someone else taking notice and everyone should watch it.

    Sengun is at a different level not only in terms of talent but also in terms of BBIQ. He is a "floor general" on the court, not only for himself but for everyone around him.

  8. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    First of all Sengun and Jabari aren't draft mates you realize that right? There was no one to replace Green while there was Christian Wood to replace Sengun. Once Wood got traded Sengun got lion share of mins same as Green and Jabari.

    Secondly if Sengun always played limited minutes why he averaged 28 mins last year? Jabari who you said stayed on the court no matter what averaged 31 mins. So 3 mins is the difference between coach pet and discriminated player?

    Finally why are you basing Silas character just based on his coaching decisions? You don't even know the man.
    34to11 likes this.
  9. Sengun

    Sengun Member

    Jul 30, 2021
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    I believe Silas is such a bad person not because of his coaching decisions, but because of the bullying he subjected a 19-20 year old kid to as you can see in this video.

    Every saying Ime makes about Sengun reveals the difference in coaching and character between Silas and Ime. You can't ignore the fact that Silas cares more about Sengun's negative aspects than his positive deeds and constantly talks about them after every game.

    He was getting very limited playing time at the beginning of last year, and I'm sure he averaged 28 minutes after the All-Star break, after Silas couldn't stand the pressure and increased his playing time. This was not something Silas did on purpose because it was a result of the pressure from the fans and all the people that Sengun should play more.
    cryout75 and AroundTheWorld like this.
  10. 34to11

    34to11 Member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    Another interesting +/- output this game.

    Jalen Green (despite shooting an abysmal 1/13)
    Fred VanVleet
    Jabari Smith
    Alperen Sengun
    Dillon Brooks
    ... Green with the only positive at +10

    Jeff Green
    Tari Eason
    Aaron Holiday
    Jae'Sean Tate
    Jock Landale
    ...with Landale being the only negative (-4) from the reserves.

    What stood out to me was how Jalen Green was still such as outsized positive despite missing 12 of his 13 shots.
    The answer apparently is on the defensive end where Jalen and Jabari led all starters and Jeff Green led the bench in defensive rating.

    The most outstanding stat though was Jock Landale with a defensive rating of 225 and a net rating of -125 :eek:
    Like how can you be that bad in less that 3 minutes PT? Especially as a 7 footer supposedly known for your defense.

    Once again I say the center rotation is going to have to be addressed by the trade deadline because I don't think anyone should feel comfortable with 37 year old 6'8" Jeff Green having to play significant minutes as your backup center.
    joshuaao likes this.
  11. conquistador#11

    Jun 30, 2006
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    Mano a mano. Eerie similar vs each other.
    23 pts for Alpi (all on Jokic) vs 25 for Jokic on Alpi (2 on Brooks/ 10 on Landale)
    Would have been closer if Sengun doesn't step on the 3pt line..AGAIn.
    "I love him like he is my son." - Tari's hot mom-

    joshuaao, cryout75, Amiga and 2 others like this.
  12. HardenReturns

    HardenReturns Member

    Feb 5, 2023
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    Then I guess Ginobili has been the only real winner in the NBA. You tell a legit starter you'll bench him and the most positive outcome is a bloody, bloody fight.

    Sengun saying he was OK with getting benched only speaks for his character. He has never complained about his role, the team, the system or the coach. Props to my man!
    BamBam and conquistador#11 like this.
  13. harold bingo

    harold bingo Udoka Only Fan
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    May 16, 2017
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    It's not just about fga per game, it's about running the offense through him. There's a reason his assists have nearly doubled, it's because he is allowed to play the role as the hub. Ime immediately recognized his ability in that area and that's how he's being used, compared to Silas who would bench Alp for turning the ball over and refused to use him like that. He's also allowed to take jump shots now, and doesn't get benched for missing a shot. It's also not just about offense but the defense as well. Ime has put him in a position to succeed and he's doing it, the team is doing it. Silas had the fanbase believing that it's actually not possible to have a good defense with Sengun on the floor, and we can see now that this is 100% false.

    If you wanna talk about minutes, it's because of blowouts, the starters sit out for the whole fourth quarter when the team is winning by 30. If you remove blowouts he's averaging over 35 mpg. That's a big difference.

    I don't care what Sengun thinks about me, I'm not getting mad on his behalf for his benefit. I'm mad about it as a fan and it ends there. I don't need him to appreciate it or expect him to appreciate it. This isn't about somehow getting the information to him, or simping for him, he'll never know what I think and I don't care. He'll never even know I exist. This is just how I've assessed the situation as a fan and what I think about Silas. It's just posts on a message board.

    I don't mean to be rude but if you can't see the night and day difference between how he's used and how he's treated with your eyes then I don't know what to tell you. I don't need to get into a debate where we exchange statistics and try to analyze whether or not it's a significant change between this year and the Silas years. To me it's clear as day that he's being used way differently and treated way differently than he was last year, and if you don't agree, we can just leave it there.
    joshuaao, ElPigto, plegus and 7 others like this.
  14. HardenReturns

    HardenReturns Member

    Feb 5, 2023
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    Sengun has a responsibility; he can't speak out against anything and anyone team related.
    Would you please tell us what our responsibility is towards the obstinately stupid bullsh*t you are spewing?
    Who the h3ll are you??
  15. ArtV

    ArtV Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    Playing under Silas HAD to be killing him. That’s the kind of boss that has you looking for a new job…even if it includes a pay cut.
    BamBam, cryout75 and harold bingo like this.
  16. NewAge

    NewAge Member

    Aug 4, 2013
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    Jalen did good things, but the +/- for this game is solely based on who spent more minutes against DEN bench. This was where the differential came from, DEN bench struggled mighty.
    +/- for a single game is not very informative, since the other variables affect it a lot. Over longer periods you’d expect the other variables to average out, so over a season I’d trust it a lot more…
  17. rimrocker

    rimrocker Member

    Dec 22, 1999
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    Defending Silas is a hell of a hill to die on, but OK man, you do you.
  18. AlperenSengun

    AlperenSengun Member

    Oct 12, 2021
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    Green is not +10 because he played much better defense than others. It is because Denver is a team with an all time great offense with the starting 5 and a much less capable 2nd unit, especially when murray is out. Green happened to play against the second unit, that's why he has his +10, Here is the lineup that gives him +11 in 6 minutes.

    J. Green - A. Holiday - J. Green - J. Tate - T. Eason HOU 1 6.0 15.0 6.0 12.0 50.0 2.0 4.0 50.0 1.0 2.0 50.0 2.0 6.0 8.0 2.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 11.0

    The starting 5 of denver prior to yesterday's game had a +45.5 net rating in 76 minutes:

    R. Jackson - K. Caldwell-Pope - A. Gordon - N. Jokic - M. Porter Jr. DEN 9 76 128.3 82.8 45.5

    Last night:

    R. Jackson - K. Caldwell-Pope - A. Gordon - N. Jokic - M. Porter Jr. DEN 1 21 110.9 104.5 6.3

    A net rating of 6.3. The starters did an incredible job of holding the first unit of Denver, and the 2nd unit hit the dagger.

    Ratings are, as the name suggests, rates so a bad performance in 3 minutes, reflects to a terrible rating.The only way you can score such bad ratings is in small amounts of time. If you had ratings like that for longer periods of time, you or your coach wouldn't be in the nba.
    1 other person and NewAge like this.
  19. Sengun

    Sengun Member

    Jul 30, 2021
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  20. 34to11

    34to11 Member

    Apr 18, 2008
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    I put zero stock in single game +/- as it is not an individual stat nor singularly purposeful.
    I just find it interesting whenever there is a sole player with a + or - in their lineup.
    Also I'm encouraged whenever I see the bench with an overall plus because this bench has had its not-so-proud moments this year.
    harold bingo and cmoak1982 like this.

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