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Alperen Sengun is the Rockets' franchise player

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by AroundTheWorld, Jan 17, 2023.

  1. Strawberry Gum

    Dec 20, 2023
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    I believe you think this way because you're from Europe. I know that in Europe professional sports are much more team-based and coaches are more powerful. That's not how it works in NBA. Here player is the king. I'm not saying that's how it should work, just saying that it simply works like this. People in a system should behave the way the system expects from you.

    Contracts haven't kicked but still, signed deals exist. It's a whole status shift.
    HardenReturns likes this.
  2. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    That's a terrible cop-out, for reference, my father (who was my coach in numerous sports) is from Houston. I was raised by an American, half my family is American. None of them would cosign that bullshit you just wrote.
  3. Strawberry Gum

    Dec 20, 2023
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    It is what it is. I'm not giving you my personal opinion. Just telling how the NBA works. And it's different with professional level and non-professional level. There is not a brand when you are not a professional. No franchise.
  4. harold bingo

    harold bingo Member
    Supporting Member

    May 16, 2017
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    What do you think is an appropriate contract to pay someone that you expect to bench in half your games? A guy who you don’t want closing any game that’s close? A guy who you need to bench because he’s got a bad attitude and is sulking on the bench, and you don’t trust him to give max effort?
    HardenReturns likes this.
  5. Richard Barrow

    May 26, 2024
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    Glad everyone stands for Ime Udoka. Thank you folks
    dawesome likes this.
  6. clos4life

    clos4life Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Forgot to log back into main account again? Lol, dim AND incompetent.
  7. Downtown Sniper

    Oct 9, 2007
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    I skipped forward after being down 20 towards the end - saw the last few minutes of regular time and OT.

    The end of regular time Sengun was sitting there not cheering on his teammates when the rest of the bench was.

    I call a spade a spade. I hate seeing players do that. Being a good teammate is everything. Whilst I understand Sengun's frustration because coach is looking very much like he's singling out a certain player and putting a whole lot of unwarranted blame on them, I still hate seeing this and was not impressed by it.

    I missed most of the second half and the closing of the first half, so I figured Sengun must've been horrid and that's why he's benched. So then I checked the box score and saw Jalen had the Jalen of old type game. Yet he was still finishing the game.

    People whinge about Sengun's defense. Yet it was (as always when he's out) bucket after bucket after bucket in the key down the stretch to win the Warriors the game. Yawn.

    Chalk another L up to coach Udoka so far in the early season. The more games that are played the more it's looking increasingly obvious Boston knew exactly what they were doing kicking him to the curb without giving it a second thought. He has severe flaws as a head coach. Said it in another thread. Only real bad coaches can alienate their star player six games into a season. That's frightening.
  8. Germanturk

    Germanturk Member

    Nov 15, 2021
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    Sorry but you cannot punish a player like Alpi after one mistake. Trying to make an assist turns into a turnover and he get benched. Udoka is not fair! He is destroying the Unit on the team. If they dont talk with Udoka he will destroy the season.
    Jalen is a talented player but he is not the player right now, who can constancy win you games. After a few bad games from Alpi you cant treat him like this.
    HardenReturns likes this.
  9. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    Whatever they're worth, your pay doesn't excuse you from being coached, that's just a ridiculous notion. I take it you never played sports either?
  10. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    That's actually hilarious, you're terrible at this lmao.
  11. invocux

    invocux Member

    Oct 21, 2022
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    I didn't mind him not closing the game because we were doing good but sitting him in those quarters and not giving him any minute in OT is wild. Also Jalen had no business playing in OT and 4th quarter he was horrendous. Ime's been disgusting this season so far. He almost doesn't even deserve F.
    HardenReturns likes this.
  12. Chayvan

    Chayvan Member

    Jan 17, 2023
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    I am a SOF first of all. However i do not like what i see from him. He has always been a team first person. He was an absolute beast on the offensive boards and was an assist machine. After summer break he shifted his priority to be an all star. Thats not the Alpi i want to see.
    Thats being said, Ime has been horrendous so fR
    Crashlanded19 likes this.
  13. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    I agree but I also second the opinion that this should be done in the offseason rather during the season.

    The Rockets are pretenders anyway so might just let this season run its course (up and down).

  14. O-dawg

    O-dawg Member
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    Aug 4, 1999
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    I watched the whole game and didn't realize this until the question was asked of Coach Udoka during the post-game interview. Udoka also stated that he wasn't aware that Alpi left. That tells me that his leaving wasn't to get early treatment for an injury because surely the training staff would have made the coach aware of that (either during the game or at the half).

    Alpi leaving early is not a good look. Period. Again, I'm not sure what is going on behind the scenes and not knowing is what has led me to question the coaching staff regarding Alpi's minutes and utilization but I'm far from ready to give up on a Coach and staff that took us from 22 to 41 wins. Going from an absolute bottom dweller to a .500 ball club in one year is not an easy task (ask Portland).
  15. Dobbizzle

    Dobbizzle Member

    Feb 1, 2021
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    I'm not sure I believe that Udoka wasn't aware in all honesty, came across like a deflection to me. Regardless of what the people in the thread who've blatantly never played any kind of organised sports think, there's no way a coach like Udoka is going to ignore a player leaving the bench mid-game and then sulking with horrific body language just because they didn't get their own way. It's not Harden under Morey or LeBron, tough coaches hold players accountable. I really hope it doesn't develop further and cause real issues, as much as I'd love for all of his onlyfans who blatantly don't give a **** about the Rockets to **** off, I'd hate to lose Alpi himself.
    O-dawg likes this.
  16. harold bingo

    harold bingo Member
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    May 16, 2017
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    Lol yes I played sports, what does this have to do with being coached? There are guys that don’t have these problems. These are all things that drastically reduce a players value, and that’s my point. If he’s a talented player with an attitude problem that regularly has to be put in timeout because he’s pouting, and he also can’t play down the stretch in close games, then he’s massively overpaid.
    HardenReturns likes this.
  17. clos4life

    clos4life Member

    Dec 20, 2007
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    Yeah, Ime is starting to look bad.
    HardenReturns and AroundTheWorld like this.
  18. Deadend

    Deadend Member

    Oct 27, 2024
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    Hot take alert.

    I'm about to be convinced that Sengun will be traded. The mismatch with the coach is undeniable. The dude can't deliver what Ime expects of him. The center he wants doesn't cost $185M either.

    Also convinced that Ime won't be here on Phase 3. If he's here, there won't be a Phase 3.
    HardenReturns likes this.
  19. Hemingway

    Hemingway Member
    Supporting Member

    Oct 15, 2016
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    Trading Sengun for anything less than Jokic or Giannis would be a brain dead move. Guys calling for his trade after a few sub-par games are the same ones that forgave Jalen for 3 years worth of sub-par games. Real Rocket fans (with basketball acumen) have always wanted both to succeed and are thrilled that Jalen has seemed to turn a corner. I am curious on the ability of the Rockets to trade Sengun and Green given their extensions. When are they eligible for trades?
  20. Deadend

    Deadend Member

    Oct 27, 2024
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    Just to be sure - I'm not calling out for a trade here. Want all part of the engines to working just great.

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